HEALTH CARE FOR RETIREES. SECTION 1 CITY agrees to provide, at the CITY’S cost, health care coverage for those employees and their dependents who retire on or after January 1, 1979. Said health insurance coverage is to be substantially the same as that currently provided for employees and their dependents, as more specifically provided for in Appendix "C" hereof. It is expressly understood and agreed to by the parties that the health care benefit provided herein is to be an obligation of the CITY only with respect to those employees who obtain a normal service retirement and their dependents. Additionally, the benefit provided herein is confined to those employees who have reached minimum retirement age and no greater than 65 years of age. Said health care benefit shall be applicable only as long as the retired employee shall survive, and in no event shall the CITY be obligated to continue premium payments after the death of the employee for the benefit of surviving spouse or children. SECTION 2 Any employee who retires on a service connected disability pension shall be eligible for health care coverage substantially the same as provided to the employee and dependent coverage as in Appendix "C" hereof. This coverage shall cease upon the retiree's 65th birthday, or whatever age of entitlement to Medicare as set by Federal Law, whichever event comes later. In the event the retired employee does not qualify for Medicare, the health insurance coverage provided herein shall cease upon the employee's 65th birthday. SECTION 3 Any employee who retires on a non?service connected disability pension who has reached the minimum retirement age and twenty-five (25) years of service shall be eligible for health care coverage substantially the same as provided to the employee and dependent coverage as in Appendix "C" hereof. SECTION 4 It is further understood by and between the parties that the above referenced health care coverage shall cease on the first day of the month in which the employee turns 65 years of age or dies, whichever is earlier. SECTION 5 For those employees who have not reached 50 years of age but have reached 47 years of age and have 20 years of service credit or more, the following bridge/gap insurance option is allowed if the employee leaves employment and defers his retirement: The employee may elect to continue his health care coverage in effect at the time he leaves CITY employment. In order to do so he must pay to the CITY, on a monthly basis, the COBRA premium. This paym...
HEALTH CARE FOR RETIREES. 1. For employees hired prior to July 1, 2006, upon regular retirement, early retirement, or disability retirement, the City will pay for health insurance as described in Article 26.1.a. above (less optical) at the rate of 4% per complete year of credited service (effective 7/1/14, 3% per each future year of service), to a maximum of 90%. Current employees who, as of 7/1/14, would be eligible for 90% or more shall not have this amount reduced as a result of this paragraph. Coverage is for 2-person coverage for retiree and spouse (or dependent child) at the time of retirement, provided that the retiree shall apply for Medicare or its equivalent when eligible, and the Employer shall then provide supplemental insurance benefits. However, in the case of a duty disability retirant, the computation shall be not less than the amount it would be if the member had 10 years of credited service. A retiree may pay, at his/her own option and expense, the difference between a two-person and family rate. Employees who participate in the Defined Contribution Pension Plan must meet the age and service requirements specified in the retirement ordinance in order to be eligible for paid retiree health insurance. 2. Employees hired on or after July 1, 2006 shall participate in the Retirement Health Savings (RHS) plan to fund for the cost of health care in retirement. (a) Contribution rates: Employee: 2% Employer: 4% (b) Vesting Schedule for Employer Contributions: Employees shall be 50% vested in three years, 75% vested at four years and 100% vested at five years.
HEALTH CARE FOR RETIREES. The Employer agrees to provide Health Care Coverage as provided for bargaining unit members, excluding maternity coverage, to all retirees who retire after the execution of this Agreement, which benefits shall be conditioned as follows: 1. The retiree must meet the minimum age and service requirements for "regular" retirement. 2. An employee who retires, meeting the above requirements but having service time of less than twenty-five (25)years, may elect to receive this coverage with premiums to be funded as follows: Years of Service Paid by Employer Paid by Retiree 10-14 years 25% 75% 15-19 years 50% 50% 20-24 years. 