Wage Review Sample Clauses
Wage Review. At the request of either party, the parties agree to meet and review the wage rates in the bargaining unit. Such reviews are not required more frequently than once per year.
Wage Review. The wages payable in the electrical contracting industry shall be determined annually by reference to an agreed set of analogue companies which shall be lodged with the Chair of the NJIC. This shall be the sole method of wage determination. In September, 1998, and each September thereafter, the analogue increase will be determined in accordance with the formula below, and shall be paid on and from the first of April of the following year. The analogue increase shall be calculated as follows:-
1. The top hourly rates on 1st September each year in each of the agreed analogue companies will be established.
2. The average of these companies will be calculated.
3. The difference between this average and 0.89 of the top NJIC hourly rate (i.e. after 5 years’ service) will be calculated and expressed as an amount of cent per hour.
4. This number of cent per hour will be added to each point on the electrician’s scale. This will produce the new scale, which will be applied from 1st April, of the following year.
5. The apprentice rates will be calculated as per Rule 15, in this case, the “craft basic rate” is taken to mean the “1st year out of time rate”.
Wage Review. On or before January 5, 2020, the Employer agrees to a minimum increase of one and one half percent (1.5%) based on a calculation of the end column rate of each classification. The end column rate will include the Base Wage, Vacation/Stat, Health and Welfare, RSP, Pension, EF and TTF, as found in the wage schedule. The Union agrees to distribute a minimum of one percent (1%) of the calculation to the pension, subject to a one percent (1%) matching contribution from the employee, as per the opt-
Wage Review. (a) Representatives of the Company shall meet with duly appointed members of the Union Wage Review Team to negotiate wage rates of job classifications that either party believes to be “out of market.” Either party may submit requests for changes and where necessary the adjustments will be negotiated either upward or downward. Appropriate wage offer proposals will be determined predominately based on the market for each position comparing job responsibilities and qualifications, and other factors such as knowledge, experience, and working conditions. Wage adjustments offered can be accepted or rejected by either party. Negotiated wage rate revisions become effective as mutually agreed. This process is not subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of the Labor Agreement, or by review from outside agencies. The only recourse for either party, if in their opinion they do not receive a satisfactory wage adjustment proposal resulting from this process, is through general contract negotiations.
(b) The wages for employees for time lost from regular work hours spent in negotiations within this process will be paid by the Company for the first three meetings of each wage review (including the kick off meeting). A maximum of three (3) employees (including the Wage Review Chair) will be part of the Union Wage Review Team. On average, no more than three wage review requests per year will be submitted. The Company and the Union agree to meet within sixty (60) calendar days of the wage review request or accept the proposal requested by the Union or the Company.
(c) For marked changes in existing jobs, see ARTICLE VIII WORKING HOURS AND RATES OF PAY, Section 3 Wage Rates for New Jobs of this Agreement.
Wage Review. If the Consumer Price for Canada exceeds for the year ended December or by mutual agreement, the Union or the Company may request a reopening the Collective Agreement only as it relates to the rates on Schedule for the final year of the agreement by providing notice to the other party in writing by Registered Mail before April If no Agreement on rates is reached by July the Agreement shall remain in force up to the time an Agreement is reached.
Wage Review. On the anniversary of this agreement, wages shall be adjusted as per SCHEDULE "A"
Wage Review. Wage rates will be adjusted in line with the Standard as directed by the Australian Fair Pay Commission. Any further increases may be reviewed annually and take into account overall employee performance and the financial performance of the company. The employer reserves the right to provide a cash bonus or incentive payment to employees where performance has been in a manner which attracts consideration of such bonus. The company’s practice may be to pay rates above standard levels of pay and by doing this reserves the right to absorb any increases into these higher rates already paid.
Wage Review. There shall be a one (1) year wage and benefit review on or before June 28, 2018. If there is no agreement during this review, the outstanding issues will be submitted to binding arbitration.
Wage Review. The wage rates prescribed above will take affect from the beginning of the first pay period commencing on or after the date of the notice from the Workplace Authority Director declaring it passes the “no disadvantage” test. They will be adjusted by 5% or the CPI movement in WA, which ever is the greater, on the first and second anniversary of the agreement being made. Subsequent adjustments to the wage rates will be considered by the Company according to a range of factors including the Company’s viability and performance and what the “market rate” is for ROV personnel at the relevant time.
Wage Review. During the life of this Agreement, the following percentage increases will be payable from the first pay period commencing on or after the date specified below: Date Percentage Increase From the first pay period on or after 1 July, 2007 3.5% From the first pay period on or after 1 July, 2008 3.5% From the first pay period on or after 1 July, 2009 3.5%