Obligation to confidentiality Sample Clauses
Obligation to confidentiality. 3.1 The Candidate (E)ETS-Provider undertakes to keep Confidential Information strictly confidential. With regard to the Confidential Information or any part thereof, including, but not limited to, the Practical Information on Accreditation and Toll Services (PIAT) received by the Candidate (E)ETS Provider from or on behalf of the Toll Charger in the context of the accreditation for the Blankenburgverbinding EETS Domain, the Candidate-(E)ETS Provider is not allowed, without the prior and written consent of the Toll Charger, to, either directly or indirectly, such as through an intermediary or a legal entity in which the Candidate-(E)ETS Provider is a shareholder, director or otherwise involved:
(i) using any part of the Confidential Information other than in the context of accreditation or providing services in the Blankenburgverbinding EETS Domain, or for a purpose other than discussions on the (E)ETS Agreement;
(ii) disclosing any part of the Confidential Information to third parties other than those natural or legal persons who, by virtue of their position, professional relationship or direct or indirect contractual relationship with the Candidate (E)ETS Provider, must have access to Confidential Information in the context of accreditation or providing services in the Blankenburgverbinding EETS Domain. To the extent that the natural or legal persons referred to in this paragraph are not bound by legal professional secrecy by virtue of their professional activity and for that reason would not disclose Confidential Information due to a professional duty, those natural or legal persons must expressly declare in writing that they are bound by the obligations of this Non-Disclosure Agreement. The Candidate (E)ETS Provider ensures that the natural or legal persons referred to in this paragraph, whom it involves in the accreditation and discussion of the (E)ETS Agreement, comply with the obligations contained in this Non-Disclosure Agreement.
3.2 The Candidate (E)ETS Provider shall take all measures necessary to:
(i) prevent the disclosure of Confidential Information in breach of this Article 3; and
(ii) to ensure compliance with the terms of this Article 3 by itself and by the natural or legal persons referred to in Article 3.1 of this Non-Disclosure Agreement under (ii).
3.3 The confidentiality obligations under Article 3.1 parts (i) and (ii) shall not apply if the information:
(i) is available to the public without being the result of an unauthorized disclos...
Obligation to confidentiality. Both Parties agree that either party will not, directly or indirectly, disclose or otherwise reveal any confidential information and documents, related to each other’s activity, to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party. The Program participants of either Party shall not disclose any business and specialized technology or any information that might impair the interests of the other Party and any breach of the obligation to confidentiality shall be liable under the laws.
Obligation to confidentiality. The contracting parties undertake:
a) to keep the disclosed documents, data records and samples strictly confidential and to take all necessary measures to prevent them from being made available to any third party. Employees, agents or other persons of the contracting parties who have access to this information and come into contact with the information are to undertake to adhere to this confidentiality agreement and shall be bound by contract to maintain this confidentiality, whereby this commitment shall also extend to the post-contractual period.
b) to permit access to documents, data records and samples only to employees and persons who have been obliged to maintain secrecy. Within the statutory limits, these obligations shall also be imposed for the period after the employee has left the company.
c) to use the documents, data records and samples without exception specifically for the purpose of serving processing and treatment, and to incorporate any breach of legislation as well as any improper use. The contracting parties shall take into account the known principles of data security, as well as to prevent the misuse by third parties.
d) to not photocopy or reproduce in any other manner any of the disclosed documents, data records and samples, including in electronic form, in as far as the foregoing principles cannot be guaranteed.
e) neither to change nor to modify the documents, data records and samples.
Obligation to confidentiality. Both parties agree to keep confidential of the information obtained during the implementation of the activities carried out under this Agreement; this shall not apply to the use of such information for the purpose requested.
Obligation to confidentiality. 1. Information recipient must abide by the following conditions.
A. Strictly handle provided “Information” as confidential at all times.
B. Information recipient may only use the provided “Information” within a scope required for the task agreed upon mutually between NAVER and LINE+ and if necessary, may make a copy version upon acquiring the consent from LINE+.
C. Information recipient shall expose the Information only to the internally related personnel when required and notify of the confidentiality obligation stipulated in the Agreement to the same and receive a memorandum to guarantee the compliance with the confidentiality.
D. Information and deliverables shall not be leaked or provided externally or to a third party at all times.
2. If the information recipient can prove that he/she falls under the purview of below items to LINE+, abovementioned confidentiality obligation shall not be applicable.
A. If the information has been developed independently by the information recipient and completely apart from LINE+.
B. If the information could have been obtained publicly
C. Information that the information recipient has acquired upon receiving confirmation that such information is not a confidential or information proved to be not confidential through document possessed by information recipient.
D. Information which is exposed originally by LINE+. However the scope shall only be valid within the target and range designated by a written consent.
E. When the information requires to be exposed by valid order of government or court. However, the exposure shall only be confined to the range where the order has been made to and in such case, the information recipient must notify of the fact to the original information provider and allow LINE+ to take proper protective measure.
3. The information must not be exposed to subsidiary company, let alone to a third party. However, if the subsidiary company is set as the related party for this Pledge then it shall be considered as an exception.
4. The information provider confirms that the exposure of information based on the Pledge does not mean granting of exercise and use right to the trademark, patent, copyrights and other intellectual property rights.
5. All information is exclusively owned by original information provider. Also, any document that includes the information of similar kind must be returned to the original provider if this Agreement is terminated or invalidated or if the recipient deems that such in...
Obligation to confidentiality. The Service Supplier undertakes not to make known to third parties and/or use for their own personal benefit any information concerning the University’s activities and/or his/her own operations carried out in the period of collaboration with the University. The purpose of this provision is to prevent information which is not in the public domain or in any case public knowledge being divulged or used. It remains understood that none of these provisions shall prevent the Service Supplier from making known to third parties in the performance of their appointment information which may be necessary and useful for the effective and efficient fulfilment of his/her obligations towards the University. Breach of the obligation provided for by this article shall imply the legal rescission of this contract in accordance with and by the effects of the provisions of article 1456 of the civil code.
Obligation to confidentiality. Each Party undertakes to keep secret all Confidential Information of the other Party, in particular business and trade secrets, which has come to its knowledge in the course of the preparation, performance and fulfilment of the contractual obligations and not to transfer Confidential Information to third parties without the authorization of the other Party. This obligation shall apply indefinitely beyond the termination of the business rela- tionship between the Parties. Imnoo shall be permitted indefinitely to analyze, evaluate, process, modify or otherwise use Confidential Information (i) within the scope of the Business Relationship or (ii) in anonymized format for internal purposes like operation and further development of the Services (e.g. timing estimates or finding of similar parts) or other services, while main- taining confidentiality. The disclosure of Confidential Information to third parties which is required for rendering the Services shall not be considered a breach of the confidentiality obligations under this Agreement. Such third parties are essentially digital service providers (e.g. Microsoft). In particular, Imnoo will not disclose Confidential Information to manufacturers in the me- chanical and electrical engineering industry without the express consent of Partner. The Parties agree to impose the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement on all em- ployees, directors, officers, internal and external consultants, assistants, and agents (the "Secret Carriers") who learn or may know Confidential Information.
Obligation to confidentiality. All employees are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to comply with the work instructions as well as with this policy. The obligation shall be renewed annually.
Obligation to confidentiality. 4.1 The Managing Director is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding all the company's affairs toward all outsiders unless passing on such information is essential in the normal course of his duties. This obligation remains in force when this Contract expires.
Obligation to confidentiality. In connection with the obligation to confidentiality Employer refers to the annex which is attached to this contract of employment.