Pre-Job Conferences Sample Clauses
Pre-Job Conferences a) The Employer will notify the Union that a project has been awarded to the Employer following the award. Prior to the start of each project, a pre-job conference will be held to determine all site-specific issues as outlined in this Agreement. This conference may be conducted via telephone, through a scheduled meeting or by some other practical means as agreed to by the parties.
b) A copy of the signed pre-job conference report will be provided to the Employer and the Union.
Pre-Job Conferences. As provided in Article 16, each Employer will conduct a pre-job conference with the Council prior to commencing work. The Primary Employer and the Owner will be advised in advance of all such conferences and may participate if they wish. Pre- job conferences for different Employers may be held together.
Pre-Job Conferences. There shall be a pre-job conference and xxxx-up in respect of each contract awarded. An Employer who is engaged in the capacity of a principal contractor shall notify the Council of all contracts awarded which come within the scope of this Agreement. Xxxx-ups will be provided by the Employer to the Council.
Pre-Job Conferences. Each Contractor will conduct a pre-job conference with the appropriate affected Union(s) prior to commencing work. The Council and the Construction Manager shall be advised in advance of all such conferences and may participate if they wish. All work assignments shall be disclosed by the Contractor at a pre-job conference held in accordance with industry practice. Should there be any formal jurisdictional dispute raised under Article 9, the Construction Manager shall be promptly notified.
Pre-Job Conferences. As provided in Article 16, each Contractor will conduct a pre-job conference with the appropriate affected Union(s) prior to commencing work; provided however, at no time shall the City be responsible for additional costs related to, associated with, or resulting from Union(s) jurisdictional disputes. The Trades Council and the CWA Administrator shall be advised in advance of all such conferences and may participate if they wish.
Pre-Job Conferences. Section 16.1 Each Primary Contractor which is awarded a Construction Contract by the City for Project Work shall conduct a Pre-Job conference with the appropriate affected Union(s) prior to commencing Project Work. All Subcontractors that have been awarded contracts by the GCC shall attend the Pre-Job conference. The Trades Council and the CWA Administrator shall be advised in advance of all such Pre-Job conferences and may participate if they wish. All work assignments shall be disclosed by the GCC and all Subcontractors at the Pre-Job conference in accordance with industry practice. Should there be any formal jurisdictional dispute raised under Article 8, the CWA Administrator shall be promptly notified. The GCC shall have available at the Pre-Job conference the plans and drawing for the work to be performed on the Project. Should additional Project Work not previously included within the scope of the Project Work be added, the Contractors performing such work will conduct a separate Pre-Job conference for such newly included work. At no time shall the City be responsible for additional costs related to, associated with, or resulting from jurisdictional disputes or newly included work not previously identified in the Construction Contract.
Pre-Job Conferences. Each prime Contractor will conduct a pre-job conference with the Unions for it and all of its subcontractors not later than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to commencing work for each stage of the Project. Each Contractor conducting a pre-job shall notify the Council and all subcontractors of all tiers, who shall participate in such conferences, seven (7) days in advance of all such conferences. The purpose of the conference will be to, among other things, determine craft manpower needs, schedule of work for the contract and project work rules/owner rules. The Council, the Community Workforce Coordinator, and the City shall be advised in advance of all such conferences and may participate if they wish. All work assignments shall be disclosed by the prime Contractor and all Contractors at the pre-job conference. Should there be Project Work that was not previously discussed at the pre-job conference, or additional project work be added, the contractors performing such work will conduct a separate pre-job conference for such newly included work. Any Union in disagreement with the proposed assignment shall notify the Contractor of its position in writing, with a copy to Community Workforce Coordinator, within seven (7) calendar days thereafter. Within seven (7) calendar days after the period allowed for Union notices of disagreement with the Contractor’s proposed assignments, but prior to the commencement of any work, the Contractor shall make final assignments in writing with copies to the Council and to the Community Workforce Coordinator.
Pre-Job Conferences. Pre-job conferences on all projects covered under the terms of this agreement shall be held as follows:
1) On all jobs where the cost of the contract to the employer exceeds five (5) million dollars.
2) On all jobs where the employer, including a subcontractor, does not have a bona fide office within the jurisdiction of the union.
3) Where special conditions warrant a pre-job conference.
4) For local employers, pre-job conferences shall be held by mutual agreement of the employer and the union provided the employer, upon request by the union, shall provide the union, in writing, the name, address and approximate starting date of each subcontractor.
a) In the event that a employer at, a pre-job conference, or upon the request of the union in the case of a local employer, does not possess the names of all subcontractors then available, then the employer will notify the union of the name, address and approximate starting date of each subcontractor when such information is available to the employer.
5) All pre-job conferences shall be held at least one week before the commencement of the job. It is recognized that in the employ of the employer are certain key employees who are necessary to the efficient continuity of his operation. It is, therefore, agreed that employers from out of the Southern Nevada area, who are moving in or returning to perform a project in this area, shall be permitted to transfer a maximum of one key employee into the area covered by this agreement and shall not exceed such additional numbers as may be agreed upon at a pre-job conference.
Pre-Job Conferences. Pre-job conferences on all projects covered under the terms of this agreement shall be held as follows:
1) On all jobs where the cost of the contract to the Employer exceeds five (5) million dollars.
2) On all jobs where the Employer, including a subcontractor, does not have a bona fide office within the jurisdiction of the Union.
3) Where special conditions warrant a pre-job conference.
4) For local Employers, pre-job conferences shall be held by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Union provided the Employer, upon request by the Union, shall provide the Union, in writing, the name, address and approximate starting date of each subcontractor.
a) In the event that a Employer at, a pre-job conference, or upon the request of the Union in the case of a local Employer, does not possess the names of all subcontractors then available, then the Employer will notify the Union of the name, address and approximate starting date of each subcontractor when such information is available to the Employer.
5) All pre-job conferences shall be held at least one week before the commencement of the job. It is recognized that in the employ of the Employer are certain key employees who are necessary to the efficient continuity of his operation. It is, therefore, agreed that Employers from out of the Southern Nevada area, who are moving in or returning to perform a project in this area, shall be permitted to transfer a maximum of one key employee into the area covered by this agreement and shall not exceed such additional numbers as may be agreed upon at a pre-job conference.
Pre-Job Conferences. Prior to the start of any significant project, the parties will meet together in a pre-job conference, especially where the project is outside the city limits of Calgary or Edmonton, where parking is not available, or the project includes off hour shifts. This conference should take place before any employees are sent to the project. Such conference will discuss and determine solutions to site specific issues such as those outlined in Articles 8, 9, 13 and Schedules & Notes of this Agreement. Such alternative or amended policies will be established for the duration of the project and will require mutual agreement of the Employer and the Union. A copy of the pre-job conference report will be made available to the parties and each affected employee by posting at the jobsite. This conference can be conducted by teleconference.