School Bus Drivers Sample Clauses
School Bus Drivers. This section shall pertain to School Bus Drivers.
Section A.1.1 The District shall use its best efforts to find alternative bus routes during inclement weather which forces the closure of roads normally used. In the event of an unusual school closure due to inclement weather, plant in operation or the like, employees reporting to work shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at their current hourly rate in the event of such a closure; provided, however, no employee shall be entitled to any such compensation in the event of direct contact or notification through announcements on one or more local radio station broadcasts at least forty-five (45) minutes prior to the beginning of shifts starting after six (6) am. For shifts starting at six (6) am or earlier the notification must be made at least one (1) hour prior to the beginning of the shift.
Section A.1.2 Shifts shall be established for bus drivers in relation to the routes and driving times necessary to fulfill tasks assigned by the transportation supervisors and dispatcher. All bus drivers shall receive in addition to actual hours of driving time one-half (1/2) hour per day (two and one-half (2-1/2) hours per week) for the purpose of pre-trip inspection, bus cleaning and bus refueling. Drivers must complete a pre-trip inspection prior to the beginning of their first route of the day, or prior to driving a bus that has not been inspected by another driver. Start time for A.M./P.M. and Midday Routes shall occur on the quarter hour. Absent mutual agreement with the driver, Transportation will not slide their shift schedule by more than forty-five (45) minutes on any given day. Effective November 15th of each year, absent mutual agreement, shift schedules will not slide by more than thirty
School Bus Drivers. 1. Non-probationary hourly bus drivers employed at the end of the school year shall be returned to their previous job classifications at the beginning of the succeeding school year. All drivers will be paid overtime on weekend assignments.
2. An employee who is assigned to the driving of a school bus for two (2) or more consecutive hours and holds a valid CDL/SP endorsement shall receive his/her regular rate of pay or that of a bus driver, whichever is higher.
3. Regular School Bus Drivers who are called in for a trip which in turn has been cancelled, shall receive:
a. from 6:00 a.m. to 5:59 p.m. - two (2) hours straight time. The drivers shall notify their respective supervisors as soon as possible, and the drivers will be assigned to perform other work.
b. from 6:00 p.m. to 5:59 a.m. weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays - three (3) hours straight time with no work obligations, provided no other trip opportunities are available.
4. Upon request of the Union, the Supervisor of Transportation shall meet with a representative of the bargaining unit to discuss assignments.
5. For the purpose of clarification — regular and all School Bus Drivers means “Bargaining Unit Members.”
School Bus Drivers. 1. Bus Regulations
a. Extra Trip Compensation:
i. School Time Field Trips, After School Hour Trips, Trips on Non-Scheduled Days, Trips of seventy five (75) plus or minus five (5) miles.
ii. On an unscheduled school day, a 1/2 hour will be added to total trip time for prior traveling time and preparation.
School Bus Drivers. 13.1.1 Two Bids per School Year: There shall be two (2) bids each school year: a bid prior to the start of a school year and an additional bid between Thanksgiving and winter break that will be effective after the winter break. Management will make every attempt to provide a minimum two (2) week notice of bid dates/times.
School Bus Drivers employed on a part-time basis shall be employed school days only, and as and if required on other occasions.
School Bus Drivers. 23 In addition to any other examination that may be required by this Agreement, school bus 24 drivers must have a valid school bus driver’s certification which requires a separate medical 25 examination to meet the minimum medical requirements set forth by the Department of Motor
