Longevity Award Sample Clauses

Longevity Award. 9.1. In addition to the Monthly Pay prescribed herein, any Employee who has been Continuously Employed for a number of qualified pay periods, the total of which is not less than eight (8) years, shall receive from and after the beginning of the next pay period following completion of his or her eighth year of service, a monthly longevity award equal to four percent (4%) of his or her Basic Monthly Pay and any Employee who has been Continuously Employed for a number of qualified pay periods, the total of which is not less than sixteen (16) years, shall receive from and after the beginning of the next pay period an additional monthly longevity award equal to four percent (4%) of his or her Basic Monthly Pay. Such longevity award shall be computed to the nearest dollar per month. The term "qualified pay period" shall mean any pay period the Employee was employed and/or paid by the City for not less than three-fourths (¾) of the normal working hours of the Position he or she then occupied. Any time spent by an Employee on leave of absence while on military duty with any military service of the United States shall be considered as time spent in the employment of the City for purposes of determining the number of such Employee's qualified pay periods. 9.2. In cases where Employees have completed a sufficient number of years of service in the Police or Fire Departments of the City to qualify for police or fire pension benefits, the period of service of such an Employee in the Police or Fire Department shall not be considered in computing the longevity award to which such Employee may be entitled under this Article.
Longevity AwardThe District will continue to provide a longevity award. This award will be paid using the following schedule: Continuous Certificated Kuspuk Service Years: 4-8 $500 9 + $1000 This award is grandfathered in for all certificated staff employed during the 2010-11 school year. Beginning with the 2011-12 school year, the term “continuous” means no break in service. Break in service includes not having a current valid Alaska Teacher’s License for any length of time, leave of absence, or leaving the employment of the school district. The longevity award will be paid with the May paycheck for each qualifying person. *This incentive is provided annually through grant funding. Should this grant funding diminish to the point where this incentive can no longer be fully funded, this incentive will not be paid, and the administration will contact MKEA regarding this matter.
Longevity Award. 7.4.1 Effective July 1, 2017, the District shall provide a longevity award to eligible unit members who have obtained at least 10 years of fulltime credited service with the District, and continuing in various increments up to 25 years of fulltime credited service with the District, as listed below: 10 years of service = $20 per month 15 years of service = $30 per month 20 years of service = $40 per month 25 years of service = $55 per month 7.4.2 The longevity award shall be prorated for part-time unit members in accordance with the formula used to compute the District contribution to health and welfare premiums for part-time unit members.
Longevity Award. 14.1 In addition to the monthly pay prescribed herein, any Employee who has been Continuously Employed by the City as a sworn law enforcement officer for a number of qualified pay periods, the total of which is not less than seven (7) years, shall receive from and after the beginning of the next pay period following completion of his or her seventh year of service, a monthly longevity award equal to four percent (4%) of his or her basic monthly pay, and any Employee who has been Continuously Employed by the City as a sworn law enforcement officer a number of qualified pay periods, the total of which is not less than fourteen
Longevity Award. A. The Trumansburg Central School District recognizes the educational value of having an experienced staff. It is not the District’s intent by the provisions of Article XV to encourage senior staff members to leave its employ.
Longevity Award. Employees hired before January 1, 2010 and who have completed ten (10) years of full-time continuous service effective July 1 of each year will receive a $250.00 stipend. Thereafter, the award will be included in the employee’s base salary. The PSOA agrees that the longevity award will be removed at the completion of this contract.
Longevity Award. Starting with the 17th year and continuing through the 22nd year of service, certificated staff will receive a $2102 stipend annually. In the 23rd year of service and thereafter, certificated staff will receive a $4202 stipend annually. This will be prorated over the twelve (12) months of the contract. These stipend amounts will be increased pursuant to the negotiated salary increase.
Longevity Award. 13.1 Employees who are on the payroll as of November 30 who have completed at least five years of continuous employment with the City are eligible to receive an annual longevity award which is paid after November 30 of each year. 13.2 Continuous employment is defined as the period of employment not interrupted by resignation, dismissal, or quitting without notice. 13.3 An eligible employee is given credit for any period of temporary or limited term status if the employment with the City has been continuous. 13.4 An eligible employee who works full time at least forty hours per week is awarded: For Service 10 years 15 years $750 15 years 20 years $1,000 20 years 25 years $1,250 25 years -------- $1,500 13.5 Pro-Rata Awards - Leave of Absence or Suspension. If an eligible employee is suspended, on layoff, or on a leave of absence (except for a Workers’ Compensation Leave of Absence) for more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days during one year (from one November 30 to another November 30), he/she receives a prorated longevity award for that year. One-twelfth of the annual amount is deducted from the annual award for each month and any portion of the month that the employee is suspended, on layoff, or on a leave of absence (except for a Workers’ Compensation Leave of Absence) in excess of thirty (30) consecutive days. Longevity awards are not adjusted due to absences while on Workers’ Compensation. The total number of months that the eligible employee is on a leave of absence, layoff or suspension is deducted from the number of months of continuous service when calculating future longevity awards and the pro-rated longevity award at the employee’s termination.
Longevity Award. Longevity Award: Administrators shall receive a one-time payment of $780.00 at the conclusion of the first five (5) years of consecutive District service as an Administrator, $1,050.00 at the conclusion of ten (10) consecutive years of District service as an Administrator, $1,300.00 at the conclusion of fifteen (15) consecutive years of District service as an Administrator, and $1,560.00 at the conclusion of twenty (20) consecutive years of District service as an Administrator.
Longevity Award. A longevity award will be granted on an annual basis to all school related professionals based on continuous full-time years of service or continuous hours of seniority as follows: o An employee has been employed for a minimum of 10 years and has at least 11,880 continuous hours of seniority $350 o An employee has been employed for a minimum of 15 years and has at least 17,820 continuous hours of seniority $600 o An employee has been employed for a minimum of 20 or more years and has at least 23,760 continuous hours of seniority $750 Each year the award will be granted in the month of May.