Physician Statement. The employee shall be required to furnish a statement from a licensed physician or psychologist notifying the Employer that the employee was unable to perform the employee's duties for absences of three (3) or more consecutive work days due to illness. Whenever the Employer finds abuse of the use of sick leave, he may require proof of illness in the form of a physician statement of disability or other proof satisfactory to the Employer to approve the use of such leave.
Physician Statement. An employee claiming sick leave benefits for more than five (5) consecutive work days may be required by the District to submit a written statement from the employee's health care professional which outlines the need for continued absence for medical reasons.
Physician Statement. If medical attention is required, the employee shall be required to furnish a state- ment from a licensed physician notifying the Employer that the employee is unable to perform his duties. When the employee is absent for three (3) or more consecutive days due to illness, the employee shall be required to furnish a statement from a licensed physician notifying the Employer that the employee was unable to perform his duties for those three (3) or more consecutive days. When an employee exceeds four (4) days or thirty-two
Physician Statement. If medical attention is required, the employee shall be required to furnish an original satisfactory written, signed statement from a licensed physician to justify the use of sick leave. Where sick leave is requested to care for a member of the immediate family, the Employer shall require a physician’s certificate if medical attention is required to the effect that the presence of the employee is necessary to care for the ill person.
Physician Statement. Employees on sick leave on more than two (2) consecutive working days shall be required to furnish a certificate from a physician notifying the City that the employee is unable to perform the job, and shall present a like certificate from a physician upon the employee's return to work indicating his fitness and ability to perform the job. In addition, employees shall also be required to furnish a certificate from a physician for each illness of less than three (3) days duration, for each occasion which exceeds any one of the following calendar year limits: Two (2) occasions per employee for the employee's illness, for which no physician's certificate was presented, or, Two (2) occasions per family member, for which no physician's certificate was presented, or, Four (4) occasions in total per calendar year, for which no physician's certificate was presented. Exceptions may be made to the limits listed above in certain circumstances, and only upon advance written approval of the Fire Chief and the City Manager. Employees may be required to furnish a certificate from a physician for each illness of less than three (3) days duration, for each occasion which is less than any one of the calendar year limits shown above, if the City has reasonable suspicion that sick leave abuse is occurring or will occur. Where sick leave is requested to care for a member of the immediate family, the City may require a physician's certificate to the effect that the presence of the employee is necessary to care for the ill person.
Physician Statement. If medical attention is required, the employee will be required to furnish an original statement from a licensed physician notifying the Chief that the employee was unable to perform his/her duties. Where sick leave is requested to care for a member of the immediate family, the Chief may require an original physician's certificate to the effect that the presence of the employee is necessary to care for the ill person. Original doctor’s certificates (not copies) for the employee and/or family member must be submitted to Human Resources within fourteen (14) calendar days after returning to work. For family members, the certificate must state that the employees’ presence was required for the care, transportation, etc. of the immediate family member.
Physician Statement. A physician is any person licensed as a physician, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant, surgeon, or psychiatrist by the Medical Board of California or by the California Board of Dental Examiners to practice medicine and to prescribe controlled medications. Also covered is treatment by a chiropractor as specified in the Labor Code. “Physician” does not include psychologists or licensed clinical social workers. When the absence lasts for ten (10) or more consecutive working days, the unit member shall submit a physician's written statement verifying the illness. Upon request, the unit member shall submit a physician's written statement verifying the need for continued absence for any extended illness and the approximate date when the unit member may be expected to return to work. The administrative officer may request a physician’s statement to verify any illness absence. The physician’s statement shall include a statement that in the doctor’s opinion the unit member could not work and dates of illness. When requesting the use of “Other Sick Leave,” the physician’s statement shall include a diagnosis (medical condition). The District may request a physician’s statement to verify any illness to ensure that a unit member is able to resume the duties of the position before allowing him/her to return to work.
Physician Statement. Following an absence for serious illness, injury, or exposure to a contagious disease, the MANAGER may require a statement by a physician, indicating that the EMPLOYEE is fit to return to work.
Physician Statement. The Superintendent may require an applicant for a position as a teacher or an employed teacher to furnish a certificate from a physician stating that he or she is physically and mentally qualified to fulfill the duties of a teacher in the Campbell City Schools.
Physician Statement. An employee claiming sick leave benefits for more than five