MATERIALS, METHODS. EQUIPMENT‌ There shall be no limitation or restriction upon the Contractor's choice of materials, techniques, methods, technology or design, or, regardless of source or location, upon the use and installation of equipment, machinery, package units, pre-cast, pre-fabricated, pre-finished, or pre-assembled materials or products, tools, or other labor-saving devices. Contractors may, without restriction, install or use materials, supplies or equipment regardless of their source; provided, however, that where there is a Schedule “A” that includes a lawful union standards and practices clauses, then such clause as set forth in Schedule A Agreements will be complied with, unless there is a lawful Agency specification (or specification issued by a Construction Manager which would be lawful if issued by the Agency directly) that would specifically limit or restrict the Contractor’s choice of materials, techniques, methods, technology or design, or, regardless of source or location, upon the use and installation of equipment, machinery, package units, pre-cast, pre-fabricated, pre-finished, or pre-assembled materials or products, tools, or other labor-saving devices, and which would prevent compliance with such Schedule A clause. The on-site installation or application of such items shall be performed by the craft having jurisdiction over such work; provided, however, it is recognized that other personnel having special qualifications may participate, in a supervisory capacity, in the installation, check-off or testing of specialized or unusual equipment or facilities as designated by the Contractor. There shall be no restrictions as to work which is performed off-site for Program Work.
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MATERIALS, METHODS. Equipment and material shall be transported and delivered to and from the site. The Contractor shall remove all debris and leave the site in a clean and orderly condition before, during and following the completion of the work. Site shall be in preconstruction condition or better after cleanup and demobilization.
MATERIALS, METHODS. The Contractor shall place aggregate base course on prepared subgrade as per Section 307 CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE COURSE of the most current WVDOH Standard Specifications. Compact aggregate base course at 95% maximum density in accordance with ASTM 1557.
MATERIALS, METHODS. This work includes, but is not limited to, the construction and installation of integral rolled concrete curb composed of WVDOT Class K Portland cement concrete and is generally 6” in thickness. The existing geometry of concrete curb should be matched in areas where curb is to be replaced unless otherwise directed by the City. Number four rebar shall be used to reinforce the concrete curb, and should be placed vertically in the center of the curb at 6’ on center, and tied to number four longitudinal bars at the top and bottom. A minimum of 2” cover shall be utilized throughout. The curb should be poured integral with the adjacent roadway panel and should be constructed according to the detail labeled 2. ROLLED INTEGRAL CONCRETE CURB TYPE I on the Special Detail sheet titled Standard Details, included in the Appendix. If the dimensions of the existing curb prohibit the installation reinforcing steel as shown in Detail 2 the curb will be considered incidental.
MATERIALS, METHODS. For the development of the FRESH-DEMO web page the company Xxxxxxxx XxxxxxXxx was commissioned by ttz (administrator) according to the principle of best value for money. Together with the web page a corporate design was established that should also be used for further dissemination materials like flyers, posters or presentations. All information as well as the images were provided by ttz and the project partners. With these materials Xxxxxxxx XxxxxxXxx created a web page by use of the free content management system (CMS) Joomla.
MATERIALS, METHODS. Location and ethics This study was conducted at the Juliana Children’s Hospital (Haga teaching hospital, the Hague, the Netherlands) and the Centre for Human Drug Research (Leiden, the Nether- lands) from November 2018 unul March 2020. The study protocol was approved by the Medical Ethics Commiчee ZuidWest Holland (the Hague, the Netherlands) prior to iniu- auon of the study. The study was conducted in compliance with the Dutch Act on Medical Research Involving Human Subjects (wMO) and Good Clinical Pracuce. Wriчen informed consent was obtained from all parents and from children aged 12 years and older. Assent was obtained from children aged younger than 12. The trial was registered at the Dutch Trial Registry (NTR,Trial NL7612, registered 18-Mar-2019). Subjects and study design Between 10-15 healthy children of each age year between 2 and 16 years old were recruited from the region around the Hague using various recruitment methods (local newspaper adverusement, distribuung flyers in the Juliana Children’s Hospital and on a local primary school). Exclusion criteria were the presence of (chronic) disease, inability to communicate in Dutch or English and an inability to use the devices. All children were visited at home by a trained invesugator for a 30-minute training session and a baseline quesuonnaire. Children used the devices and