Overtime-Eligible Employees Employees who are covered by the overtime provisions of state and federal law.
Overtime for Part-Time Employees (a) A part-time employee working less than the normal hours per day of a full-time employee, and who is required to work longer than their regular workday, shall be paid at the rate of straight-time for the hours so worked, up to and including the normal hours in the workday of a full-time employee. (b) A part-time employee working less than the normal days per week of a full-time employee, and who is required to work other than their regularly scheduled workdays, shall be paid at the rate of straight-time for the days so worked up to and including the normal workdays in the workweek of a full-time employee. (c) Overtime rates shall apply to hours worked in excess of (a) and (b) above.
Part-Time Employees Employees who are scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per workweek.
Shift Employees Employees who work rotating shift patterns or those who work qualifying shifts shall be entitled, on completion of 12 months employment on shift work, to up to an additional 5 days annual leave, based on the number of qualifying shifts worked. The entitlement will be calculated on the annual leave anniversary date. Qualifying shifts are defined as a shift which involves at least 2 hours work performed outside the hours of 8.00am to 5.00pm, excluding overtime. Number of qualifying shifts per annum Number of days additional leave per annum 121 or more 5 days 96 – 120 4 days 71 – 95 3 days 46 – 70 2 days 21 – 45 1 day
Active Employees Active Employees who have not terminated service during the Plan Year and who meet the following requirements (select all that apply; leave blank if no exclusions): a. [ ] The Employee must be at least age (e.g., 55) b. [ ] The value of the sick and/or vacation leave must be at least $ (e.g., $2,000) c. [ ] A contribution will only be made if the total hours is over (e.g., 10) hours d. [ ] A contribution will not be made for hours in excess of (e.g., 40) hours
CONTRACT EMPLOYEES Contained in Annexure D.
Overtime-Exempt Employees Employees who are not covered by the overtime provisions of state and federal law.
Contractor’s Employees Contractor may, in its discretion and at its own expense, employ such assistants as Contractor deems necessary to perform the Services. If any specific employee is designated in Schedule 1 to perform the Services, Contractor may only replace such designated employee with SMUD’s prior written approval, and with a replacement satisfactory to SMUD. SMUD may not control, direct, or supervise Contractor or Contractor’s Representatives in the performance of the Services. Contractor agrees to assume full responsibility for the payment and deduction of all state and federal taxes and benefits from Contractor’s Representatives, including but not limited to any applicable payroll and income taxes, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, retirement, workers’ compensation, pension, or other social security benefits for all persons or entities employed or retained by Contractor in the performance of the Services under this Agreement, and if applicable for all self-employment and other taxes incurred by Contractor in the performance of the Services.
Company Employees Each Party shall not, directly or indirectly solicit for employment, any employee of the other Party who has been directly involved in the performance of this Agreement during the Term and for one year after the earlier of the termination or expiration of this Agreement or the termination of such individual's employment, with the other Party. It shall not be a violation of this provision if any employee responds to a Party's general advertisement of an open position.