Jury/Court Leave. Any employee who is summoned for jury duty/jury selection process or who receives a summons or subpoena to appear as a witness, in a Court of Law other than a proceeding occasioned by the employees conduct or affairs, shall be granted a leave of absence without loss of regular wages for the required period. All jury or witness fees received by the employee shall be remitted to the Employer. The employee will present proof of service and the amount of pay received.
Jury/Court Leave. 16.2.1 Members who are summoned to be witnesses or jurors by a court or any body with the power of subpoena shall, if their attendance requires them to be absent from their scheduled responsibilities, notify their Chair of the summons as soon as possible. Members shall supply the Chair with a copy of the summons. Members who have complied with the foregoing shall be granted a leave of absence without pay during the period of service to the court or summoning body that conflicts with their teaching responsibilities and which cannot be rescheduled. The Member shall assist the Chair to provide such materials and briefings as may be necessary to ensure continuity of teaching responsibilities during their absence. The Member shall be returned to their position upon their return from jury/court duty unless the appointment has expired.
Jury/Court Leave. Any employee who is summoned for jury duty/jury selection process or who receives a summons or subpoena to appear as a witness, in a Court of Law other than a proceeding occasioned by the employee’s conduct or affairs, shall be granted a leave of absence without loss of regular wages for the required period. All jury or witness fees received by the employee shall be remitted to the Employer. The employee will present proof of service and the amount of pay received. The Employee will be expected to report to the Employer in the event that the proceedings are cancelled on a given day.
Jury/Court Leave. Any employee who is summoned for jury selection, jury duty or who receives a summons or subpoena to appear as a witness, in a Court of Law other than a proceeding occasioned by the employee’s conduct or affairs, shall be granted a leave of absence without loss of regular wages for the required period. All jury or witness fees received by the employee shall be remitted to the Employer. The employee will present proof of service and the amount of pay received. The Employee will be expected to report to the Employer in the event that the proceedings are cancelled on a given day. The Employer reserves the right to request written confirmation that the employee has been summoned for jury selection.
Jury/Court Leave. Any employee subpoenaed to appear in court as a witness in any matter related to work shall be granted a leave of absence without loss of regular wages for the required period. An employee called for jury duty shall be granted a leave of absence and will be paid by the Employer the difference between any fees received from the courts and their regular wages for the period.
Jury/Court Leave. Any employee who is summoned for Jury Duty, Jury Selection or who receives a summons or subpoena to appear as a witness in a Court of Law for other than a proceeding occasioned by the employee's conduct or affairs, shall be granted a leave of absence without loss of regular wages for the required period. All jury or witness fees received by the employee shall be remitted to the Employer. The employee will present proof of service and the amount of pay received. If the employee is excused from duty for one-half (½) day or more, they shall report for work for the balance of the day.
Jury/Court Leave. A. A teacher selected to serve as a juror or non-party witness shall be granted leave without loss of pay or other benefits. The amount equal to the remuneration received, while in the capacity of juror, shall be returned to the School District. Employees excused from jury duty shall return to work in one (1) hour.
B. A teacher who appears as a witness for the DISTRICT shall be granted leave without loss of pay.
C. A teacher, while being a defendant in a civil or criminal case, who is not found guilty or liable, shall be granted Court Leave.
D. A teacher who appears in an action as a plaintiff or witness with an interest against the School District shall not be eligible for Court Leave.
Jury/Court Leave. The City complies with the applicable laws and public policy in regard to allowing employees paid time off without financial loss to perform jury duty. Full time regular employees are generally granted paid leave when called upon to serve on jury duty.
A. Employees who are called for jury duty will receive regular base pay and benefits for that period of absence. Such periods of absence will not be applied to hours worked for purposes of determining eligibility for overtime pay.
B. In the event that the absence of an employee from work over a long period of time would cause a hardship for the City, the City may require the employee to petition the Jury Commission or other appropriate authority to excuse the employee from jury duty. Also, the employee may petition to be excused from jury duty due to a hardship on the employee’s family.
C. Upon receipt of a notice for jury duty, the employee must notify the supervisor as soon as possible in order that arrangements may be made to cover the work of the position.
D. Upon release from jury duty, the employee shall call their supervisor to determine the need to return to work.
Jury/Court Leave. Employees required to serve as jurors or court witnesses shall be given time off, with full pay, while so serving, providing that the employee turns over to the Board any wages received for serving as a witness or juror.
Jury/Court Leave. Any employee who serves as a juror, or as a subpoenaed witness in a criminal or civil proceeding arising from or attributable to the specific performance of their work duties, or as a result of their interest in or compulsion to testify in a proceeding filed on behalf of the City, in any court, shall receive full pay from the City upon paying any and all juror and/or witness fees to the City Treasurer.