Out-of-Province. Medical Charges
(a) Out-patient emergency room charges;
(b) Standard hospital xxxx charges;
(c) The emergency treatment by a legally licensed physician, surgeon or licensed dentist; and
(d) Hospital expenses, x-rays and laboratory services as may be requested by a licensed physician.
Out-of-Province. Employees working in out-of-province assignments shall maintain all rights, benefits and privileges of this Agreement, unless the Employee chooses otherwise.
Out-of-Province. Employees and their families will be covered for out of province medical coverage to a max of 3 weeks per visit.
Out-of-Province. Country Plan
Out-of-Province. Employees working outside the province of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Island to assist an external utility company in emergency power restoration.
Out-of-Province. Country Medical Insurance
Out-of-Province. Retirees to Effective June retired members attaining the age of sixty five (65) may purchase additional out of province coverage which provides coverage to the month of their seventy-fifth birthday. Enrolment will be offered only once, immediately following the member’s birthday. The premiums are subject to yearly review.
Out-of-Province. Labrador ratesor actual expenseswith receipt. When an employee is working outside of a radius of both the employee’snormal reporting centre and the employee’s regular place of residence duringthelunch period, alunch time meal allowance as specified under Article will apply. Under this circumstance, it is understood that an employeewould remain within areasonable distanceofthe job site during the lunch period. Employees assigned away from their reporting centre or regular place of residencefor an overnight period who wish to be responsiblefor providing their own accommodations, with the approval supervisor, will be entitled to claim living expenses of per day plus the per diem as specifiedin Article This will apply only on days where they would normally be entitledto accommodation reimbursement. It is understood that the Company accepts no for loss or damage to personal property or the injury of third parties while employeesareat the accommodation or to or from the accommo- dation and worksite. In project and whose work assignment takes them more than from theirplaceofresidence, be entitledto trip to theworklocation at the beginning ofthe project andareturn trip at the project completion. In addition, employees will be entitled to a maximum of ten days lodging and per diem or employeesmay request to applythe provisions of Article for a maximum often (10) days. board for the exclusive use ofthe Union. The Company will also provide reasonable spacefor Union notices on Company bulletin boards where employeesarepermanently located. employee copy ofthis Agreement. BARGAINING shall be conducted between the chief negotiator for the Union and the designated bargaining representativesofthe Union, on onehand, and the designated bargaining representatives of the Company on the other, in a manner consistentwith thisAgreementand the Canada Labour Code. COMMON ADMINISTRATIVE, EMPLOYEEmeans employed in anyofthe occupationslisted in Appendix I. PROBATIONARYEMPLOYEEmeans an employeewho is engaged for periodofup employee. Probationaryemployees have the right to grieve anymatter under this CollectiveAgreement other than termination for unsuitability. REGULAR EMPLOYEE means an employee who has completed their basis unlessinterruptedby theforceadjustment or disciplineprovisions of this agreement, or resignation. COMBINATIONor temporaryemployeewhose workassignmentencompassesnot more than three occupations.Combina- tion persons shallbe paid the applicable ofthe higher occupation....
Out-of-Province. Trip Duration 60 Days Maximum $3,000,000 per lifetime
Out-of-Province. Payment will be made for the following reasonable and customary charges incurred for emergency treatment while traveling or temporarily residing outside your province of residence, and which are in excess of the provincial health plan allowance: - room and board in a licensed hospital up to xxxx level - hospital services and supplies - diagnosis and treatment by a physician or surgeon. Extended Health Benefits are not payable for: - Services normally paid through any provincial hospital plan, any provincial medical plan, WSIB, other government agencies or any other source. - Services provided in a chronic care or psychiatric hospital, chronic unit of a general hospital, health spa, or when a patient is confined to a nursing home or home for the aged and receives Ontario government assistance. - Dental care (except as outlined under “Benefits”). - Rest cures, travel for health reasons, insurance examinations or services or supplies for cosmetic purposes.