LABORATORY ACTIVITIES. The S&M Contractor undertakes to provide the following laboratory service on a monthly basis:
I. definition and analysis of the operation of the Plant;
II. analysis of the Feedstock entering the Plant provided by the Client;
III. determination of the energy potential for different types of feedstock by means of a “Standard Labscale Methane Production Test” (up to a maximum of 4 tests per year);
IV. a monthly report on how the operation of the Plant can be improved.
LABORATORY ACTIVITIES. UW laboratory activities include but are not limited to:
(1) all tasks relative to sampling, testing, and analysis of wastewater and effluent samples required for Water Reclamation Plant process control
(2) self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting requirements per Permit and Regulatory Requirements
(3) analysis of industrial waste samples collected during the compliance and follow-up inspections of permittees
(4) analysis of wastewater samples required by contract with the City of Los Angeles
(5) QA/QC program and documentation and maintenance of all records required by the City, Permit and Regulatory Requirements UW shall establish and maintain the necessary certification and registration to assure that the laboratory is in full conformance with Permit and Regulatory Requirements. All required tests and analyses are to be performed according to Permit Requirements and based on accepted methods for compliance monitoring programs. The methods applied will be based on 40 CFR Part 136, EPA-ATP, or DHS-ELAP with promulgated versions of and other Department of Health Services regulations, the latest edition of the Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater or USEPA amendments pertaining to existing ATP methods,
LABORATORY ACTIVITIES. Processed and tested 1,706 specimens.
LABORATORY ACTIVITIES. Deposited 348 viruses in the “Collections of Viruses” located at both NICs. • Published the article, “Influenza surveillance in Russia based on epidemiological and laboratory data, 2005–2012” in the American Journal of Infectious Diseases. • Developed new laboratory tests including rRT- PCR and immunological methods to be used for investigation of clinical samples from SARI patients and autopsy materials. • Generated hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies for influenza H2, H5, H7, and H9 virus subtypes. • Inactivated influenza H2, H5, H7, and H9 virus subtypes for inclusion in an EQC panel designated as PCR control in RBLs participating in sentinel surveillance. • Presented six reports (two included data on pandemic preparedness) at the workshop of “Rospotrebnadzor”. • Conducted consultations with both NICs and RBLs virologists. • Developed guidance on data input in GISRS through TESSy in Russian for NICs in East European countries. • Conducted a two-day TESSy online training for NIC specialists. • Conducted a five-day training in influenza virology at RII with virologists from NICs in East European countries. • Selected six NIC specialists to attend training courses in Netherlands, Greece, Turkey, and Denmark.
LABORATORY ACTIVITIES. Contractor laboratory activities include but are not limited to:
(1) all tasks relative to sampling, testing, and analysis of wastewater and effluent samples required for Water Reclamation Plant process control
(2) self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting requirements per Permit and Regulatory Requirements
(3) analysis of industrial waste samples collected during the compliance and follow-up inspections of permittees
(4) analysis of wastewater samples required by contract with the City of Los Angeles
(5) QA/QC program and documentation and maintenance of all records required by the City, Permit and Regulatory Requirements Contractor shall establish and maintain the necessary certification and registration to assure that the laboratory is in full conformance with Permit and Regulatory Requirements, including the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP). All required tests and analyses are to be performed according to Permit Requirements and based on accepted methods for compliance monitoring programs. The methods applied will be based on 40 CFR Part 136, EPA-ATP, or DHS-ELAP with promulgated versions of and other Department of Health Services regulations, the latest edition of the Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater or USEPA amendments pertaining to existing ATP methods,
LABORATORY ACTIVITIES. Shared virological data on circulating influenza viruses with WHO and other interested stakeholders. • Enhanced the capacity of NPHL to test specimens collected at sentinel sites for influenza viruses by training staff and utilizing updated equipment. • Collaborated with CDC and KEMRI on logistics for specimen collection from surveillance sites and shipping to NPHL. • Conducted training on outbreak investigations of MERS-CoV and avian influenza A (H7N9) at our • Educated health care workers in public and private health facilities in selected regions on MERS-CoV and avian influenza A (H7N9) virus. • Printed banners on MERS-CoV and avian influenza A (H7N9) virus and placed them at the main ports of entry as well as the Embassies of China and Saudi Arabia. • Printed informational brochures on MERS-CoV and avian influenza A (H7N9) virus and distributed them to travelers from the Hajj as well as those from China to educate them on what to look for and how to react. • Hired a consultant to package the influenza data dossier in the format recommended by the KENITAG and SIVAC.