completed a daily acuvity quesuonnaire for the subsequent 21 days, aher which an end-of-study quesuonnaire was completed, and the devices were retrieved by the invesugators. Children received a gih ceruficate worth €20 for their parucipauon. Devices Subjects wore a Steel hR smartwatch (Withings, Issy-les-Molineux, France) during the study period. The watch measures physical acuvity with a built-in accelerometer. hR was measured every 10 minutes via a photo plethysmography (PPc) sensor on the back of the watch. Furthermore, the watch calculates several sleep-related parameters using the accelerometer and an incorporated temperature sensor. All subjects performed twice weekly temperature measurements with the Withings Thermo device. Subjects ≥ 6 years old performed daily blood pressure (bP) measurements with the Withings bPM, a weekly weight measurement with the Withings Body+scales and twice-weekly home-based spi- rometry using the Air Next spirometry device (NuvoAir, Stockholm, Sweden). The Air Next device employs a turbine mechanism with disposable mouthpieces and has been validated for use in children11. All devices used Blu...
MATERIALS, METHODS. Ethics and study design This study was approved by the Medical Ethics Commiчee Zuidwest Holland (The Hague, The Netherlands) and conducted by Juliana Children’s Hospital and the Centre for Human Drug Research. 15 subjects with sCd were recruited in the outpauent clinic between November-2018 and February-2020. Aher obtaining informed consent, study paruc- ipants completed a baseline quesuonnaire9, wore Steel hR smartwatch (Withings, Issy- les-Molineux, France) and completed a daily pain score and weekly pain quesuonnaire10 for 28 days. Data from healthy subjects were collected in a separate study11. Endpoints and statistics Step count per day, steps taken during the most acuve hour, mean dayume hR (6aM- 10PM), mean nocturnal hR (12aM-saM) and total sleep durauon were considered as candidate endpoints and assessed regarding the aforemenuoned criteria8. First, the dif- ferences between scd pauents and healthy controls were esumated for all candidate end- points via mixed effect models with subject as random intercept and condiuon as fixed factor. Addiuonal adjustments were performed for age, sex, rain durauon- and watch wear ume per day where appropriate11. Daily pain scores were correlated with Pa and hR. Clinical events were described descripuvely. Tolerability was assessed by calculaung the median compliance of the included subjects. Results Baseline characteristics and compliance Baseline characterisucs of scd pauents (n=15) and healthy subjects (n=128) are displayed in Table 1. Median compliance for sickle cell pauents was 96% and 100% for Pa and hR, 70% for sleep durauon and щ6% for quesuonnaire assessments. Difference between patients and controls scd pauents were less physically acuve and had higher nocturnal- and dayume hR (Fig- ure 1A-B/D-E). A separate analysis per hour confirmed the observed differences (Figure 1C/1F) and revealed the observed differences in Pa were mainly explained by less acuv- ity during aher-school-hours. On average, children with scd slept 0.5h (95% confidence interval (ci) 0.1-0.8h, p = 0.008) shorter compared to healthy controls. Adjusted and unadjusted differences are displayed in Table 2. Correlation with daily pain scores Pa-related endpoints were not correlated with daily pain scores (Figure 1G-H). How- ever, dayume- and nocturnal hR were related to daily pain scores (‘Worst pain while mov- ing’, Figure 1I-J). For dayume hR, the esumated effect was an increase of 0.9 bPM for each point increase in pain score (95% ci 0.2...
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MATERIALS, METHODS. EQUIPMENT‌ There shall be no limitation or restriction upon the Contractor's choice of materials, techniques, methods, technology or design, or, regardless of source or location, upon the use and installation of equipment, machinery, package units, pre-cast, pre-fabricated, pre-finished, or pre- assembled materials or products, tools, or other labor-saving devices. Contractors may, without restriction, install or use materials, supplies or equipment regardless of their source; provided, however, that where there is a Schedule “A” that includes a lawful union standards and practices clauses, then such clause as set forth in Schedule “A” agreements will be complied with, unless there is a lawful Agency specification that would specifically limit or restrict the Contractor’s choice of materials, techniques, methods, technology or design, or, regardless of source or location, upon the use and installation of equipment, machinery, package units, pre-cast, pre-fabricated, pre- finished, or pre-assembled materials or products, tools, or other labor-saving devices, and which would prevent compliance with such Schedule “A” clause. The on-site installation or application of such items shall be performed by the craft having jurisdiction over such work; provided, however, it is recognized that other personnel having special qualifications may participate, in a supervisory capacity, in the installation, check-off or testing of specialized or unusual equipment or facilities as designated by the Contractor. There shall be no restrictions as to work which is performed off-site for Program Work.


