Joint Commission. 1. The Contracting Parties agree to maintain the Joint Commission set up under Article 8 of the Commercial Cooperation Agreement between the Community and Sri Lanka of 1975.
2. The Joint Commission is in particular required to:
(a) ensure the proper functioning and implementation of the Agreement;
(b) make suitable recommendations for promoting the objectives of the Agreement;
(c) establish priorities in relation to the aims of the Agreement;
(d) examine ways and means of enhancing the cooperation in the areas covered under the provisions of this Agreement.
3. The Joint Commission shall be composed of representatives of both Contracting Parties, at an appropriately high level. The Joint Commission shall normally meet every year, alternately in Brussels and Colombo, on a date fixed by mutual agreement. Extraordinary meetings may be convened by agreement between the Contracting Parties.
4. The Joint Commission may set up specialized sub-groups to assist in the performance of its tasks and to coordinate the formulation and implementation of projects and programmes within the framework of this Agreement.
5. The agenda for meetings of the Joint Commission shall be determined by agreement between the Contracting Parties.
6. The Contracting Parties agree that it shall be the task of the Joint Commission to ensure the proper functioning of any sectoral agreements concluded or which may be concluded between the Community and Sri Lanka.
7. Consultations in the fields covered by the Agreement may be held if any problem arises in the intervals between the meetings of the Joint Commission. These consultations shall be dealt with by the specialized sub-groups according to their responsibilities or be the subject of ad hoc consultations.
Joint Commission. The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. [LEGEND DRUG. Any drug which must be labeled “Caution – Federal Law prohibits dispensing without a prescription.] [MAIL ORDER PROGRAM. A program under which a [Member] can obtain Prescription Drugs from: a Participating Mail Order Pharmacy by ordering the drugs through the mail or a Participating Pharmacy that has agreed to accept the same terms, conditions, price and services as a Participating Mail Order Pharmacy.]
Joint Commission. 1. The Parties agree to set up a Joint Commission whose tasks shall be to:
(a) ensure the proper functioning and implementation of the Agreement;
(b) set priorities in relation to the aims of the Agreement;
(c) make recommendations for promoting the objectives of the Agreement. Provisions will be laid down on the frequency and venue of the meetings, chairmanship and the setting up of subgroups.
2. The Joint Commission shall be composed of representa- tives of both sides, at the senior official level. The Joint Commission shall normally meet every other year, alternately in Brussels and in Dhaka, on a date to be fixed by mutual agreement. Extraordinary meetings may also be convened by agreement between the Parties.
3. The Joint Commission may set up specialised subgroups to assist in the performance of its tasks and to coordinate the formulation and implementation of projects and programmes in the framework of the Agreement.
4. The agenda for meetings of the Joint Commission shall be determined by agreement between the Parties.
5. The Parties agree that it shall also be the task of the Joint Commission to ensure the proper functioning of any sectoral agreements concluded or which may be concluded between the Community and Bangladesh.
Joint Commission. (i) The Joint Commission shall consist of commissioners appointed by Australia and East Timor. There shall be one more commissioner appointed by East Timor than by Australia. The Joint Commission shall establish policies and regulations relating to petroleum activities in the JPDA and shall oversee the work of the Designated Authority;
(ii) A non-exclusive listing of more detailed powers and functions of the Joint Commission is set out in annex D. The annexes to this Treaty may identify other additional detailed powers and functions of the Joint Commission;
(iii) Except as provided for in article 8(c), the commissioners of either Australia or East Timor may at any time refer a matter to the Ministerial Council for resolution;
(iv) The Joint Commission shall meet annually or as may be required. Its meetings shall be chaired by a member nominated by Australia and East Timor on an alternate basis.
Joint Commission. The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. MEDICALLY NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE. Services or supplies provided by a recognized health care Provider that We [or the Care Manager] Determine to be: necessary for the symptoms and diagnosis or treatment of the condition, Illness or Injury; provided for the diagnosis or the direct care and treatment of the condition, Illness or Injury; in accordance with generally accepted medical practice; not for a[Member]'s convenience; the most appropriate level of medical care that a [Member] needs; and furnished within the framework of generally accepted methods of medical management currently used in the United States. In the instance of an Emergency, the fact that a Non-Network Provider prescribes, orders, recommends or approves the care, the level of care, or the length of time care is to be received, does not make the services Medically Necessary and Appropriate.
