Hiring Practice. The following language shall be incorporated into every local occasional teacher collective agreement: Occasional Teachers (OTs) play a critical role in the educational achievement of Ontario`s students and Ontario’s new teachers are increasingly relying on occasional teaching assignments as their introduction to the teaching profession. The OT role is challenging and builds experience which should be recognized by Boards in the hiring for Long Term Occasional (LTO) and/or permanent positions. It is critical that the process to gain such positions be fair and transparent.
Hiring Practice. In hiring new production and maintenance employees it will be our practice to give serious consideration to the employment applications of qualified persons who have lost their seniority by reason of layoffs at plants of the Company.
Hiring Practice. 5.01 In the event that the Company engages new employees, it is agreed that these new employees will be required to sign a dues authorization card at the time of hiring. The Company shall promptly notify the Department Xxxxxxx and the Union Secretary when a new employee is engaged for that Department.
Hiring Practice. Only one person from a family shall be initially or subsequently employed as a permanent employee by the City in the same department or division so that they would be working in close proximity on a regular day-to-day basis. For this purpose, a member of a family is defined as a parent, sibling, spouse, and child. The word “spouse” shall include civil partners.
Hiring Practice. The Employer and the Union agree that where an Employee has the necessary qualifications and/or has proven their ability to handle the work, there shall be no discrimination in hiring, promoting or paying any Employee. In particular, there shall be no discrimination because of the race, creed, religion, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, marital status, disability, nationality, ancestry or place of origin of that person or class of persons or of any other person or class of persons or the receipt of public assistance by any person or any class of persons.
Hiring Practice. Only one person from a family shall be employed as a permanent employee by the City in the same department or in any City employment so that they would be working in close proximity on a regular day-to-day basis. For this purpose, a member of a family is defined as a parent, step- parent, parent-in-law, sibling, child, step-child, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, natural grandparent, grandchild or spouse. The word “spouse” shall include a civil partner, and all “in-law” categories shall include equivalent relationships affected by means of a civil union.
Hiring Practice. Spoon River College’s objective is to hire the most competent and best qualified faculty available, within the College's fiscal means. Likewise, in certain vocational and technical fields where adequate experience might be of prime importance, the level of formal education acceptable for employment might be less than the baccalaureate degree or its equivalent. In all cases, competency in the areas of responsibility and the ability to create effective learning situations will constitute the major qualifications sought in faculty. Conditions of the salary and fringe benefits are referenced in the Salary and Fringe Benefits Section of this agreement.
Hiring Practice. The Employer and the Union agree that where an Employee has the necessary qualifications and/or has proven their ability to handle the work, there shall be no discrimination in hiring, promoting or paying any Employee. In particular, there shall be no discrimination because of sex, race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, physical or mental disadvantages, age, marital status, or ethnic origin.
Hiring Practice. 5.01 The Union will forward to the Company at regular monthly intervals a list of unemployed members. The Company agrees to give preference in hiring to such unemployed members, having the required qualifications, who have previously worked for the Company, or in a brewery, in the same locality in which the Company operates, with the exception of those whose previous employment was unsatisfactory.
5.02 In the event that the Company engages new employees not already on the list of unemployed members, it is agreed that these new employees will be required to sign a dues authorization card at the time of hiring. The Company shall promptly notify the Xxxxxxx and the Union Secretary when a new employee is engaged.
Hiring Practice. The Corporate Group will notify the Union in the event additional or replacement Warehousemen are to be hired. If there are no unemployed members of the Union who have previously worked for the Corporate Group who are available for recall, the Corporate Group shall recruit such new employees who shall secure a work clearance from the Union before commencing work. Recall shall be on the basis of seniority. In the event there are no unemployed members of the Union available for recall as per above, the Corporate Group may hire a Warehouseman, who shall secure a work clearance from the Union and pay dues. There will be a probationary period of ninety (90) days before seniority is established. In the case of curtailment of work necessitating a layoff of Warehousemen, seniority within the classification shall be the governing factor except that part-time employees shall be laid off before full-time employees who have established seniority.