  • Materials and Methods 86 2.1 PARTICIPANTS 87 We used baseline measurements from a convenience sample of participants in previous (3) and 88 ongoing cohort studies investigating the effects of rehabilitation on balance responses (Table 1). PD 89 participants were mild-moderate with bilateral symptoms (Xxxxx and Xxxx stage 2-3 (13)). All 90 participants provided written informed consent and all study procedures were approved by Institutional 91 Review Boards at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University.

  • Materials Stored If the Application for Payment includes materials delivered and suitably stored at the Site but not incorporated in the work, they shall, if required by the Owner or the Design Professional, be conditional upon submission by the Contractor of bills of sale or such other procedure as will establish the Owner's title to such material or otherwise adequately protect the Owner's interest. The Contractor is responsible for the existence, protection, and, if necessary, replacement of materials until execution of the Final Certificate of the Design Professional. The Owner shall not pay for any materials stored off-site.

  • CERTIFICATION OF NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS OR WORK 8.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that no asbestos containing materials or work is included within the scope of the Work. The Contractor shall take whatever measures it deems necessary to insure that all employees, suppliers, fabricators, material men, subcontractors, or their assigns, comply with this requirement.

  • MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP Unless otherwise specified, all materials and equipment incorporated in the work under the Contract shall be new. All workmanship shall be first class and by persons qualified in the respective trades.

  • Materials and Supplies The cost of materials and supplies is allowable. Purchases should be charged at their actual prices after deducting all cash discounts, trade discounts, rebates, and allowances received. Withdrawals from general stores or stockrooms should be charged at cost under any recognized method of pricing, consistently applied. Incoming transportation charges are a proper part of materials and supply costs.

  • Materials and Improvements Title to materials, improvements, and other property required of PURCHASER by this contract shall vest in and become the property of STATE at the time such are furnished by PURCHASER and accepted by STATE. Only materials, improvements, and property free and clear of liens, claims, and encumbrances shall be furnished by PURCHASER. All existing improvements located on State land, and any improvements placed on State land by PURCHASER which become the property of STATE, shall be safeguarded by PURCHASER. If such improvements are injured, damaged, or removed from the areas of operations by PURCHASER or by contractors of PURCHASER, such improvements shall be repaired (or replaced, in the event of removal,) as soon as possible by PURCHASER, without cost to STATE.

