SICK LEAVE AND BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. Section 1. a. Employees shall be eligible to use paid sick leave after 30 calendar days of service with the Employer. Employees shall earn sick leave as of their date of hire in accordance with the following schedule:
SICK LEAVE AND BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. Section 1. Officers shall be eligible to use paid sick leave after 30 calendar days of service with the Employer. Officers shall earn sick leave as of their date of hire in accordance with the following schedule: Maximum Sick Leave Entitlement Per Year: Section 2. Officers may accumulate sick leave up to a maximum of 300 days (2400 hours). Section 3. A doctor's certificate is required for an absence from work due to sickness for three or more consecutive days. For absences of less than three days, a doctor's certificate may be required where the Employer has reason to believe that the officer has been abusing the sick leave privilege. The total circumstances of an officer's use of sick leave rather than a numerical formula shall be the basis upon which the Employer's final determination is made that the officer is abusing sick leave. Discipline based upon patterns of sick leave use will be treated under the basic concepts of just cause. Section 4. Where sickness in the immediate family requires the officer's absence from work, officers may use not more than five days of such sick leave entitlement in each calendar year for that purpose. Immediate family is defined as the following persons: husband, wife, child, step- child, xxxxxx child, parent, brother, sister, grandchild, or step-parent of the officer. The Employer may require proof of such family sickness in accordance with Section 3 above. Section 5. Where a family member’s serious health condition requires the officer’s absence from work beyond 20 days (160 hours as applicable) in a calendar year, permanent officers with at least one year of service may use accrued sick leave, in addition to that provided by Section 4 above. a. Officers who meet the eligibility criteria in b. through e. below may use accrued sick leave in accordance with the following schedule: Leave Service Credit Sick Family Allowance Over 1 year to 3 years Up to 56 additional hours (7 days) Over 3 years to 15 years Up to 120 additional hours (15 days) Over 15 years to 25 years Up to 160 additional hours (20 days) Over 25 years Up to 208 additional hours (26 days) b. During the initial 20 days (160 hours) of absence, paid annual and/or unpaid leave shall be used and may include leave provided under Section 4 above. The additional sick family leave allowance must be used prospectively, and may not be retroactively charged for any of the initial 20 days (160 hours). A separate 20 day (160 hour) requirement must be met for each differe...
SICK LEAVE AND BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. Employees shall earn sick leave in accordance with the following schedule: Maximum Sick Leave Entitlement Per Year: Sick Leave will be 82.5 Hrs. (11 days) earned at the rate of 4.24% of all Regular Hours Paid
SICK LEAVE AND BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. Sick leave and bereavement leave policies shall be administered in accordance with the Personnel Law, except that the first three (3) days of bereavement leave taken upon the death of a parent, spouse or child will be administrative leave rather than sick leave.
SICK LEAVE AND BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. Supervisors shall be eligible to use paid sick leave after 30 calendar days of service with the Employer. Supervisors shall earn sick leave as of their date of hire in accordance with the following schedule: Maximum Sick Leave Entitlement Per Year:
SICK LEAVE AND BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. The entitlements contained in clause 21 (Sick Leave) and 22 (Bereavement Leave) are inclusive of and not in addition to the sick and bereavement leave entitlement provided for in the Holidays Act 2003 and amendments. Further information about holidays and leave entitlements under the Holidays Act 2003 can be obtained from the employee’s manager, their union or other advisor or the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
SICK LEAVE AND BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. Amend clause 5.4.1 to provide 10 days sick leave for casual employees in line with legislation. Amend clause 5.7 to provide for bereavement leave in the case of miscarriage.
SICK LEAVE AND BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. Section 1. Professional employees shall be eligible to use paid Sick Leave after thirty (30) calendar days of service with the Employer. Professional employees shall earn leave as of the date of hire in accordance with the following schedule: Maximum Sick Leave Entitlement Per Year Sick leave will be earned at a rate of 6% of all Regular Hours Paid 37.5 Hour Work Schedule: 117 Hours (15.6 days) Regular Hours Paid as used in this Article include all hours paid up to 37.5 hours per week, except full time out-service training and hours worked beyond the regular schedule. Work-related disability time shall be included in regular hours paid as provided in Article 27, Section 3. All professional employees shall be required to contribute to the sick leave bank earned sick leave in an amount equal to one percent (1%) of regular hours paid each biweekly pay period. It is understood by the parties that the sick leave in this bank is intended to provide sick leave coverage to professional employees who have suffered a catastrophic illness and who have exhausted all of their accumulated sick leave. The Employer shall credit hours to the sick leave bank at quarterly intervals each calendar year. The Sick Leave Bank Committee shall continue operation of the sick leave bank in accordance with the Sick Leave Bank Rules and Procedures as contained in Appendix F. Section 2. A professional employee shall earn sick leave from their date of hire and may accumulate sick leave up to a maximum of 300 days. Section 3. A doctor's certificate is required for an absence from work due to sickness for three
SICK LEAVE AND BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. Section 1. a. Officers shall be eligible for paid sick leave after 30 days of service with the Employer. Officers who commenced employment prior to July 1, 1985, shall earn sick leave as of their date of hire in accordance with the following schedule:
SICK LEAVE AND BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. The total leave granted under the terms of sick leave and bereavement leave will be ten (10) days per School Year, accumulative to sixty (60) days maximum. Each teacher is credited with ten (10) days of sick and bereavement leave on the first duty day of each contract year. This advanced sick leave crediting is computed on one day per calendar month of the contract until ten (10) days are accumulated, or to the maximum of sixty (60) days. Provisions for additional days of leave due to serious illness and/or bereavement in the immediate family will be considered upon a written request of the staff member. The request will be directed to the Building Principal for recommendation to the Superintendent for consideration and approval. The Board of Education reserves the right to allow increased sick leave for individual staff members due to extenuating circumstances. By advanced crediting it is possible for a teacher to use unearned sick leave if a contract is not completed. Should this situation occur, the unearned sick leave will be deducted from the financial settlement on the basis of 1/181 of the contract salary, and times the days of unearned sick leave. Xxxx leave taken for doctor and dental appointments will not be deducted from total sick leave if taken for less than one and one-half (1 ½) hours. Sick leave shall be charged in one-half (1/2) day increments if the teacher is gone more than one and one-half (1 ½) hours in any day. Leave Buy Back--any days in excess of sixty (60) days at the beginning of a school year will be traded for personal days in a ratio of five (5) sick days for one (1) personal. (See reference in Article XIV--Personal Leave)