75% 25% 25-more years 100% 0% Payment must he made to the Township twenty (20) days in advance of the month of applicable coverage. This coverage must be elected by the employee prior to the time of retirement and its continuation is voluntary by the retiree. Coverage must be maintained on a continuous basis except as provided in #5 below. A retiree who fails to make necessary premium payments timely may be disqualified for future coverage hereunder by the Township Board of Trustees. 3. Employees who retire under a deferred vested pension or disability retirement, for other than a work related injury (recognized Worker's Compensation case), will not be eligible for this benefit. Employees who are approved and remain on a job related disability by MERS will receive all benefits of this Agreement but do not need to meet the age requirement for regular retirement as outlined in #1 above. This coverage will provide for the retiree and his/her spouse, if the spouse does not have hospital and medical coverage provided elsewhere. If the spouse is covered elsewhere, but such other coverage terminates, without option to the spouse, the Township will add the spouse to the retiree’s policy attempting to provide continuous coverage. 4. Retirees and spouses participating in this program, upon reaching Medicare eligibility, must enroll in Medicare Parts A and B in order to be eligible for this benefit. Blue Cross/Blue Shield traditional coverage is the only plan available to retirees upon reaching, Medicare eligibility. The Township agrees to offer PPO or HMO coverage to such retirees when and if such plans become available. Retiree health insurance benefits will be provided to a retiree's spouse after the retiree's death. To be eligible for this benefit, the surviving spouse must have been the spouse of record at the time that the employee retired on a reg...
HEALTH CARE FOR RETIREES. 9.1 The Employer agrees to provide Health Care Coverage as provided for bargaining unit members, excluding maternity coverage, to all retirees who retire after the execution of this Agreement, which benefits shall be conditioned as follows: 1. The retiree must meet the minimum age and service requirements for “regular” retirement. For example, a minimum of age sixty (60) with ten (10) years of service or age fifty-five (55) with thirty
HEALTH CARE FOR RETIREES. 4.1 The Employer agrees to provide Health Care Coverage as provided for bargaining unit members, excluding maternity coverage, to all retirees who retire after the execution of this Agreement, which benefits shall be conditioned as follows: A. The retiree must meet the minimum age and service requirements for “regular” retirement. For example, a minimum of age sixty (60) with ten (10) years of service or age fifty-five (55) with twenty-five (25) years of service. B. An employee who retires, meeting the above requirements but having service time of less than twenty-five (25) years, may elect to receive this coverage with the premium to be funded as follows:
HEALTH CARE FOR RETIREES. The Employer shall provide each employee with health care coverage similar or equal to Community Blue 10 (Suffix 681/0020) to all retirees who were hired by the Township prior to April 1, 2010 and retire after the execution of this Agreement, hereafter referred to as the Defined Benefit Plan (DBP). The DBP benefits shall be conditioned as follows: 1. The retiree must meet the minimum age and service requirements for “regular” retirement. For example, a minimum of age sixty (60) with ten
HEALTH CARE FOR RETIREES. 1. For employees hired prior to July 1, 2006, upon regular retirement, early retirement, or disability retirement, the City will pay for medical and hospitalization insurance as described in Article 26.1. a. above (less optical) at the rate of 4% per complete year of credited service (maximum 100%) for 2-person coverage for retiree and spouse (or dependent child) at the time of retirement, provided that the retired employee or spouse is drawing benefits or a pension pursuant to the City of Xxxx Retirement Ordinance, and provided also that the retiree shall apply for Medicare or its equivalent when eligible, and the Employer shall then provide supplemental insurance benefits. However, in the case of a duty disability retirant, the computation shall be not less than the amount it would be if the member had 10 years of credited service. A retiree may pay, at his/her own option and expense, the difference between a two-person and family rate. Employees who participate in the Defined Contribution Pension Plan must meet the age and service requirements specified in the retirement ordinance in order to be eligible for paid retiree health insurance. 2. Employees hired on or after July 1, 2006 shall participate in the Retirement Health Savings (RHS) plan to fund for the cost of health care in retirement. (a) Contribution rates: Employee: 2% Employer: 4% (b) Vesting Schedule for Employer Contributions: Employees shall be 50% vested in three years, 75% vested at four years and 100% vested at five years.


