Land Use and Planning. The Project is expected to have less than significant to no impacts on Land Use and Planning. The Project is expected to have no impacts on Mineral Resources.
Land Use and Planning. The 2004 Lagoon Valley EIR and 2005 Addendum identified a significant cumulative impact related to the loss of Important Farmland. No mitigation measures were identified for this impact. The 2015 General Plan EIR found that development allowed by the General Plan, including the area proposed for development in the study area, would contribute to significant and unavoidable project and cumulative impacts on agricultural resources. Because the proposed phasing and development agreement would not change the area planned for development compared to what was evaluated in the 2015 General Plan EIR, no additional analysis would be required under CEQA. PARKS AND RECREATION The 2004 Lagoon Valley EIR and 2005 Addendum found that cumulative impacts related to parks and recreation would be less than significant. The 2015 General Plan EIR found that although future residential growth would result in increased demand for park and recreational facilities, implementation of General Plan policies would ensure the provision of adequate parklands along with new development, including Lagoon Valley development. Therefore, cumulative impacts associated with the proposed phasing and development agreement were adequately addressed in the 2015 General Plan EIR, and no additional analysis would be required under CEQA. VISUAL RESOURCES The 2004 Lagoon Valley EIR and 2005 Addendum identified significant cumulative impacts related to substantial changes to the visual character of the valley and contribution to nighttime lighting. The 2015 General Plan EIR found that the General Plan could substantially alter the existing visual character in undeveloped portions of Vacaville, such as Lagoon Valley, resulting in a significant impact. No feasible mitigation was identified, resulting in a significant and unavoidable impact. All other visual resource thresholds were found to result in less-than-significant impacts. While development allowed by the General Plan has the potential to affect scenic vistas and contribute to light pollution, policies in the Vacaville General Plan and other requirements like California Building Code standards would minimize potential aesthetic effects of development. Because the 2015 General Plan EIR accounted for the planned land uses and development in Lagoon Valley, cumulative impacts on visual resources associated with the proposed phasing and development agreement were adequately addressed in the 2015 General Plan EIR, and no additional analysis would be r...
Land Use and Planning. Noise - The proposed Agreement will not have any noise impacts, and will not change the impacts identified in the City’s CEQA documents.
Land Use and Planning. The EIR will evaluate the Specific Plan’s compatibility with existing land uses and development patterns and evaluate the proposed plan’s consistency with other adopted City plans and policies. The analysis will identify whether the project would result in the physical division of an established community.
Land Use and Planning. The proposed Project would demolish 103,000 square feet of industrial and office uses and build residential units and an office building. The land use and planning section will evaluate consistency with applicable City General Plan policies and zoning requirements, including the Municipal Code Ordinance No. 1026, and other relevant City planning documents. This section will also consider the proposed Project’s compatibility with adjacent existing development, roadways, and public utilities. This section will analyze whether the proposed changes in land use and zoning designations would adversely affect the City’s long-range land use planning goals.
Land Use and Planning. Regulation & Planning; Plan Check, Building Inspection and Code Enforcement. County: County continues to provide land use planning, plan check, building inspection and code enforcement. CHLSD: No responsibilities.
Land Use and Planning. The proposed Agreement will not have any impact on Land Use and Planning, and will not change the impacts identified in the County’s CEQA documents.
Land Use and Planning. 2.5 Prepare environmental evaluations and assessment including, but not limited to:
2.5.1 Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality
2.5.2 Defining Potential Mitigation Areas 2.5.3 Indoor or Outdoor Health Risks
Land Use and Planning. 2.5 Preparing environmental reports, including but not limited to:
2.5.1 Traffic and Noise Study/Impact 2.5.2 Biological Assessment 2.5.3 Aquatic Resources Delineations