LABORATORY ACTIVITIES. Conducted IATA training regarding procedures for shipment of dangerous goods for laboratory staff. • Provided extensive training to NIC laboratorians on influenza virus typing, subtyping, PCR, RT-PCR, and reverse genetics techniques. • Participated in WHO’s External Quality Assessment Project (EQAP) for the detection of influenza virus type by RT-PCR with successful results (100%). • Participated in the Grant Management Training in Madagascar. • Acquired IATA certification training for seven NIC staff members. • Trained trainers in collaboration with CDC. • Trained select sentinel staff members (laboratory technicians, nurses, doctors, and epidemiologists). • Invited to present at the ANISE Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa (December 2014). • Participated in a Grants Proposal Writing Workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa (Laboratory Head, NIC and the Project Coordinator). • Participated in a training workshop on Laboratory Diagnosis of Influenza and other Emerging Respiratory Viruses, November 2013 in Accra, Ghana (Laboratory Technician).
LABORATORY ACTIVITIES. I understand that during the laboratory experiences I will role-play as both an EMT/PS and a patient. I will be expected to have physical contact with other students while learning various skills and have skills practiced on myself. Examples of such laboratory experiences may include patient exams, splinting, lifting and moving, assessment of vitals, venipuncture, etc. During the laboratory experiences I agree to follow theories and principles of safe, legal and ethical practice. I agree that I will not knowingly place myself, patients, preceptors or others in an unsafe situation based on my physical, mental, or emotional limitations. I have read the Physical Requirements for an EMT and noted any special requirements. I have read and agree to complete the physical exam and immunizations as required prior to patient contact.
LABORATORY ACTIVITIES. Laboratory activities are an integral part of the program. The tools, test equipment, materials, processes and safety practices used in these laboratory activities are similar to those used in industry. The activities provide instruction in maintenance techniques, computer aided drafting/design skills, technical communications, maintenance and operation of various industrial components, quality control and testing, material handling protocols, and proper usage of tools and instrumentation.
LABORATORY ACTIVITIES. Increased the number of laboratories in the region participating in the WHO External Quality Assurance Programme from 34 in 29 countries in 2007 to 63 in 48 countries in 2014. • Provided support for 28 countries to ship viruses and clinical specimens to the WHO CC in time for the WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines (VCM) for the Northern Hemisphere 2015–2016 influenza season. Of • Provided three national trainings on shipping infectious substances; participants were 60 specialists from national, regional, and sub- regional levels and reference laboratories in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. • Conducted a training course for 17 virologists from the European Region on laboratory preparedness for emerging respiratory pathogens. • Organized and held the training “Introduction to Laboratory Quality Management and the Laboratory Quality Stepwise Implementation (LQSI) tool” for all SEE countries and for all Newly Independent States (NIS). • Organized the WHO course “Strengthening capacities of influenza laboratory experts” for NICs. • Held critical care training for a total of 140 intensive care clinicians in five countries. • Held a workshop on outbreak response to avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infections and other emerging pathogens in three countries (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan). • Held a Joint ECDC and WHO/Europe Consultation on pandemic and all hazard preparedness in November 2013. • Switzerland and Germany published a revised pandemic preparedness plan, which brings the total to eight countries having published revised pandemic preparedness plans since the 2009 pandemic. • Reorganized the WHO/Europe web site on pandemic influenza and translated it into Russian. • Conducted laboratory preparedness surveys for avian influenza A(H7N9) virus and MERS-CoV. • Provided technical assistance in the European Region and West Africa during outbreaks caused by MERS-CoV, avian influenza virus, and Ebola virus. • Conducted a workshop on outbreak investigation and response for South-eastern European countries in collaboration with the South • Conducted a joint ECDC and WHO/Europe consultation on pandemic and all-hazard preparedness in Slovakia (November 2013). • Conducted Data Management Training for South East European (SEE) Countries in collaboration with CDC in Greece (April 2014). • Conducted the 4th joint WHO/Europe–ECDC Annual European Influenza Surveillance Meeting in Austria (June 2014). • Conducted a training on ...