Policy Support Sample Clauses

Policy Support. P2.1 Practical advice and guidance by phone, email and in person on the implementation of relevant HR policies and procedures inclusive of but not limited to:  Disciplinary Policy/Procedure  Grievance Policy/Procedure  Capability Policy/Procedure  Appraisal Policy/Procedure  Managing Allegations Policy/Procedure  Anti-Harassment Policy/Procedure  Managing Absence Policy/Procedure  Flexible Working Policy/Procedure  Redundancy Policy  Remodelling the workforce (e.g. workforce planning)  Workforce planning/skills audits  Pay policies All other relevant employment policies.
Policy Support. 2.1 Practical advice and guidance by telephone and email/online on the implementation of relevant HR policies and procedures inclusive of, but not limited to: • Disciplinary • Flexible Working • Grievance • Maternity/Paternity/Shared Parental • Capability • Redundancy • Appraisal • Staffing Restructure • Managing Allegations • Workforce Planning/Skills Audits • Harassment & Bullying • Pay Policies • Managing Absence • Other relevant employment policies 2.2 Provide regular updates in relation to policy changes via MSTeams and SLG website. 2.3 Regular review of policies and procedures to ensure that they meet requirements and all relevant legal standards. 2.4 Provide access to a suite of ‘model’ policies that have been agreed with the relevant trade unions and notification when these policies are updated. 2.5 Facilitate working parties when necessary, involving Headteachers/School Business Managers and Unions to influence and scope future policy development.
Policy Support. Create and Maintain a Transportation System Safe for All Modes of Travel.
Policy SupportIt is further agreed that implementation of the District's and Union's policy of nondiscrimination in assignment and their policy of actively seeking racially integrated faculties in all schools will be fully supported by both parties. The Union agrees to recognize implementation of the policy as a priority factor in assignment and transfer and agrees to assume active responsibility for encouraging applications for assignment and/or voluntary transfer as a means of implementation.
Policy Support. The Municipal Alcohol Policy will undergo a periodic review based on change within the industry, modification of industry standards, updates or amendments to the Liquor License Act or other applicable regulations. A call for review may be initiated by the following: Recreation and Parks Department, Infrastructure Services or Corporate Services.‌ APPENDIX A‌ Designated Properties‌ Designated properties list, areas where alcohol consumption is permitted under authority of a special occasion permit.‌ Updated: February 2014‌ 1. Acton Arena & Community Centre/Acton Seniors Centre‌ 2. Acton Sports Park 3. Acton Fire Station 4. Cedarvale Cottage 5. Cedarvale Park 6. Xxxxxxxxx House
Policy Support. Pakistan-approved Medium Term Development Framework for 2005-2010 spells out the energy sector strategy, including investment strategy in power generation, transmission and distribution. Based on this, the Pakistan developed the long-term power generation plan that establishes the demand for increased generation capacity, and addresses the size and timing of commissioning of the new plants. Thus the overall power transmission strategy is to ensure that the electricity from the new power generation plants is evacuated to the load centers within Pakistan. Based on the long term generation plan, a power transmission sector roadmap has been developed by Pakistan and is provided bellow. The objective of the roadmap is to present how the National Transmission and Despatch Company can deliver reliable and high quality power supply to the rising number of industrial, commercial, agricultural and domestic customers. The ADB is comfortable with the road map and its related power transmission investment program. Objectives Impact Performance Measurement Responsible Party 1. Improve power system efficiency Power system capable to support and sustain annual economic growth target of Pakistan Generation capacity constrained by transmission bottlenecks removed by 2013 Electricity tariffs continually adjusted to cost recovery levels NTDC capable to design and implement required investment projects in accordance with Subproject selection criteria (including social, environmental safeguards) Establishment of independent CPPA Amount of power transmitted through the 220/500kV systems Tariff application, determination and notification decision Approvals of PC-1 and ADB financing Subproject commissioning licenses MOWP decision, CPPA strategic and business plans NTDC NEPRA, MOWP and NTDC NTDC with assistance from ADB MOWP, NEPRA and NTDC Corporate and financial governance achieved Transmission system operated and maintained in accordance with technical requirements NTDC achieves full financial autonomy, meets and maintains financial performance requirements [DSCR 1.2 by 2010, SFR at least 20% by 2008] NTDC Board composition and management structure, audited financial statements and internal audit reports NTDC technical reports Audited financial statements, availability of counterpart funding MOWP, NTDC and WAPDA NTDC MOWP and NTDC 2. Provide quality power supply - Improve system reliability and stability Consumers provided with required electricity at all times Full compliance w...
Policy SupportComprehensive Plan Conservation Element Goal C-1: Recognize the significant role played by natural features and systems in determining the overall environmental quality and livability of Tumwater. Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element Policy C-2.16: Protect and preserve habitats for species, which have been identified as endangered, threatened, or sensitive by the state or federal government, giving “special consideration: to conservation or protection measures necessary to preserve or enhance anadromous fisheries.
Policy Support. Comprehensive Plan Goal LU-1: Ensure the Land Use Element is implementable and coordinated with all applicable City plans and the plans of other jurisdictions in the Thurston region. Comprehensive Plan Policy LU-1.1: Ensure the Land Use Element is consistent with adopted County-Wide Planning Policies and integrate transportation considerations into land use decisions, and vice versa.
Policy SupportIn view of the significant scale of Party B’s proposed investment and the leading technologies that Party B will utilize and in view of the fact that * and which will contribute to the development of the integrated circuit industry that the Municipal Government of Xiamen seeks to build, Party A shall provide the following support to the Project Company:
Policy Support. VISION | MISSION |