Overtime Practices. The Department will adhere to the overtime hiring procedures and policy as stated in the Overtime General Order.
Overtime Practices. Except as is otherwise provided in this Agreement or required by law, County Code 2.44.030 shall govern all matters related to overtime.
Overtime Practices. The Department will adhere to the overtime hiring pro- cedures and policy as stated in the Overtime Policy and Procedures General Order.
Overtime Practices. Except as is otherwise provided in this Agreement or required by law, County Code 2.44.030 shall govern all matters related to overtime. Employees may accumulate up to a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours of compensatory time off for 80 hours worked. When an employee has accumulated the maximum allowable compensatory time, any overtime worked thereafter will be paid at the rate of time and one-half. Compensatory time will not be lost if not used in the year it was earned. At the time of separation from County service, unused compensatory time off shall be paid off at the straight-time rate. Management will not unreasonably deny proper employee requests for use of compensatory time off. The 40 hour overtime threshold or, as applicable, the 80 hour overtime threshold, pursuant to Section, consists of paid work time and paid leave time except that effective September 4, 2011, sick leave shall not be used in the calculation to determine the overtime threshold except in instances where employees are required to work an unscheduled mandatory overtime shift. County retains the right to modify time cards if employee does not meet this requirement.
Overtime Practices. Section I - Assignment of Overtime
Overtime Practices. 12.1.1 Except as is otherwise provided in this Agreement or required by law, County Code 2.44.030 shall govern all matters related to overtime.
12.1.2 Employees may accumulate up to a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours of compensatory time off for 80 hours worked.
12.1.3 When an employee has accumulated the maximum allowable compensatory time, any overtime worked thereafter will be paid at the rate of time and one-half. Compensatory time will not be lost if not used in the year it was earned. At the time of separation from County service, unused compensatory time off shall be paid off at the straight-time rate.
12.1.4 Management will not unreasonably deny proper employee requests for use of compensatory time off.
12.1.5 The 40 hour overtime threshold or, as applicable, the 80 hour overtime threshold, pursuant to Section, consists of paid work time and paid leave time except that effective September 4, 2011, sick leave shall not be used in the calculation to determine the overtime threshold except in instances where employees are required to work an unscheduled mandatory overtime shift. County retains the right to modify time cards if employee does not meet this requirement.
Overtime Practices.
8.1 Overtime work shall be defined as the required performance of work in excess of the established work week. For such overtime work, the employee shall be compensated at one and one-half times the regular rate of pay of the employee.
8.2 It is agreed that when it becomes necessary for the efficient conduct of the business of the State, the appointing authority may direct or authorize overtime work. An employee may be excused from being required to work overtime, provided another employee in the same classification is available and willing to work such overtime.
8.3 Before a bargaining unit member undertakes overtime work, said work must first be authorized by the appointing authority, or his designee.
8.4 When employees are required to work overtime, as much advance notice as possible will be given to such employee(s).
8.5 Overtime work is to be made a matter of record and distributed fairly and equitably among employees capable of performing the work in their respective section and class of position. A record of overtime work will be furnished to the Union monthly.
8.6 Hours credited for holidays, vacation, personal leave, jury leave shall be considered as time worked for the purpose of computing overtime.
8.7 Hours which are paid for but not actually worked shall not be counted as hours worked nor shall they be otherwise used in the computing of overtime compensation, except as provided in Section 8.6.
8.8 Employees assigned to a standard thirty-five (35) hour work week, with the approval of the appointing authority may elect to receive compensatory time in lieu of cash for those hours worked between 35 and 40 in a work week. Compensatory time thus earned shall be at the rate of time and one-half. Employees who accrue compensatory time must use such compensatory time within three (3) months. Unused compensatory time shall be automatically paid to employees at the end of each three (3) month period.
Overtime Practices. 8. 1 Overtime work shall be defined as the required performance of work in excess of the established work week. For :;;uch overtime work, the employee shall be compensated at one and one-half times the. regular rate of pay of the employee.
Overtime Practices. 12.1.1 Except as is otherwise provided in this Agreement or required by law, County Code 2.44.030 shall govern all matters related to overtime.
12.1.2 Employees may accumulate up to a maximum of two hundred twenty-five (225) hours of compensatory time off for one hundred and fifty (150) hours worked.
12.1.3 When an employee has accumulated the maximum allowable compensatory time, any overtime worked thereafter will be paid at the rate of time and one-half. Compensatory time will not be lost if not used in the year it was earned. At the time of separation from County service, unused compensatory time off shall be paid off at the straight-time rate.
12.1.4 Management will not unreasonably deny proper employee requests for use of compensatory time off.
12.1.5 Effective the pay period including January 1, 2023, the 40 hour overtime threshold or, as applicable, the 80 hour overtime threshold, pursuant to Section, consists of paid work time and paid leave time. County retains the right to modify timecards if employee does not meet this requirement.
Overtime Practices