Other Rates of Pay. 3.6.1. A teacher who agrees to provide temporary / part-time instruction within the School Division’s Alternative Education Programs, or who renders professional service during any vacation period at the request of the superintendent, shall receive a contract and be paid one-two hundredth (1/200) of the teacher’s total annual salary for each full day of such work. Where instruction is provided on a part-day basis, the applicable salary will be based on cumulative instructional hours assigned divided by seven (7) instructional hours per full day. All other benefits prescribed in this collective agreement remain in effect, to the maximum of one (1) full-time equivalent per teacher.
Other Rates of Pay. 3.6.1 A teacher who is not in receipt of an administrative or supervisory allowance, who agrees at the request of the School Division to provide professional service during any non-operational period, shall be paid on the basis of a half day or full day based on one two-hundredth (1/200th) of the teacher’s total annual salary.
Other Rates of Pay. 3.6.1 Summer school teachers shall be paid according to the following formula: Standard Teacher Cost* / 200 days per year / 9.1 hours per day *Standard Teacher Cost is the amount charged to schools on a yearly basis for each full-time equivalent teacher.
Other Rates of Pay. 3.6.1 A teacher who agrees to render service during the vacation periods, at the written request of the superintendent, shall be paid 1/200th of their total annual grid salary for each day of work, but for advertised projects may accept the established rate of pay.
Other Rates of Pay. A teacher employed to provide instruction at the Employer’s summer school shall be paid on the regular salary grid, with pro-rata calculations reflecting the percentage of time taught.
Other Rates of Pay. 3.6.1. The School Division may offer employment to a teacher for special projects related to teaching at the per hour rate specified in clause 3.6.2 as well as the relevant administrative allowances when applicable. Special projects require mutual agreement and exclude assigned teacher duties as described in clause 5.3 of this agreement and those teaching and administrative duties related to school programs and operations.
3.6.2. Evening, Saturday, and Summer School A teacher employed on an hourly basis to provide instruction at the School Division’s Evening, Saturday and Summer School shall be paid at the rate of $63.46 per hour inclusive of holiday and vacation pay, with no benefit costs to the School Division excepting Employment Insurance and Canada Pension Plan. The School Division shall advertise for summer school teachers, and afford consideration to internal candidates, but shall have sole discretion in determining the best applicant for the positions.
Other Rates of Pay. 3.6.1. A teacher employed on a course basis to provide instruction in credit courses at the School Division's summer school shall be paid at a rate of one two- hundredth (1/200th) per full day of service, inclusive of general holiday and vacation pay.
3.6.2. A teacher designated by the School Division as the Administrator responsible for the summer school shall be paid at a rate of one two-hundredth (1/200th) of the applicable administrative designation identified in clause 4.2, per full day of service inclusive of general holiday and vacation pay.
Other Rates of Pay. Summer School / Night School
Other Rates of Pay. 3.6.1. Teacher Assigned to Multiple Locations Allowance Teachers required to teach in two or more schools in one day shall be paid mileage or travel allowance at the same rate as other Employer personnel, provided those schools are more than ten (10) kilometers apart.
Other Rates of Pay. 2.3.1 The standard required for a qualification to be regarded as a "degree" for the purposes of determining minimum salary is a degree as per the Australian Qualification framework as maintained by the Australian Qualification Framework Council (xxx.xxx.xxx.xx).
2.3.2 A three (3) year pass degree plus honours is regarded as equivalent to a four (4) year degree for the purposes of determining minimum pay levels. On the other hand possession of a graduate diploma additional to a three (3) year pass degree does not require any higher salary than the minimum for a three (3) year degree, unless the graduate diploma "builds on" the original qualification to the extent that it becomes equivalent to a four (4) year degree.