26 Vehicles.
School Bus Drivers. In the last full week of June in each year covered by this Agreement, a list of runs that are available for the new school year shall be posted at the Shops and the employee laid off in June shall come in (or indicate by signed letter) and sign for a run that he desires to work for that school year, choosing by seniority. Any employee failing to report by August shall lose all accrued seniority and the Company is at liberty to hire from the area to cover vacant runs. Any unsigned runs will be posted by August Seniority of the regular part-time driver means from date of hire, however, any employee who voluntarily leaves the employ of this Company and is rehired, his date of seniority is the date of rehire. In Terrace, the transit sign-up shall coincide with the school bus sign-up as provided in (a). In Prince Xxxxxx and section (e) will Any future, new use of flat rates will be discussed with the Union prior to its implementation and the associated rates will be agreed to by the parties. Should agreement not be reached, the Company may institute the rate they feel appropriate and the Union may grieve if they so desire. RATE FOR DRIVING COACH HELPER round trip Including cleaning in Houston The above rates shall apply to casuals, flat rates, courier drivers (full time), tour guides, who are not eligible for participation in the plan. The plan shall apply to Regular Part-time and Full-time employees only. The Plan shall apply to Regular Part-time and Full-Time Employees only. Contributions shall apply after nine (9) months for every hour worked and shall be in addition to the following wage schedule at the nine month level. Coach Lines and Collective Agreement April Note the start rates should not be reduced by per hour. It takes months to qualify for deductions there fore the stat rates are the same in both circumstances. Premium for driving transit is per hour Journeymen Mechanics who are qualified and holding Certification for installations and are certified for motor vehicle inspections shall receive a premium of per hour. Driving Instructors premium is per hour Payment of Wages Payment of wages shall be on a basis with second Friday being pay day. Any alteration of time slips shall be brought to the attention of the employee affected. Apprentice Mechanics: Shall be paid as per the Provincial program for apprentices. In Prince Xxxxxx, truck drivers will, on diversions, have the option of picking mileage or their hourly rate of pay at their regular rate. Th...
School Bus Drivers.
25-1 To qualify for driving activity and field trips, the School Bus Driver’s Handbook guidelines, Section V, Activities and Field Trips, as developed by the Advisory Committee of the Transportation Department and approved by the Director of Transportation, will be used. (1998) Of the drivers who qualify and wish to drive, a rotation system will be followed so as to assure each driver an equal opportunity. The hourly rate for attending District mandated meetings, first aid classes, and monthly staff meetings will be at the bus driver’s regular rate of pay. (2013)
25-2 Every school year, the Transportation Department will reorganize all routes and will conduct re- bid. This includes re-timing each route. The purpose of the re-bid is to align all routes to the student population throughout Xxxxxxxxx County. All drivers and monitors will be notified in writing of the route reorganization in May of each year. The re-bids will be held 10 days prior to the first day of school. The bids will be done in seniority order starting with the most senior driver to the least senior driver. Only drivers who have an established route will be allowed to bid. If routes go unassigned, they will be posted for sub drivers and other qualified applicants to apply. Assignment of unassigned routes will be done through the interview process and selected by the Director of Transportation. (2014) If a bus route becomes available, a driver may request a transfer to the route. Regular extra routes will be established by the Superintendent or designee upon recommendation by the Director of Transportation and classed as a permanent extra route or a temporary extra route. Permanent extra routes will be considered a regular route and paid as a regular route. (2007)
25-3 Should a driver voluntarily resign from the district and then be re-employed within three (3) years, they will be placed on the salary schedule at the next higher step provided they had at least six (6) months on the previous step. If an employee returns after three (3) years, they shall be considered as a new employee.
25-4 School bus drivers have the responsibility to clean the inside of the bus and to perform safety checks on their assigned buses. All drivers are to report fifteen (15) minutes before their A.M. leave time and fifteen (15) minutes before their P.M. leave time. They will be paid at their regular rate to perform these duties. (2010)
25-5 School bus drivers will be reimbursed in full, on their first pay che...
School Bus Drivers. It is mutually recognized that the principle of proportional xxxxxxx representation which reflects that increase and decrease in the work force is a sound and sensible basis for determining proper representation.
School Bus Drivers. The Charter Posting will be posted from August to September and will be continuous from year to year thereafter. Drivers may add or remove their name from the list at any time, provided they have completed their probationary period, and must do so in writing to the company. A copy of the list shall be given to the local Chairperson once a month at labour management meetings. I The Charter posting will consist of three lists as follows: List Daytime Local Charters (See attached map Appendix “A”) List Daytime Out of Town Charters (Chatters between a.m. & List Weekends and Evenings (Charters after including Local and Out of Town) A summer work posting for July and August will be posted from June to June each year. All summer work will be assigned from this list as detailed in below.