Levels of Discipline. 10 1. The level of discipline imposed on non-probationary employees for 11 violation of the Alcohol and Drug Policy Work Rules above or other violations resulting 12 from the use of alcohol or drugs will be according to the provisions of Article 16,
Levels of Discipline. The following disciplinary actions may be imposed by the district for good and sufficient grounds:
Levels of Discipline. Depending on the level of the violation of the “General Rules of Conduct” the Chief, Town Administrator or Board may use whatever level of discipline it deems appropriate for the offense. Those levels include:
Levels of Discipline. 1. Written record of an oral reprimand issued by a supervisor that remains in the employee's Department file for a period not to exceed one year.
Levels of Discipline. The parties agree that progressive and escalating levels of discipline are preferable to allow an employee proper notice of misconduct and the opportunity to improve performance. Employee coaching performed by a supervisor is not considered discipline. The level or degree of discipline imposed shall be appropriately based on an employee’s prior record of service, length of service, severity of offenses and prior record of discipline. Disciplinary action or measures shall include the following:
Levels of Discipline. The Employer agrees with the tenets of progressive and corrective discipline, where appropriate. The levels of discipline may include the following actions:
Levels of Discipline. The Sheriff agrees with the tenets of progressive and corrective discipline, and unless an offense is deemed by the Employer as serious enough to warrant suspension or discharge in the first instance, the Employer will apply discipline to correct and improve behavior. Disciplinary action may be imposed upon an Employee only for just cause. Disciplinary action or measures shall include only the following:
Levels of Discipline. 1. First Level of formal warning - this is the first written formal step in the procedure and will be a counselling session, which will be acknowledged by a First warning. An employee is notified that further breaches of a particular policy, procedure or practice will lead to a second written warning.
Levels of Discipline corrective action are: (a) instruction and cautioning (documented verbal warning); (b) written reprimand; (c) suspension without pay; (d) demotion; (e) discharge. Except in cases of serious or gross misconduct, discipline will normally be applied in a corrective and progressive manner.
Levels of Discipline. The College agrees with the tenets of progressive and corrective discipline, where appropriate. The levels of discipline may include the following actions: