NPDES Permit. Developer shall comply with the provisions of the Clean Water Act and Chapter 342D, HRS, and Chapter 11-55, HAR, relative to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) permit requirements. For discharges into Class A or Class 2 State waters, the Developer may apply for an NPDES general permit coverage by submitting a Notice of Intent (“NOI”) form to the Department of Health Clean Water Branch for the type of discharge authorized by an NPDES general permit applicable to this Project, including but not limited to storm water associated with construction activity and construction dewatering effluent. For types of wastewater not covered by general permit coverage or wastewater discharging into Class 1 or Class AA State waters, an NPDES individual permit may be required. Developer shall not proceed with construction until the applicable NPDES permits are obtained. Developer shall ensure that its contractors understand and comply with the permit requirements and Developer is responsible to secure its contractor’s indemnification of and holding the State of Hawaii and HHFDC harmless with respect to the actions of its contractors.
NPDES Permit. Developer shall provide proof to the City that it has obtained any required NPDES and any other permits applicable to the work being performed under this Agreement.
A. Before any grading is started on any site, all erosion control measures as shown on the Preliminary Plans shall be strictly complied with as set forth in the plans as well as all requirements of the NPDES permit and any other permit requirements issued by the City, County, State or Federal government. Developer shall also install all erosion control measures deemed necessary by the City Engineer should the erosion control plan prove inadequate in any respect.
B. The Developer shall be responsible for maintaining all erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with all City, County, and State regulations.
C. Developer shall comply with all requirements for drainage into any county ditch or other ditch through which water from the property may drain and shall make any necessary improvements or go through any necessary procedures to ensure compliance with any Federal, State, County or City requirements, all at Developer's expense. In addition, Developer shall fully comply with all reasonable recommendations made by the City Engineer relative to drainage improvements.
D. Developer shall remove / break all existing field agricultural tile as shown in the Preliminary Plans. If other field agricultural tiles are discovered which originate from adjacent properties, Developer shall not diminish the functionality of any existing field tiles that would negatively affect offsite properties.
E. The Developer shall establish the required wetland buffers as required by City Code and depicted in the Preliminary Plans.
NPDES Permit. RFA shall obtain any required NPDES permits from the Xxxxxxxxxx County Soil Conservation District prior to issuance of any permit for earth disturbance.
NPDES Permit. Prior to beginning of construction, the applicant shall file a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the Regional Water Quality Control Board, if required, to obtain coverage under the State General Construction Activity NPDES Permit Satisfactory evidence of the filing of the NOI shall be furnished to the City. The applicant shall
NPDES Permit. TENANT shall not discharge any industrial effluent into the ground. TENANT shall obtain an NPDES permit to discharge stormwater or other effluents into a body of water. TENANT shall obtain an NPDES permit, if stormwater run-off is exposed to raw materials, unfinished or finished products, waste, by-products, industrial machinery or equipment, a materials handling area or a process area. TENANT shall obtain, when applicable, the pertinent industrial discharge permit or pre-treatment permit required by PRASA.
NPDES Permit. Grantor agrees to make NPDES Permit #WAR005863 active for purposes of Grantee’s Construction Activities that will be occurring within the Easement Area. Grantee will be responsible to provide a CECSL for the project and manage the permit on Xxxxxxx’s behalf for the duration of Construction Activities. Grantee will at its own cost and expense; implement the erosion control measures in the plans, and will be responsible for any necessary changes to best management practices (the “BMPs”), as may be necessary for making sure the site is performing properly.
NPDES Permit. Tenant shall not discharge any industrial effluent into the ground. Tenant shall obtain an NPDES permit to discharge stormwater or other effluents into a body of water. Tenant shall obtain an NPDES permit, if stormwater run-off is exposed to raw materials, unfinished or finished products, waste, by-products. industrial machinery or equipment, a materials handling area or a process area. Tenant shall obtain, when applicable, the pertinent industrial discharge permit or pre-treatment permit required by PRASA.
NPDES Permit. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be prepared by the CONSULTANT and executed by the selected contractor and placed on file. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to submit the Notice of Intent application, monitor compliance with the SWPPP and to complete the Notice of Termination (NOT) at the completion of the project.
NPDES Permit. It is understood that LES may apply for an NPDES discharge permit to allow direct discharge of return effluent into Salt Creek in the event that the NWWTF is unable to accept return flows for an extended period of time, provided, however, LES agrees that any such direct discharge shall be outside of the NWWTF "mixing zone" as defined by state and federal regulations.
NPDES Permit. The Water District shall maintain a valid National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) permit authorizing the discharge of treated water from the System to the receiving waters of the State of California. The Water District shall, at its sole cost and expense, (a) defend any regulatory or citizen enforcement actions that may arise out of alleged violations of the NPDES permit caused by operation of the System, except to the extent such actions result from the receipt of non-Specification Influent from the Sanitation District and (b) pay any fines or civil penalties levied as a result of any such enforcement actions and/or any amounts tendered in settlement of such enforcement actions. To the extent such actions result from the receipt of non-Specification Influent from the Sanitation District, the Sanitation District shall, at its sole cost and expense, (a) defend such actions, and (b) pay any fines or penalties levied as a result of such actions and/or any amounts tendered in settlement of such actions.