Joint Commission. The Parties hereby establish the Joint Commission comprising officials of each Party, which shall be co-chaired by the
Joint Commission. 1. A Joint Commission shall be established no later than 90 days after entry into force of this Agreement to assist the Executive Agencies in administering this Agreement.
2. Each Party, through Its Executive Agency, shall appoint one representative and one alternate representative to the Joint Commission. Each Party may provide assistance,Including experts, to its representative as it deems necessary.
3. In exercising Its functions, the Joint Commission may establish working groups or expert groups, seek the advice of non-governmental groups or Individuals, and take such other actions as the Parties may agree.
4. The Joint Commission should endeavour to adopt its rules of procedure no later than 90 days after it Is established.
5. The Joint Commission shall be the competent body to examine any dispute or other matter referred to it by either Executive Agency relating to the interpretation and Implementation of this Agreement, or any unforeseen issues arising under this Agreement.
6. If the Joint Commission is unable within 60 days to resolve all differences concerning the allocation of production pursuant to Article 8, or the reallocation of production pursuant to Article 9,either Party may submit the dispute for Expert Determination. If the Joint Commission Is unable within 60 days to resolve all differences related to the determination of a Transboundary Reservoir pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 5, and relevant data Is available from a well in the prospective Transboundary Reservoir on each side of the Delimitation Line, either Party may submit the dispute for Expert Determination.
7. If the Joint Commission Is unable within 60 days to resolve all differences concerning any dispute referred to It by the Executive Agencies relating to the interpretation and implementation of this Agreement that is not addressed in paragraph 6 of this Article or referred to It under paragraphs 4 or 5 of Article 6 or paragraph 4 of Article 7,either Party may resort to the dispute settlement provisions In Articles 15 or 17. The Joint Commission will have 30 days in which to consider the final recommendation in any arbitration Instituted pursuant to Article 17. If the Joint Commission is unable to resolve any remaining differences within that time, the dispute will be returned to the Parties.
8. The Parties will refrain from action with regard to any dispute referred to the Joint Commission or to Expert Determination or dispute resolution under this Agreement where it is ...
Joint Commission. A Joint Commission shall serve as the central mechanism for monitoring and coordinating the civilian implementation of this Agreement. It shall consist of the Chief of the Implementation Mission (CIM), one Federal and xxx Xxxxxxxx representative, one representative of each national community in Kosovo, the President of the Assembly, and a representative of the President of Kosovo. Meetings of the Joint Commission may be attended by other representatives of organizations specified in this Agreement or needed for its implementation.
Joint Commission. (1) The Joint Commission shall be composed of representatives from Government and from the film, television and video industries of both Contracting Parties.
(2) The role of the Joint Commission shall be to supervise and review the implementation and operation of this Agreement and to make any proposals considered necessary to improve the implementation of the Agreement.
(3) The Joint Commission shall be convened, whether by meeting or otherwise, at the request of either of the Contracting Parties within six months of such a request.
Joint Commission. 1. A Joint Commission shall be formed consisting of equal number of representatives of the relevant authorities of each of the Contracting Parties. The Commission’s task shall be to monitor the proper implementation of the provisions of this Agreement and propose the necessary amendments to its contents. Meetings of the Joint Commission shall take place when necessary.
2. Expenses incurred as a result of organising a meeting of the Joint Commission shall be covered by the Contracting Party which is organising the meeting. The Contracting Parties shall decide on organizational work.
3. Divergences in the application and interpretation of this Agreement shall be addressed to the Joint Commission which is closely cooperating with the relevant bodies of the Contracting Parties. In the case of failure to reach an agreement, divergences in the application and interpretation of this Agreement shall be addressed through diplomatic channels.
4. The Contracting Parties shall notify each other of their Joint Commission’s representatives within a month after the signing of this Agreement by Contracting Parties.