Intellectual Property and Publication Sample Clauses
Intellectual Property and Publication. 1. Based on this agreement, during or after the internship, in the event the intern is involved with the creation of patent applicable inventions, Utility Model Rights applicable ideas, Design Right applicable creations, Breeder’s Right applicable species cultivation, copyright applicable program or database or Circuitry Layout‐design exploitation right applicable circuitry design (hereinafter collectively referred to as “invention(s)”), by principle the rights regarding the inventions shall all belong to JAXA. However, the intern may make a report to state the said invention(s) was done by him/herself and prove that fact, in which case the following paragraph will apply.
2. If the invention(s) made by the intern applies to any of the following, the rights regarding the invention(s) shall be jointly owned by JAXA and the intern, in which case each share of the rights will be discussed between JAXA and the intern along with support from the university.
(1) The invention(s) is related to the research of the laboratory to which the intern was assigned.
(2) The invention(s) was jointly done with a JAXA employee.
(3) The invention(s) was done based on knowledge and information gained through JAXA.
3. Regarding the previous paragraph, if the intern is not in opposition, the intern’s rights to receive patent or patent rights (or other intellectual property rights equivalent to patent rights) may be relegated to JAXA after financial compensation by JAXA under separate agreement.
4. The university shall ensure that prior written permission is obtained from JAXA regarding any information the intern may wish to publish or make public that relates to any technical skills or information learned or produced during the internship.
Intellectual Property and Publication. A. To the extent any Work results in the creation of Intellectual Property, all rights, title, and interest in and to such Intellectual Property shall vest in the Party that creates such Intellectual Property, notwithstanding System Agency's rights under Texas Health and Safety Code Section 12.20, as applicable.
B. Performing Agency agrees to grant to the System Agency and the State of Texas a royalty-free, paid up, worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non- commercial license to use all Deliverables and any Intellectual Property invented or created by Performing Agency, Performing Agency's contractor, or a subcontractor in the performance of the Project. Performing Agency will require its contractors to grant such a license in any subcontracts under this Contract.
C. The System Agency shall have the right to review and provide comment to any written report, publication or other literature including copyrightable Intellectual Property invented or created in the performance of this Contract, prior to the publication of such literature. Performing Agency agrees to provide the System Agency with an advance copy of any such report, publication, or literature at least thirty (30) days prior to publication. Performing Agency agrees to insert the following statement into any such report, publication or literature: “The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policies, positions, or views of the State of Texas or the Health and Human Services Commission.
Intellectual Property and Publication. 6.1 The Parties agree that CFGR shall not acquire any title or ownership rights, including copyright, in the intellectual property developed or created by the Administering Institution or Affiliated Doctoral Student pursuant to this Agreement. Ownership of the intellectual property developed pursuant to or resulting from the Project shall be with the Affiliated Doctoral Student, or the Administering Institution or as determined by them in accordance with the Administering Institution’s intellectual property policy, which shall be provided to CFGR if requested.
6.2 The Administering Institution grants to CFGR a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use the Project Deliverables for its own purposes.
6.3 The Parties agree that CFGR shall acquire the right to publish the Project Deliverables as described in Schedule “B” prior to any publication by the Administering Institution or Affiliated Doctoral Student. Such a delay in the right to publish by the Administering Institution or Affiliated Doctoral Student shall not exceed three (3) months from the due date of the Final Financial Report as described in Schedule “B” hereto and shall not apply to the publication of the Affiliated Doctoral Student’s thesis.
Intellectual Property and Publication. 3.1 You agree to recognize the contribution of the CCWS, including a proper acknowledgement in all reports, presentations and publications resulting from your use of the CCWS Data. The following statement shall be included: “The data used for this research were made available by the Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey (CCWS) with support from The Rossy Foundation. We thank the students [and/or employees] and institutions that participated in the CCWS.”
3.2 You agree to abide by the terms outlined in the CCWS Publication Policy available in the CCWS Data Access Policy.
Intellectual Property and Publication. 8.1. It is the responsibility of the Lead Applicant Institution, and all engaged in the Research, to make every reasonable effort to ensure that any Intellectual Property Rights obtained in the course of the Research, are used to the benefit of society and the economy. The research outcomes of the Research should be disseminated to both research and more widespread audiences, for example to inform potential users and beneficiaries of the Research.
