Review of Policies and Procedures. The Board of Directors may review the valuation policies and procedures of the Company from time to time to determine that the policies and procedures being followed by the Company at any time are in the best interests of its Members. Each such determination and the basis therefor shall be set forth in the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors.
Review of Policies and Procedures. 12 CITY reserves the right to conduct audits of CONTRACTOR’s billing 13 operations to ensure that CONTRACTOR is in compliance with written policies 14 and procedures to maintain customer information confidentiality and to detect, 15 prevent and mitigate identity theft. CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with CITY in 16 connection therewith. Such audits shall be at no cost to CITY other than labor 17 costs for CITY staff.
Review of Policies and Procedures. Special Education Department will provide Guidance Team Procedures Materials that will be reviewed by all teachers and specialists by October 1. Training will cover: • Special Services procedures and policies • Definition and clarity regarding least restrictive environment, special education services and placement • Discipline of students who are 504 and/or special education eligible • Child Find and Guidance Team training and responsibilities • Roles and responsibilities of all teaching staff in implementing special education procedures and policies • Changes in special education and/or 504 regulations and policies • Health Services, 504, and Special Education accommodations • Dissemination Process • Provide building staff access to evaluation, 504 and IEP documents for each student whom staff works with and supports • Resources o Reference how to access support resources for staff o How aide time is generated, assigned, used, and changes from year to year o Funding for students eligible for 504, special education and ELL If there are major changes in any of the above components, all administrators and all guidance team members will be provided new training materials and training.
Review of Policies and Procedures. The Initial Noteholders shall have received from the Seller, the Transferor and the Issuer such credit policies, collection policies and operating and reporting policies and procedures as are reasonably requested by the Initial Noteholders.
Review of Policies and Procedures. 1 OCR’s determination regarding the retaliation allegation raised in 05-15-2086 will be addressed in separate correspondence.
Review of Policies and Procedures. DPI will periodically review and revise its policies and procedures addressing data security as reasonably necessary.
Review of Policies and Procedures. AGP begins every project with a review of existing policies and procedures to ensure clients are in an appropriate position to xxxxxx new development. This review includes: ✓ Airport operating and capital financial results and budget ✓ Aeronautical activity, operations, and fuel sales ✓ Fixed Base Operator (FBO) financial and operational audit and inventory ✓ Ground lease and facility rental agreements ✓ Schedule of Rates & Charges ✓ Airport Minimum Standards, Rules & Regulations, and Municipal Ordinance ✓ Airport Master Plan, Airport Layout Plan, and Airport Capital Improvement Plan The deliverable for this task will be a Memorandum Summarizing Airport Policies and Procedures providing recommendations to align with industry best practices. The memo will also forecast operating and capital cash flows over the next 10 years to establish revenue targets sufficient for funding projected expenses and an appropriate airport reserve.
Review of Policies and Procedures. Action Item
1. By October 31, 2020, in consultation with OCR as described in the reporting provisions below, the district will review and revise, as necessary, its policies and procedures (policies) to ensure that: students with disabilities are not treated differently from non-disabled students with respect to the length of the school day, unless a shortened school day is determined as necessary to meet the individualized needs of a particular student with a disability, and such decisions are made by a group of persons knowledgeable about the student, the student’s disability, evaluation data, and the student’s placement options. In particular, the district’s policies will ensure that students with disabilities who utilize specialized transportation will not leave school earlier than non-disabled students, due to their use of special education services or buses, unless it is determined individually necessary for the student.
2. By October 31, 2020, the district will provide OCR a copy of its draft policies, which it developed pursuant to Action Item A.1, for OCR’s review and approval. OCR will review the policies and notify the district if OCR identifies any revisions to the policies. If OCR identifies revisions, the district will submit revised policies within 30 days of receiving OCR’s notice of revisions. OCR and the district will repeat this process until OCR approves the policies.
3. Within 30 days of receiving OCR’s written approval of the policies, the district will provide OCR with documentation to show that it has adopted the policies.
Review of Policies and Procedures. By August 1, 2015, the University will review and revise, as necessary, its written policies and procedures relating to sexual harassment to ensure that they adequately address any incident of sexual harassment and provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any form of sexual harassment, as well as those alleging retaliation. The University will also review and revise grievance procedures providing for prompt and equitable resolution of student complaints alleging any action which would be prohibited by Title IX. The University will ensure that these policies and procedures include, at a minimum, the following:
Review of Policies and Procedures. By February 29, 2016, the College will review and revise, as necessary, its written policies and procedures relating to race, disability and/or sex discrimination, including harassment. The revised policies will provide notice to students and employees of the procedures, including where complaints can be filed, that is easily understood, easily located, and widely distributed. The College also will review and revise its grievance procedures providing for prompt and equitable resolution of student complaints alleging any action which would be prohibited by Section 504, Title II, and Title IX to ensure that they adequately address and provide for a prompt and appropriate response to incidents of race, disability and/or sex discrimination. The College will ensure that these policies and procedures include, at a minimum, the following: