Job Classification Review Sample Clauses
Job Classification Review. Each fiscal year of this Agreement, LRCEA and the District shall meet to review and discuss select classification families and job classifications therein subject to the following:
Job Classification Review. An employee may request that their position classification be reviewed to determine if the position is properly classified. The request shall be submitted in writing to the Human Resources Office and shall include a cover letter explaining the request and a completed classification form. The Human Resources Office response shall be communicated in writing within thirty (30) working days. If the employee is not satisfied, the employee and the Union may appeal the decision to the Human Resources Director. A meeting shall be held within fifteen (15) working days with the Director, the employee, the employee’s supervisor and Union Representatives to review the request. The Employer shall submit a decision in writing, within twenty-five (25) working days of the meeting. If denied, the Employer’s decision shall specifically outline the reason for denial. If the employee is not satisfied with the outcome, the Union may proceed to arbitration. Arbitration must be requested within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the Employer’s written decision. Any wage adjustment that may be appropriate as a result of the classification review will only be retroactive to the date the initial review request was properly submitted to the Employer.
Job Classification Review. During the first year of this agreement, LRSA and the District shall meet and review LRSA job classifications for potential consolidation and family grouping. Each year thereafter, LRSA and the District shall meet to review and discuss a select job family:
Job Classification Review. THE UNION may submit a job classification for review if there has been a significant change in the duties and responsibilities of the job. Written notice shall be given to THE HOSPITAL ninety (90) days prior to the termination of the contract of the job(s) to be reviewed. The review shall be made by a Review Panel consisting of three persons designated by THE UNION and three by THE HOSPITAL. The Panel shall attempt to make recommendations for use by both parties in negotiations for a successor contract.
Job Classification Review. If an Employee believes the Employee’s position is improperly classified, the Employee may submit a written request for a job classification review to the Director of Human Resources with a copy to the Department Head. If, after review and consultation with the Department Head, it is determined by the Director of Human Resources that the position should be reclassified based on the job duties performed any pay adjustment shall be made retroactive to the date of the request. Nothing in this Section precludes the Director of Human Resources from determining that the Employee is working out of class but directing the Employee through the Department Head to perform the work of the original job classification instead of reclassifying the position.
Job Classification Review. (a) When an employee feels that there is conflict between the job description and the duties he/she is required to perform or that the position is improperly classified, the employee shall discuss the matter with his/her immediate supervisor.
(b) The Employer or any employee who believes that the position is improperly classified may submit the matter for review by following the process:
(1) The written request will be submitted to the Supervisor outlining the material differences between the job description and the work being performed.
(2) The written request will be dated and signed by the employee.
(3) The Supervisor will review the submission with the employee. If the classification review will not be considered by the Employer, a written response will be given to the employee with reasons for denying the reclassification.
(c) If the classification review is to be considered, it will be signed and forwarded to Human Resources for review.
(d) Within 30 calendar days of Human Resources receiving the classification review, the Employer will notify the affected employee of its decision in writing. The effective date of any retroactivity resulting from a change in job classification is the date the job classification review was submitted to the Supervisor.
(e) If the employee is not satisfied with the result of the classification review, they may forward the matter for resolution in accordance with Clause 20.6 - Resolution of Disputes.
Job Classification Review. A. If an Employee believes the Employee’s job description or grade assignment is incorrect or needs adjusting, the Employee may request that either the job description or grade assignment or both be reviewed in accordance with the Personnel Policies Handbook.
B. If a group of Employees in the same job classification in the same Department believe their job description or grade assignment is incorrect or needs adjusting, the Union may submit the request on behalf of more than one Employee to the Human Resources Director who will process it in accordance the Personnel Policies.
Job Classification Review. Employees who wish to have their job duties reviewed under the Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx report in order to ensure proper classification placement shall initiate the process by written report to their immediate supervisor. The report shall list what duties the employee is performing that cause the employee to feel classification adjustment is appropriate and, if able, shall list those specific Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx factors to be reviewed. The Human Resources Director shall investigate the request, meet with the Employee and Union Xxxxxxx if requested by the Employee, and subject to unusual numbers of requests or scheduling conflicts, within fifteen (15) working days provide a report to the Employee and Union President. In the event a different point total is determined, the position's Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx' point total shall be adjusted and the duties on the job description shall be modified, if warranted. In the event that the modified point total results in a different pay grade, the job description and/or classification of the Employee shall be changed, and the Employee shall receive the rate of pay in that classification as determined by his/her city seniority or his/her pre-adjustment rate, whichever is higher. Alternatively, the Employer may remove the duties which cause a higher point total. If duties are removed, the Employee shall be notified in writing of the specific duties so removed. Results of the Employer's review are subject to the grievance procedure; however, in the event an Arbitrator overturns the Employer's decision, the Employer may still elect to remove the duties of the higher classification. The Employer may also initiate such a request. An employee may only file one reclassification report per contract. In the event the Employer schedules the meeting or meetings contemplated by this Section during the normal work hours, the Employee and the Union Xxxxxxx shall be in pay status. All meetings at other times shall be without pay. Notwithstanding the prior two paragraphs, clerks (LFC), working less than 20 hours per week and in pay levels 1, 2, 3, or 4 shall not be subject to a review based on the Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx report, but may have the job reviewed pursuant the supplement to said report provided to the Union in November, 1995, except that the employee requesting such review shall be entitled to the same right of arbitration and employer removal of duty or duties as are described in the paragraph above.
Job Classification Review. Every wage classification has the opportunity to compare its wage with a list of cities noted in the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Wages and Benefits Survey for cities with a population from 2500 to 7500. All comparisons will be made at the top step (E) of the range. If the wage falls five percent (5%) or below the average comparable rate, the Employee(s) may request an adjustment to be negotiated by the Union Negotiations Committee. The Union will submit such request to the City, along with documentation of comparisons, no earlier than April 1 and no later than May 31 during each year of the contract. The City and Union will then meet no later than July 31 to negotiate the proper adjustment to bring the position/classification in line with the comparable average, based on job description and comp cities. The City shall provide the Union a written MOU within ten (10) business days of meeting outlining the agreed to pay increase/classification change. The corresponding wage increase shall begin on the first day of the following month, provided that the payroll records can be adjusted within the proper time frame. If a classification comparison shows that the wages are above the average, the position wage can be frozen until the average catches up.
Job Classification Review. An employee may request that their position classification be reviewed to determine if the position is properly classified. The request shall be submitted in writing to the Human Resources Office and shall include a cover letter explaining the request and a completed classification form. The Human Resources Office response shall be communicated in writing within thirty (30) working days. If the employee is not satisfied, the employee and the Union may appeal the decision to the Human Resources Director. A meeting shall be held within fifteen (15) working days with the Director, the employee, the employee’s supervisor and Union Representatives to review the request. The Employer