8.2. Unless stated otherwise, the ownership of all Intellectual Property Rights, and responsibility for their application, rests with the organisation that generates them.
8.3. Where the Grant is associated with more than one research organisation and/or other partners, the basis of collaboration between the organisations, including ownership of Intellectual Property Rights and rights to exploitation, is expected to be set out in a formal collaboration agreement. It is the responsibility of the Lead Applicant Institution to put such an agreement in place before the Research begins. The terms of collaboration agreements must not conflict with the terms of this Agreement.
8.4. The Lead Applicant Institution should ensure that, wherever possible, the licensing of Intellectual Property Rights generated from research funded by the MRC includes provision for research use by other MRC supported scientists.
8.5. Arrangements for collaboration and/or exploitation must not prevent the future progression of research and the dissemination of research results in accordance with academic practice and the RCUK policy on open access. A temporary delay in publication is acceptable in order to allow commercial and collaborative arrangements to be established.
8.6. All research results and achievements should be communicated to the MRC Press Office and UoB before publication at xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xxxx.xx.xx and
8.7. The MRC and BBSRC logos must be displayed prominently in all published material (including but not limited to, websites, leaflets and presentations) and all internal and external materials and communications.
8.8. Any publications arising as a result of the Grant should include the following acknowledgement “This work was supported by the GCRF Networks in Vaccines Research and Development which was co-funded by the MRC and BBSRC”.
8.9. The support of the BactiVac Network should be appropriately included in all publications and published material.
8.10. To comply with the UKRI’s policy o...
Intellectual Property and Publication. The Provider retains ownership of the Material. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent or restrict the Provider from being able to use the Material for any purpose, nor from providing the Material to third parties for any purpose. No rights in respect of the Materials are granted other than those set out in this Agreement. The Recipient will own all Results and Modifications created in carrying out the Research (except that the Provider retains ownership of any Material included in such Modifications). The Recipient will if reasonably requested supply a copy of all Results to the Provider promptly after conclusion of the Research. The Recipient grants the Provider a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual right to use the Results in further research and teaching (but not for any direct commercial purpose). The Recipient may license and distribute Modifications to charitable and non-profit research organisations for research and teaching purposes on terms no less protective of the Provider’s rights than this Agreement. The Recipient shall not make any commercial use of the Materials or any Modifications without the prior written consent of the Provider. Consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, but may be subject to the negotiation of an appropriate licence or revenue sharing agreement on fair and reasonable terms. For the avoidance of doubt, the Recipient may use the Results for academic and non-commercial research purposes, including in research projects funded by third parties (including commercial entities) provided that those parties gain or claim no rights to the Results. The Recipient may Publish the Results. The Recipient shall procure that any such Publication acknowledges the Provider as the source of the Material and, where applicable, the support of any third-party funder in generating the Material and shall, where requested by the Provider, supply a copy of the Publication promptly after it has been Published. The Recipient shall not Publish any Confidential Information of the Provider.
Intellectual Property and Publication. 11.1 This Agreement does not affect the ownership of any Intellectual Property in any Background Intellectual Property or in any other materials, Know‐how or information that are not Arising Intellectual Property. The Intellectual Property in them will remain the property of the Party that contributes them to the Project. No licence to use any Intellectual Property is granted or implied by this Agreement except as expressly set out.
11.2 Each Party grants to the other Parties where it is free and reasonably able to do so a royalty‐free, non‐exclusive, non‐transferable licence to use its Background Intellectual Property for the purpose of carrying out the Project and for the purpose of Clause 11.4, but for no other purpose. If the Company requires a wider licence to Keele or the Research Partner's Background Intellectual Property, it shall submit a written request to Keele or the Research Partner within six (6) months of the date of termination of this Agreement and the Parties shall enter into good faith negotiations in relation to the licence.
11.3 Subject to Clause 11.4, the Company will own the Intellectual Property in all Arising Intellectual Property and it may take such steps at its own expense, to register and maintain any protection for that Intellectual Property.
