Leave Periods. Leave periods will commence at the time of leaving the Work Location and terminate at the time the Employee returns to the Work Location meeting point (“Leave Periods”).
Leave Periods. Leave taken by an employee for the birth or placement of a child must be taken in one twelve-week segment and must be taken within 12 months of the birth or placement of the child. In the case of a previously designated domestic partner, FML may only be taken once for the birth or adoption of the same child, not both. Leave taken to attend to the serious health condition of the employee or the employee's family member may be taken in one twelve-week segment, or may be taken on an intermittent or reduced leave schedule if medically necessary. The employee must make a reasonable effort to schedule his or her leave so as not to unduly interrupt District operations and must give 30-days notice of his or her intent to take leave, if practicable. If an employee chooses to take intermittent or reduced leave, the District may require the employee to temporarily transfer to another position or shift for which the employee is qualified, and which would provide equivalent pay and benefits and a better accommodation for the employee's recurring periods of leave. FML will be limited to a combined total of 12 weeks in a 12 month rolling period by spouses or previously designated domestic partners who both work for the District, if leave is taken for the birth, adoption or placement for xxxxxx care of a child or care of a parent with a serious health condition.
Leave Periods. Such leave of absence may be taken in separate six (6) month periods or in any other appropriate periods rather than for a continuous one (1) year period provided the separate periods of leave of absence shall be commenced and completed within a three (3) year term. Any period of service by the individual intervening between authorized leaves (provided herein) shall comprise a part of the service required for a subsequent leave of absence for study or retraining purposes.
Leave Periods. A. The beginning day of a carrier's annual leave period shall be Monday and the ending day shall be Sunday.
B. Carriers reassigned within the craft from one section to another shall retain approved annual leave in the new section. The losing section may post the vacated annual leave at the manager’s option.
C. It is not the intent of the parties to disallow any applications for leave during the leave year in any section where the percentage quota has not been filled in concurrence with Section 12 of this Article.
Leave Periods. A. The beginning day of a letter carrier's vacation shall be Monday and the ending day will be Sunday.
B. The number of weeks taken outside the choice vacation period, at one time, shall be determined by the individual letter carrier.
C. Letter carriers reassigned within the craft to another station during the leave year shall retain their leave choices. The vacated leave period may be posted, at the option of Management.
D. No letter carrier shall be allowed to trade a scheduled annual leave period with another letter carrier.
E. It is not the intent of the parties to disallow any application for leave during the leave year in any section where the percentage quota has not been filled.
Leave Periods a. Six (6) Months Medical Leave/Twelve (12)
Leave Periods. Periods between active service/sailing assignments will be considered unpaid Company approved leave periods (refer, however, to Section 4(C) above). We can extend leave periods, which may be paid or unpaid, but that decision will be made in our sole discretion. For these purposes, we are not required to treat all employees the same, even though they have similar jobs. During approved leave periods, you are not subject to automatic recall and we have no authority to demand your return. However, pursuant to Company policy, if you fail to voluntarily agree to a recall request upon seven
Leave Periods giving birth are entitled to up to 6-months (26 weeks) maternity leave from the due date, with the option to extend by up to a further 6 months (26 weeks), by agreement if required. Expectant mothers may also wish to start maternity leave earlier due to health reasons, and such a notification can be dealt with as per 5.1 below.
Leave Periods. Pay commitment:
Leave Periods. A. The beginning day of a letter carrier's annual leave shall be Monday and the ending day will be Sunday.
B. Jury duty and/or attendance at any craft function or convention will not be charged to the choice vacation period.
C. Leave to attend military duty and emergency leave shall be above the regular established quota at all times.