TEACHER ASSISTANTS. 1. All teacher assistants hired to assist teachers in carrying out their responsibilities and duties, shall be under the immediate instructional supervision of teachers.
2. Teacher assistants shall not assume the direct instructional responsibility for designing the educational programs for students, but may assist the teacher by:
a. providing assistance to individual students and groups of students;
b. monitoring students;
c. maintaining student records;
d. providing advice/guidance to students.
3. Teacher assistants shall not assume direct instructional responsibility while the teacher is absent.
4. Teacher assistants shall not be used to replace qualified teachers.
TEACHER ASSISTANTS. 1. All teacher assistants hired to assist teachers in carrying out their responsibilities and duties, shall be under the direct instructional supervision of teachers. Teachers shall not assume the employment supervision responsibilities for teacher assistants.
2. Teacher assistants shall not assume the instructional responsibility for designing the educational programs for students, but may assist the teacher by:
a. providing assistance to individual students and groups of students;
b. monitoring students;
c. maintaining student records;
d. providing advice and guidance to students.
3. Teacher assistants shall not assume instructional responsibility while the teacher is absent.
4. Teacher assistants shall not be used to replace qualified teachers.
5. No teacher assistant shall be placed in a class without prior consultation with the teacher.
TEACHER ASSISTANTS. Teacher assistants will be assigned by the Superintendent, and such assignment shall not be subject to the grievance procedure.
TEACHER ASSISTANTS. The purpose of this article is to clarify the working relationship between teachers and teachers' assistants.
1. The Board may employ teachers' assistants to assist teachers in carrying out their responsibilities and duties.
2. A teacher who has been assigned an assistant by the principal:
a. is responsible for the instructional program,
b. assigns duties to the assistant, and
x. is responsible for the general supervision of the assistant and may have input into the performance evaluation of the assistant.
TEACHER ASSISTANTS. It is the practice of the Bartlesville Board of Education that teacher assistants will be employed for the school term only. Employment will be offered if funds are available, the educational need exists in a particular program, and the applicant possesses the required skills. All TA’s are required by Bartlesville Public Schools and the Oklahoma State Department of Education to hold a Paraprofessional Certification (Tier 1 or Tier 2). Tier 1 certification can be gained by submitting the following documents to the Oklahoma State Department of Education:
TEACHER ASSISTANTS. 1. All teacher assistants employed by the Board to assist teachers in carrying out their responsibilities and duties under the School Act and Regulations shall be assigned to classes and/or students by the Principal and shall be assigned specific duties by the teacher during the designated periods of time. Teachers shall not assume employment supervision responsibilities for teacher assistants.
2. Teacher assistants shall not assume the instructional duties and responsibilities of teachers pursuant to School Act Section 17(1), 17(2), and School Regulation 4.
3. Teacher assistants shall not assume whole class instructional responsibilities when a teacher is absent from the classroom but may continue small group instructional assistance as specified by the teacher.
TEACHER ASSISTANTS. In order to relieve teachers of persistently clerical and non-professional duties so that more of the teacher's time may be devoted to instructional activity and preparation, the Board and the Association recognize that teacher assistants and part time clerical employees are useful and necessary.
TEACHER ASSISTANTS. Teaching Assistants will have varied teaching schedules, dependent upon individual scheduling within their building. Teacher Assistants do not follow Article X: Exchange Teaching, Foundation Fellowships and Scholarships; and Article XIX: Retirement of the Master Contract
TEACHER ASSISTANTS. The Parties agree to uphold the tenets contained within the ―Teacher/Teacher Assistant Relationship‖ document. The Board agrees that any revision of this document shall be undertaken in collaboration with the Association and that the document shall be altered only with the mutual agreement of the Parties. [Note: The Teacher/Teacher Assistant Relationship document is available online in the staff portion of the Board‘s website]
TEACHER ASSISTANTS. A. Teacher assistants shall be assigned duties in keeping with the job description. Other duties may be assigned, excluding lead teacher responsibilities, including but not limited to:
1. Class/student coverage 2 Cafeteria duty 3 Recess supervision 4 Playground supervision 5 Bus duty: Teacher assistants assigned to bus duty will be compensated for each 1/2 hour spent on duty beyond the normal seven hour work day. Compensation can take the form of prorated hourly pay, release time, or flex time.
B. Work Year, Work Week, Work Day
1. The in-school work year for teacher assistants will not exceed one hundred eighty-five (185) days
2. When school is in session the day prior to December 24, the normal in-school workday for teacher assistants will be a minimum 4-hour student day.
3. On the last day of school for teacher assistants, the workday will be a minimum 4-hour student day.
4. Teacher Assistants’ work day shall consist of seven (7) hours, beginning at least 20 minutes before the opening of the pupil school day. Assistants shall indicate their presence in their signing in, and signing out on the sheet provided by the building.
5. The normal work day hours of the teacher assistant may be flexed whenever it is mutually agreeable to both the principal and the teacher assistant, including job sharing.
6. The departure time for teacher assistants not assigned to bus duty, may be reduced to ten (10) minutes on Fridays, and days preceding school holidays.
7. Teacher assistants are invited, but not required, to attend faculty meetings held after a normal workday.
8. Teacher assistants are required to participate in in-service training and faculty meetings held within the normal work day.
9. Teacher assistants, including those assigned to one student, shall have a daily duty-free lunch period of thirty (30) minutes. Teacher assistants may leave the building during their duty-free lunch period without requesting permission providing they sign out before leaving and sign in upon returning. Teacher assistants are to be at their assigned stations promptly upon completion of their duty free lunch period
10. If feasible, teacher assistants shall be provided planning opportunities with the lead teacher, or the inclusion teacher.
11. If a substitute is hired for a teacher assistant, the teacher assistant will provide direction for the substitute, including directions for all ancillary duties.