  • HEALTH CARE PLANS ‌ Notwithstanding the references to the Pacific Blue Cross Plans in this article, the parties agree that Employers, who are not currently providing benefits under the Pacific Blue Cross Plans may continue to provide the benefits through another carrier providing that the overall level of benefits is comparable to the level of benefits under the Pacific Blue Cross Plans.

  • Health Care Benefits A. Each regular, full-time employee may elect coverage for himself and his eligible dependents* under one of the following health insurance plans: 1. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan Flexible Blue 3 with Flexible Blue Rx Prescription Drug Coverage with a Health Savings Account (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “H.S.A Plan”). The Employer shall pay for the illustrated premium cost of this coverage and make an annual contribution to each participating employee’s Health Savings Account in the amount of $500 for those selecting single coverage and $1,000 for those selecting Employee & Spouse, Employee Child(ren) or Family coverage, or the maximum annual amount the Employer is permitted to pay under Section 3 of the Publicly Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act, Public Act 152 of the Michigan Public Acts of 2011, whichever results in the lesser Employer contribution to the cost of such plan. Employees may, at their option, make additional contributions through bi-weekly pre-tax payroll deduction as permitted by applicable law. 2. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan Community Blue PPO Option 3 Revised Plan with Blue Preferred Rx Prescription Drug Coverage with a 50% co-pay ($5 floor and a $50 ceiling). Employees shall pay the difference between the illustrated premium cost of this coverage and the amount of the Employer’s total contribution towards the cost of coverage under the H.S.A. Plan as described in Section 1 (a) (1), for the same level of benefit (i.e. single, employee/spouse, employee/child(ren) and family), or pay the difference between the total cost of such coverage and the maximum annual amount the Employer is permitted to pay under Section 3 of the Publicly Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act, Public Act 152 of the Michigan Public Acts of 2011, whichever results in the greater employee contribution. 3. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan Community Blue PPO Option 6 Revised Plan with Blue Preferred Rx Prescription Drug Coverage with a 50% co-pay ($5 floor and a $50 ceiling). Employees shall pay the difference between the illustrated premium cost of this coverage and the amount of the Employer’s total contribution towards the cost of coverage under the H.S.A. Plan as described in Section 1 (a) (1), for the same level of benefit (i.e. single, employee/spouse, employee/child(ren) and family), or pay the difference between the total cost of such coverage and the maximum annual amount the Employer is permitted to pay under Section 3 of the Publicly Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act, Public Act 152 of the Michigan Public Acts of 2011, whichever results in the greater employee contribution. (a) All coverage under any of the foregoing plans shall be subject to such terms, conditions, exclusions, limitations, deductibles, co-payments premium cost-sharing, and other provisions of the plans. Coverage shall commence on the employee’s ninetieth (90th) day of continuous employment. The employee’s contribution to the cost of such coverage shall be payable on a bi-weekly basis through automatic payroll deduction. (b) To qualify for health care benefits as above described each employee must individually enroll and make proper application for such benefits at the Human Resources Department upon the commencement of his regular employment with the Employer. (c) Except as otherwise provided under the Family and Medical Leave Act, when on an authorized unpaid leave of absence of more than two weeks, the employee will be responsible for paying all his benefit costs for the period he is not on the active payroll. Proper application and arrangements for the payment of such continued benefits must be made at the Human Resources Department prior to the commencement of the leave. If such application and arrangements are not made as herein described, the employee's health care benefits shall automatically terminate upon the effective date of the unpaid leave of absence. (d) Except as otherwise provided under this Agreement and/or under COBRA, an employee's health care benefits shall terminate on the date the employee goes on a leave of absence for more than two weeks, terminates, retires or is laid off. Upon return from a leave of absence or layoff, an employee's health care benefits coverage shall be reinstated commencing with the employee's return. (e) An employee who is on layoff or leave of absence for more than two weeks or who terminates may elect under COBRA to continue the coverage herein provided at his own expense. (f) The Employer reserves the right to change a carrier(s), a plan(s), and/or the manner in which it provides the above benefits, provided that the benefits and conditions are equal to or better than the benefits and conditions outlined above. (g) To be eligible for health care benefits as provided above, an employee must document all coverage available to him under his spouse's medical plan and cooperate in the coordination of coverage to limit the Employer's expense. If an employee’s spouse or eligible dependent children work for an employer who provides medical coverage, they are required to elect medical coverage with their employer, so long as the spouse’s or monthly contribution to the premium does not exceed 20% of the total premium cost of said coverage. The Monroe County Plan shall provide secondary coverage. (h) Each employee is responsible for notifying the Human Resources Department of any change in his status, which might affect his insurance coverage or benefits, such as, marriage, divorce, births, adoptions, deaths, etc.

  • Public Employees Retirement System “PERS”) Members.

  • Disability Retirement If, as a result of your incapacity due to physical or mental illness, You shall have been absent from the full-time performance of your duties with the Company for 6 consecutive months, and within 30 days after written notice of termination is given You shall not have returned to the full-time performance of your duties, your employment may be terminated for "Disability." Termination of your employment by the Company or You due to your "Retirement" shall mean termination in accordance with the Company's retirement policy, including early retirement, generally applicable to its salaried employees or in accordance with any retirement arrangement established with your consent with respect to You.

  • Health Care Spending Account After six (6) months of permanent employment, full time and part time (20/40 or greater) employees may elect to participate in a Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) Program designed to qualify for tax savings under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, but such savings are not guaranteed. The HCSA Program allows employees to set aside a predetermined amount of money from their pay, not to exceed the maximum amount authorized by federal law, per calendar year, of before tax dollars, for health care expenses not reimbursed by any other health benefit plans. HCSA dollars may be expended on any eligible medical expenses allowed by Internal Revenue Code Section 125. Any unused balance is forfeited and cannot be recovered by the employee.

  • Family Care and Medical Leave An unpaid Family Care and Medical Leave shall be granted, to the extent of and subject to the restrictions as set forth below, to an employee who has been employed for at least twelve (12) months and who has served for 130 workdays during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the effective date of the leave. For purposes of this Section, furlough days and days worked during off-basis time shall count as "workdays". Family Care and Medical Leave absences of twenty (20) consecutive working days or less can be granted by the immediate administrator or designee. Leaves of twenty (20) or more consecutive working days can be granted only by submission of a formal leave application to the Personnel Commission.