  • Construction Methods No four course of brick-work, with three joints, shall exceed in height, when built, one inch more than the same bricks piles upon one another without mortar. The bricks are to be well soaked in water before use on works, in proper through so as to be thoroughly wet when layed. The Cessation of the bubbles through the water is an irldication of saturation being complete. For ensuring thorough soaking of the bricks every one or two bricklayers or more as necessary, shall be provided with tubs for use The wall of structures shall be carried up regularly in all cases 1` when the nature of the work will admit of it not leaving any part 915mm (3 feet) lower than another. Horizontal courses shalI be straight, level and even and faces of walls smooth and plumb. A straight edge and a plumb- xxx shall be used for constant checking during progress of the work. No brick-bats shall be permitted to be used except when necessary for obtaining the dimension of the different course or for obtaining the specified bond. All unfinished work must be raked back in course unless otherwise directed arid when new work is to be jointed to it the surface of unfinished work must be cleaned and wetted. The bricks shall be laid by placing sufficient mortar on the wall and forcing every brick into it in such a manner as to completely fill every joint with moratar whether at the bottom, side or end of the brick. The mortar to be used shall be that specified for the relevant schedule items and shall comply with the specification for the mortar specified. The bound used shall be English and shall be carried throughout the work. At all angles forming the junction of any two walls, the bricks shall, at each alternate course be carried into each of the respective walls, so as to thoroughly unite the work. V'Jhen the faces are to be plastered, the joints shall be well raked out before any plaster is laid on should the plaster from want of proper joint ranking detach and 7 fall off from the brick work, the contractor shall strip off the plaster bodily to the extent ordered by Superintending Engineer and shall re-do the work properly at his own expense. All requisite scaffolding shall be provided at the contractor's expense and shall be double i.e., must it have two sets of upright supports Care must be taken to ensure the safety of the work people and the contractor must comply with such instructions as the Superintending Engineer may issue to ensure such safety. The contractor will be entirely responsible for any damage or injuries to person or property resulting from ill-erected scaffolding, defective ladders, or otherwise arising out of his default in this respect. The brick work for the retaining wall shall proceed side by side with the depositing and compacting of earth between the retaining walls. At no time shall the brick-work be constructed more than 405mm (1'-4") above Y the compacted earth. In the retaining wall weep-holes shall be provided at suitable intervals as instructed during execution, with the inner surface of the weep-holed plastered 20mm (3/4") thick in cement mortar 1:4 crouched rock of grades in different layer shall be provided at the inner end of the weep-holes to prevent the choking of the weep-holes to have full drainage. No extra payment will be made for this and no deductions will be made for this in the brick-work.

  • Materials and Equipment ‌ Material means property that may be consumed or expended during performance, component parts of a higher assembly, or items that lose their individual identity through incorporation into an end item. Equipment means a tangible item that is functionally complete for its intended purpose, durable, nonexpendable, and needed for performance. Materials and Equipment shall be priced in accordance with the terms of the task order award, contract type, and applicable FAR and agency-specific regulatory supplements. Unless otherwise directed by task order terms and conditions, the Contractor may apply indirect costs to materials and equipment consistent with the Contractor’s usual accounting practices.

  • BRAND NAME OR EQUALS/DEVIATIONS Unless otherwise specified, the mention of a particular manufacturer’s brand name or number in the specifications does not imply that this particular good is the only one that will be considered for purchase. This reference is intended solely to designate the type or quality of good that will be acceptable. Equal offers will be considered and must include descriptive literature and/or specifications. Failure to provide descriptive literature and/or specifications with equal offers will result in the disqualification of the bid. The determination as to whether any alternate good or service is or is not equal shall be made solely by the County and such determination shall be final and binding upon all bidders. The County reserves the right to request and review additional information to make such a determination. Although the County provides for the consideration of alternate bids, it reserves the right to make an award in the best interest of the County. Award may not necessarily be given to the lowest bid offered. The Bidder shall be responsible for reading very carefully, and understanding completely, the requirements and the specifications of the items bid upon. Unless the bid is in response to a “Brand Name or Equal” requirement, deviations from the specifications will only be considered if requested in writing prior to the date and time specified for receipt of bids. Deviations, if accepted, will be specifically addressed in writing via an addendum to this Invitation for Bids. Any goods or services that are not in compliance with the specifications will not be accepted.

  • Packaging Materials and Containers for Retail Sale Packaging materials and containers in which a good is packaged for retail sale shall, if classified with the good, be disregarded in determining whether all the non-originating materials used in the production of the good undergo the applicable change in tariff classification set out in Annex 4, and, if the good is subject to a regional value-content requirement, the value of such packaging materials and containers shall be taken into account as originating or non-originating materials, as the case may be, in calculating the regional value content of the good.

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