JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. The Union shall be furnished with a job classification description for each job classification in the bargaining unit. Whenever job classification descriptions are updated or altered, the OAPSE President or representative shall be notified of such changes and the effective dates. The OAPSE President or representative will have the opportunity to discuss revisions to job classification descriptions prior to those revisions taking effect. Each bargaining unit job classification description shall be on file in the personnel office and available on request.
JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. (a) Classification descriptions summarizing the general nature of the duties assigned by the University for positions in the bargaining unit will be copied to the Union and all relevant employees and supervisors. (b) When the University establishes a new classification, Human Resources will prepare an interim classification description and establish an interim rate, based on a position description filled out by the supervisor(s). No later than midway through the period of appointment to a new classification, the incumbent(s) shall review the job description and add their comments (if any). Adjustments to the interim job description and/or rate (if any) shall be made by mutual agreement between the University and the Union retroactive to the date of appointment.‌
JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. The Employer may from time to time review the list of job classifications and job descriptions for its Employees covered by this Agreement and may, after consultation with the Union, revise the same in a fair and equitable manner. Should the Employer reclassify, reallocate, upgrade or downgrade any Employee or group of Employees in manner which is either unfair or not equitable or significantly change his/her or their job descriptions in a manner that is either unfair or not equitable, then and only then may the Union or an Employee grieve the action.
JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. Job Titles The present classifications for the Food Service Unit are as follows: General Cook Assistant Cook/Van Driver Food Service Technician Food Service Aide The Union and Management shall negotiate rates for current and newly created classifications.
JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. Classification descriptions summarizing the general nature of the duties assigned by the University for positions in the bargaining unit will be copied to the Union and all relevant employees and supervisors. When the University establishes a new classification, Human Resources will prepare an interim classification description and establish an interim rate, based on a position description filled out by the No later than midway through the period of appointment to a new classification, the shall review the job description and add their comments (if any). Adjustments to the interim job description and/or rate (if any) shall be made by mutual agreement between the University and the Union retroactive to the date of appointment.
JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. Job classifications are set forth in Attachment 1 attached hereto and made part hereof.
JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. (See clause 15 Wage Rates and clause 16 Job Classification Descriptions and Promotional Criteria)
JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. Descriptions of the duties and responsibilities for each job classification, including the Level and Stage for each current employee, are contained in Appendix "C". The Employer shall designate the job classification by Level and Stage for each current employee in the bargaining unit as of the effective date of this Agreement, and such level and Stage for each such employees shall be included on the Seniority list contained in Appendix "A". The Employer shall determine the job classification, Level and Stage of each current employee based upon either management's assessment of each employee's competency, measured against the duties and responsibilities set forth in Appendix "C" or the employee passing the Competency Test for the Level and Stage.
JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. The term employee or employees refers to a person who holds seniority under this collective agreement as follows: A full time seasonal Onboard Attendant is an employee who is assigned to work on a regular basis as set out in Article A casual seasonal Onboard Attendant is an employee who works which are not assigned to full time seasonal Onboard Attendants as set out in Articles and Seasonal Onboard Attendants report to and at all times work under the direction of the Vice President of Guest Services or his supervisory staff. Jobs requiring a new classification and wage rate or existingjobs that have been changed will be established by negotiations between the parties. Jobs in a new classificationmay be filled prior to reaching a negotiated Agreement on the understanding that a disagreement will be subject to the grievance procedure. The Union will be advised as much in advance as possible of any new proposed classifications. Seasonal Onboard Attendants perform a range of customer service greeting guests and providing guest assistance with entraining and detraining inspecting and preparing assigned coach prior to departures maintaining coach in clean and tidy condition while en route general train cleaning and servicing, replenishing provisions and miscellaneous jobs to maintain staffing base on out-of-town layovers away home terminal providing food and beverage service providing a tour commentary and general guest performing assigned station duties (e.g. ticketing, baggage tagging and movement, assisting guests with connecting transportation) other related duties assigned by the Manager (e.g. assisting with Onboard Attendant training) performing duties assigned under extenuating circumstances which include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, general administration, marketing and promotion and as tour guides