11.4 The primary charitable purpose of Keele and the Research Partner is the advancement of education through teaching and research. In accordance with normal academic practice, the Research Partner's staff, students (if relevant), appointees and agents shall be entitled to make public the Arising Intellectual Property for academic purposes, including publications, lectures and tutorials and the production of thesis. Keele and the Research Partner shall notify the Company of any decision to make the Arising Intellectual Property public within one year of end of the Project Period. At the Company's request, it shall provide a copy of the publication for review and, if reasonably requested by the Company, shall delay publication for a period of up to six months to enable the Company to protect its Confidential Information.
11.5 All publications by the Parties shall give due acknowledgement to the financial and /or intellectual contribution of the other Parties in accordance with standard academic practice.
Intellectual Property and Publication. A. To the extent any Work results in the creation of Intellectual Property, all rights, title, and interest in and to such Intellectual Property shall vest in the Party that creates such Intellectual Property, notwithstanding System Agency's rights under Texas Health and Safety Code Section 12.20, as applicable.
B. Performing Agency agrees to grant to the System Agency and the State of Texas a royalty-free, paid up, worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive, non- transferable, non-commercial license to use all Deliverables and any Intellectual Property invented or created by Performing Agency, Performing Agency's contractor, or a subcontractor in the performance of the Project. Performing Agency will require its contractors to grant such a license in any subcontracts under this Contract.
C. The System Agency shall have the right to review and provide comment to any written report, publication or other literature including copyrightable Intellectual Property invented or created in the performance of this Contract, prior to the publication of such literature. Performing Agency agrees to provide the System Agency with an advance copy of any such report, publication, or literature at least thirty
Intellectual Property and Publication. 2.1 All New Intellectual Property shall be the joint property of Provider and Recipient.
2.2 Recipient shall be entitled to use the Shared Data exclusively for the Purpose, as defined above.
2.3 All know how, processes, procedures, methods, scripts, material, apparatuses, and developments associated with the Data Sharing Agreement that are solely developed and used by Provider and all intellectual property related thereto, whether created before or after the Effective Date, shall be owned solely by Provider;
2.4 Recipient is required to submit any publication for prior review before submission to the Data Access Committee of ERN RARE-LIVER and the Provider four weeks in advance to submission in order to ensure the privacy/confidentiality of data and that the results will not cause stigmatization.
2.5 Recipient shall have the right to publish any paper, make any presentation or utilize the Analysis and New Intellectual Property in whatsoever way and for whatever purpose it chooses with the prior notification and agreement of Provider and Data Access Committee of ERN RARE-LIVER. Recipient shall not use Provider’s name in connection to any publication or promotion without Provider prior written consent, except for acknowledgements in accordance with good scientific practice;
2.6 Upon the publication of any paper, any presentation or any use of the Shared Data by Recipient, the use of the Shared Data must be appropriately acknowledged along with the fact that the Shared Data originates from the R-Liver Registry and that the R-Liver Registry is supported by the European Reference Network on hepatological diseases (ERN RARE-LIVER).
Intellectual Property and Publication. 3.1. You and Your Institution agree to recognize the contribution of OHS, including a proper acknowledgement in all reports, presentations and publications resulting from your use of the OHS Data and/or OHS Biosamples. The following statement shall be included:
3.2. You and Your Institution agree to abide by the terms outlined in the OHS Publication Policy available in the OHS Data and Biosample Access Policy.
3.3. You and Your Institution recognize that nothing in this Agreement shall operate to transfer to you any intellectual property rights on OHS’s Data and/or OHS Biosamples. However, you have the right to develop intellectual property rights on subsequent innovations and downstream discoveries arising from such data or biosamples. In doing so, You and Your Institution agree to implement licensing policies that will not obstruct further research and to follow the U.S. National Institutes of Health's Best Practices for the Licensing of Genomic Inventions and the OECD Guidelines for the Licensing of the Genetic Inventions. You and Your Institution recognize that the OHS does not assume any rights to intellectual property derived from the use of OHS Data and/or OHS Biosamples.