No Bargaining Sample Clauses
No Bargaining. Unit Employee at the time of the signing of this Agreement shall suffer reduction of vacation entitlement or vacation pay.
No Bargaining. Unit employee shall be laid off or displaced as a result of Non-Bargaining Unit employees performing Bargaining Unit work.
No Bargaining. Unit member taking credit courses at the University shall be considered a student as defined in Article 2.01.
No Bargaining. Unit member shall be reduced in pay and/or position, suspended, removed, or otherwise disciplined except for just cause. Disciplinary action shall be carried out in a private and business-like manner. Discipline will take into account the nature of the violation, the employee's record of performance and conduct, past disciplinary actions, and other appropriate considerations. The principles of progressive disciplinary action will normally be followed with respect to minor offenses. However, nothing in this Article shall be interpreted as limiting the Employer's ability to implement discipline at an advanced step where appropriate. The Employer will give a copy of all written corrective actions to the affected member and the Union President or designee.
No Bargaining. Unit member shall be reduced in pay and/or position, suspended, removed, or otherwise disciplined except for just cause. Disciplinary action shall be carried out in a private and business-like manner. Discipline will take into account the nature of the violation, the employee’s record of performance and conduct, past disciplinary actions, and other appropriate considerations. Disciplinary action will not be applied in an arbitrary manner. Verbal or written counselings or warnings will not be considered discipline but may be used to show that the employee had notice of the prohibited conduct and an opportunity to correct his behavior. Disciplinary actions may include the following:
1) Written reprimand
2) Suspension (paid or unpaid)
3) Fine of accumulated leave
4) Reduction in rank or salary 5) Discharge Anonymous complaints with no corroborative evidence shall not be cause for disciplinary action.
No Bargaining. Unit Members shall be required to transport pupils in private vehicles. If an individual Unit Member informs his/her supervisor that he/she does not wish to be requested to transport pupils in private vehicles, Unit Member will not be requested to perform this duty.
No Bargaining. Unit Employee shall be laid off or terminated as a result of the Employer contracting out any of its work or services.
No Bargaining. Unit Member shall be laid off unless said Bargaining Unit Member shall have been notified of said layoff at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the effective date of the layoff. Ten (10) calendar day notice shall be given where the layoff is in the form of a reduction in hours. In the event of a reduction in work force, the Employer shall first layoff probationary Bargaining Unit Members in the classification being reduced. If further reduction is made, layoff shall be made on the basis of seniority in the classification being reduced. In no case shall a new Employee be employed by the Employer while there are laid off Bargaining Unit Members who are qualified and have seniority in the classification where there is a vacancy being filled. An Employee who is laid off or reduced shall be entitled to bump less senior Employees employed in other classifications in which the laid off or reduced Employee has seniority, provided he/she is qualified. Qualifications shall be determined by the job description for each bargaining unit position.
No Bargaining. Unit Members shall be laid off and their work contracted out unless the feasibility study shows that contracting out would cost the Employer less.