Pre-Disciplinary Notice Sample Clauses

Pre-Disciplinary Notice. An appointing authority or designee who proposes to take disciplinary action against a regular employee of a suspension without pay of five (5) days or more severity, shall first serve the employee with notice of the proposed discipline including the right to respond to the appointing authority prior to the action being taken. The notice shall be served at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the effective day of the action and shall be served on the employee personally or by certified mail. If the employee is personally served, the date of service shall be considered to be the first day of notification. If the employee is served by certified mail, neither the day of the mailing nor the following calendar day shall be considered in the seven calendar days for notification purposes. The notice shall clearly specify the action taken, the reason for the action including the particular facts and specific incident(s) involved and the effective date(s) of the action and, in cases of demotion, shall contain a statement as to the wages and duties of the new position. The notice shall also advise the employee that a copy of the material upon which the action is taken or based is attached; the right to be represented and to respond verbally or in writing to the appointing authority or designated representative prior to the effective date of the action, and the right to appeal the action and the time within which the appeal may be made. An appointing authority or a designated representative taking disciplinary action against an employee may, when it is necessary for the operation of the department, or to conduct an investigation into the allegation, assign the employee to less critical duties during the five (5) day review period. When extraordinary circumstances exists that require the immediate removal of the employee from the premises, an appointing authority or a designated representative may place the employee on paid suspension subject to call not to exceed five (5) days. If required to provide for full investigation of the allegations made against an employee and it is necessary for the operation of the department, the five (5) day period for reassignment or paid leave may be extended with prior approval of the Director of Human Resources Nothing in this section or in Section 20.05 shall be deemed to preclude the taking and imposition of disciplinary action before the grievance procedure has been resorted to or exhausted by the Union or Employee.
Pre-Disciplinary Notice. Prior to imposing discipline involving a loss of pay or termination of employment, the University will inform the employee in writing of the reasons for the contemplated discipline and an explanation of the evidence. The University will provide the Union with a copy. The employee will be provided an opportunity to respond either at a meeting scheduled by the University, or in writing if the employee prefers. A pre-disciplinary meeting with the University will be considered time worked.
Pre-Disciplinary Notice. Employees and the Union shall be notified in writing prior to formal disciplinary action being taken which could have an economic impact. The notification shall include a statement of all charges and supporting documentation with sufficient detail for the employee to explain why formal disciplinary action should not be taken. The employee shall have an opportunity to present reasons, either oral or in writing, why the proposed action should not be taken.
Pre-Disciplinary Notice. Prior to any final University decision regarding disciplinary action, employees shall be advised in writing of charges or complaints against them that the University reasonably believes could result in disciplinary action, and shall be given the opportunity to respond to such allegations.
Pre-Disciplinary Notice. An appointing authority or designee who proposes to take disciplinary action against a regular employee of a suspension without pay that is greater than five
Pre-Disciplinary Notice. When the sheriff determines there is just cause to discipline an employee, the division commander or designee shall give the employee an opportunity to review and respond to the charges before the effective date of the disciplinary action. For discipline involving an oral or written reprimand, the supervisor will meet with the employee and their representative to review the charges and the discipline to be imposed. For discipline involving economic impacts (suspension, demotion) the office will provide written notice containing: A. A statement of alleged improper conduct, inadequate performance, or other cause for discipline engaged in by the employee; B. A statement of the disciplinary sanction being considered. The notice shall be delivered a minimum of two (2) scheduled work days which can be increased to five
Pre-Disciplinary Notice. When City management determines that an employee has committed a violation for which Severe Disciplinary Action (as set forth in Section 20.02.02) is appropriate, the following procedure shall be followed: 20.03.01 The employee will be given a written notice of the proposed disciplinary action stating the reasons upon which the action is based; 20.03.02 The employee will be given a copy of or access to any materials upon which the charges are based; 20.03.03 The employee will be given reasonable time to review the charges, materials and prepare his/her response; and 20.03.04 The employee will be given a date and time to make his/her oral response to the City Manager or his designee and/or provide a written response to the charges. 20.03.05 After considering the employee's response or lack thereof to the charges, the City Manager (or designee) shall amend, withdraw or institute the proposed disciplinary action.
Pre-Disciplinary Notice. A written pre-disciplinary notice shall be given to employees who have served their initial trial service period and against whom a charge is presented which might result in discharge. Such notice shall include the known complaints, facts and charges, a statement that the employee may be discharged, and the names of Employer attendees anticipated to participate at the meeting. The employee shall be afforded an opportunity to refute such charges or present mitigating circumstances to the Employer at a place, time and date set forth in the notice, which date shall not be less than ten (10) calendar days from the date the notice is sent. The employee shall be permitted to have an official representative or reasonable number of representatives present. At the discretion of the Employer, the employee may be suspended with or without pay or be allowed to continue to work, as specified in the
Pre-Disciplinary Notice. Nothing in this Section or in Section 21.3 shall be deemed to preclude the taking and imposing of disciplinary action before the grievance procedure has been resorted to or exhausted by the UNION or employee.
Pre-Disciplinary Notice. An appointing authority or designee proposing disciplinary action against an employee of demotion, discharge, or a suspension of five (5) days or more , shall first serve the employee with written notice of the proposed disciplinary action. The written notice shall include the right to respond to the appointing authority. The notice shall be served at least five (5) days prior to the effective date of the proposed disciplinary action. Service may be done personally or by certified mail. An appointing authority or a designated representative taking disciplinary action against an employee may, when it is necessary for the operation of the department, or to conduct an investigation into the allegation, assign the employee to less critical duties during the five (5) day review period. When extraordinary circumstances exist that require the immediate removal of the employee from the premises, an appointing authority or a designated representative may place the employee on paid suspension subject to call not to exceed five (5) days. If it is required to provide for full investigation of the allegations made against the employee and it is necessary for the operation of the department, the five (5) day period for reassignment or paid leave may be extended incrementally with prior approval of the Director of Human Resources. Notice shall clearly specify the action taken, the reasons for the action including the particular facts and specific incident(s) involved and the effective date of the action. If the proposed disciplinary action is a demotion, the notice shall include a statement as to the duties to be performed and the salary for the position. The notice shall also advise the employee that a copy of the material(s) upon which the action is taken is either attached or available for review upon request during normal business hours. The notice also shall advise the employee of their right to be represented and to respond in the pre-disciplinary hearing as described below prior to the effective date of the action, and the right to appeal or grieve as the case may be. Copies of all notices and reply shall be forwarded to the Director-Human Resources.