Meal Reimbursements Sample Clauses

Meal Reimbursements. Reimbursement meals shall be paid at the rate provided in Appendix VII of the County’s Personnel Rules, the Travel and Expense Policy.
Meal Reimbursements. School bus drivers that accept an all-call trip or trip drivers that accept a same-day late trip, whether in- district or out-of-district, will be entitled up to one (1) $8.00 meal reimbursement for lunch or dinner. Meal Reimbursement Form must be legible and completely filled out with the original restaurant receipt attached. (Copies and/or duplicates of the original receipt will not be eligible for reimbursement). Trip Drivers that falsify receipts or attempt to abuse meal reimbursements may be subject to progressive discipline.
Meal Reimbursements. Employees shall receive meal reimbursements in accordance with the County’s Travel Policy contained in the County of Butte Personnel Rules.
Meal Reimbursements. Modify Paragraph 37(b) as follows:
Meal Reimbursements. Local area" in this section has the same definition as in the Overnight Accommodations policy above. 1. When a Board member or other District employee is outside of the local area on District business for an entire day, the Board Member or employee may receive one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day for meals, including gratuities, as follows:  Breakfast: $20.00  Lunch: $35.00  Dinner: $45.00 2. When a Board member or other District employee is outside of the local area on District business for portions of a day, the Board member or employee shall receive compensation for those meals that occur during the portion of the day that the individual is outside the local area. 3. Authorized personnel and Directors may, in lieu of per diem reimbursement, receive reimbursement for actual meal costs, including tips, if such costs are less than the per diem amount. 4. The meal compensation discussed in Subsection (1) above, shall only be received for meals on the day immediately before the beginning of the event which the Board member or employee is Water Replenishment District of Exhibit C Professional Services Contract Southern California Reimbursement for Travel, Meals and Lodging Rev: 06/07/16 364170.2 attending, the days when the event is occurring and the day immediately following the conclusion of that event. Further, where meal costs are included in airfare or in the event registration fees, the compensation received shall be reduced by the amounts indicated above. 5. The per diem amounts discussed above are provided for the Board Member or other employee's meals while out of the local area on business. Whether or not expenditure occurs within the local area, the Board member or other employee is entitled to reimbursement for meals purchased for other persons, if such meals are in furtherance of District business and the Finance Committee subsequently approves the request for reimbursement. Any such expenditures for additional meals shall be reasonable and necessary and must further the business interest of the District. 6. In calculating the amount to be reimbursed to the Board member or employee, the Finance Committee shall reduce each meal's total by that meal's per diem rate.
Meal Reimbursements. (a) The Employer will reimburse workers for the actual cost of meals and tips not to exceed the following: Breakfast Twelve Dollars ($12.00) Lunch Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) Dinner Twenty Dollars ($20.00) If during the life of this Agreement, the reimbursement rate for SEIU Local 503 members increases, the above amounts will increase to the same amount. The Employer will pay thirty dollars ($30) per-diem in an advance direct deposit before the individual leaves for an assignment exceeding two (2) qualifying days, upon request. A qualifying day is a day in which at least the lunch and dinner meals would be eligible for reimbursement, and are not already provided by the Employer. (b) Workers shall present actual receipts along with their requests for reimbursements. Reimbursements will not be denied based upon an occasional failure to obtain, and thus provide, a receipt upon request for reimbursement. (c) When more than one (1) meal is claimed in a day, an individual’s meal maximum may be exceeded as long as the total combined maximum is not exceeded. (d) Breakfast and lunch will be reimbursed or provided only if the worker is spending a night away from home or if the meal is taken in conjunction with work. (e) Dinner will be reimbursed or provided when the worker is required to spend the night away from home on work-related business, when dinner is eaten during a union meeting or in a context legitimately considered “union business,” or when the worker is not allowed to schedule a 1-hour dinner break between the regular workday and an evening work-related meeting or activity that would extend the workday beyond 7 p.m. The parties acknowledge that exempt staff have sufficient flexibility with their own schedules to permit scheduling of dinner breaks in most instances not addressed in the “night away from home” and “union business” provisions of this sub-section.
Meal Reimbursements. Refer to the County’s Travel Policy (Board Approved 09/24/13).
Meal Reimbursements. Meal reimbursements for eligible employees shall not exceed $15.00 for each year of this Agreement:
Meal Reimbursements. Refer to Travel Policy in the Personnel Rules
Meal Reimbursements. The Employer shall reimburse an employee for meal costs and/or accommodation costs incurred while providing services for clients. Meals will be reimbursed at the following rates which are inclusive of applicable tax and gratuities: Breakfast – up to ten dollars ($10.00) Lunch – up to fifteen dollars ($15.00) Supper – up to twenty dollars ($20.00) The employee must submit receipts acceptable to the Employer withing thirty (30) days.