Dues Checkoff Sample Clauses
Dues Checkoff. The Employer agrees to deduct from the pay of all employees covered by this Agreement the initiation fees, dues and/or uniform assessments of the Local Union having jurisdiction over such employees. The Local Union will electronically provide the Employer a weekly amount to be deducted from each employee. The Local Union will individually specify the weekly amount to be deducted for initiation fees, union dues and/or assessments. For initiation fees and assessments, the Local Union will notify the Employer the number of weeks these deductions are to be taken from the employee. Notification of deductions to be made by the Employer for the benefit of the Local Union must be received at least one (1) month prior to the date the deduction is to be made. The obligation of the Local Union to provide this information shall be satisfied by the transmission of a computer file in mutually agreeable format. The Employer shall make no deductions that are not listed on the Local Union’s monthly or weekly checkoff statement in those locations which send a checkoff statement to the Employer. In the event the Employer improperly deducts too much dues money, the amount improperly withheld shall be remitted to the involved employee(s) on the second (2nd) scheduled workday following notification to the Employer. The Local Union(s) shall return any overpayment(s) to the Employer within one (1) week following written notification from the Employer. The Employer will provide a remittance to the Local Union within fifteen (15) days following the check date the deduction was taken. With each remittance, the Employer shall submit a report listing all employees alphabetically with their social security number and job classification. For those employees who had no deduction for the week, the Employer will provide a reason. In the event the Local Union does not want to receive a weekly remittance, the Employer will provide a monthly remittance by the fifteenth (15th) day of the following month. However, if this option is chosen, the Employer will still make weekly deductions as described above. Where law requires written authorization by the employee, the same is to be furnished in the form required. No deduction shall be made which is prohibited by applicable law. The Employer agrees to deduct from the paycheck of all employees covered by this Agreement voluntary contributions to DRIVE. DRIVE shall notify the Employer of the amounts designated by each contributing employee that are ...
Dues Checkoff. 6.1 The Union shall have the exclusive right to the checkoff and transmittal of Union dues on behalf of each bargaining-unit member.
6.2 A bargaining-unit member may consent in writing to the authorization of the deduction of Union dues from their wages and to the designation of the Union as the recipient thereof. Such consent shall be in a form acceptable to the Administration and shall bear the signature of the bargaining-unit member. Said form may be completed on-line as an electronic form or completed, printed, and sent to the campus personnel office. A bargaining-unit member may withdraw their union dues check-off authorization by submitting the withdrawal form at least sixty (60) days in advance to the campus personnel office. The bargaining-unit member shall secure FSU signature prior to submitting the withdrawal request.
6.3 The Administration shall deduct dues from the pay of bargaining-unit members who request such a deduction in accordance with this Article and transmit such funds in accordance with University policy as of July 1, 1977, to the treasurer of the Union within thirty (30)days after the last day of the month in which the deduction is made together with a list of bargaining- unit members whose dues are transmitted, provided that the Administration is satisfied by such evidence as it may require that the treasurer of the Union has given a bond, in a form approved by the Administration, for the faithful performance of their duties in a sum and with such surety or securities as are satisfactory to the Administration.
6.4 The Administration shall provide the Union on the same date each month a current list of all bargaining-unit members who are not having Union dues deducted from their wages.
6.5 The Union will indemnify and hold the Administration harmless from any and all claims, demands, liability, costs or damages arising from or related to this Article.
6.6 The treasurer of the Union shall submit and certify to the Administration each year the annual dues payable to the Union.
6.7 An amount equal to one-tenth (1/10th) of the annual dues certified by the Union treasurer pursuant to Section 6.6 shall be deducted monthly from September through June from the pay of bargaining-unit members who have consented to said deductions as provided above.
6.8 It is specifically agreed that the Administration assumes no obligation, financial or otherwise, arising out of the provisions of Article 6, Dues Checkoff, and the Union hereby agrees it will ...
Dues Checkoff. The Employer shall, without charge, deduct Union dues from the salary of each faculty member who authorizes such deductions in writing in accordance with Mont. Code Xxx. § 00-00-000. The aggregate deductions shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the appropriate Union officer. The Employer shall deliver the dues monies to the appropriate officer of the Union. Within 30 days from the effective date of this agreement, the Union shall notify the Employer of the name and mailing address of the appropriate officer who is to receive dues monies.
Dues Checkoff. The Company agrees that upon thirty (30) days’ notice thereafter from the Guild, it shall deduct initiation fees and membership dues and assessments uniformly required on a percentage basis of gross wages or incorporated with dues as designated by the Guild upon receipt from each employee who individually and in writing signs a voluntary check-off authorization card in the form and in the manner provided below and provided that all other circumstances comply with all applicable provisions of the federal law. “I, the undersigned, hereby authorize and direct Vox Media, Inc. (the “Company”), to checkoff from my wages every week union membership dues and assessments uniformly required as well as initiation fees, if owing, as promulgated by the Union according to the procedure set forth in the constitution of the WGA and pay same to the Writers Guild of America, East, Inc., 000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, New York, New York 10013. This authorization and assignment shall be irrevocable for the term of the applicable collective bargaining contract between the Guild and the Company, or for a period of one year from the date appearing hereon, whichever is sooner, and shall automatically renew itself for successive yearly periods or applicable contract year period unless and until I give written notice to terminate to the Company and the Guild at least twenty (20) days prior to the expiration date of the present contract or the one-year period from date of signature. If no such notice is given, my authorization shall be irrevocable for successive periods of one year thereafter with the same privilege of revocation at the end of each such period.”
Dues Checkoff. Subd. 1.
1. The Company will deduct from the employees’ wages and turn over to the Union the Union membership dues of each employee who individually and voluntarily authorizes the Company in writing to make such deductions. The term “Union Membership Dues”, as used herein, shall include Union initiation or reinstatement fees of employees rehired by the Company with or without seniority when such employees are reinstated or rejoin the Union. Such deductions shall be made in accordance with the following provisions:
a) Such deductions shall be made only in accordance with instructions upon authorization cards, which shall be in a form mutually agreed to, between the Company and the Union. In order to be effective, such authorization cards shall be delivered by the Union to the Accounting Department of the Company. Such authorizations shall be irrevocable for one year from the date thereof or until the termination date of this Agreement, whichever occurs first.
b) It is agreed between the Company and the Union that any employee of the Company who is or may hereafter become a member of the Union may authorize the collection of Union dues by the signing of a Voluntary Check-Off Authorization Card as follows:
(1) “I hereby authorize Swissport Fueling of Nevada, Inc. to deduct from my wages such sum per month as may be due hereafter on account of initiation and reinstatement fees and monthly membership dues in the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. The sums thus deducted are hereby assigned by me to the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers and are to be remitted by the Company and to the appropriate financial secretary of the Union.”
(2) “This assignment shall be irrevocable for one year from this date or until the termination of the Agreement between the Company and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers now in effect, whichever occurs first. It shall be deemed automatically renewed for like periods during the term of such Agreement and each succeeding applicable Agreement unless I give notice by certified mail to the Company and the Union not more than twenty days and not less than ten days prior to the expiration of each automatically renewed period.” SIGNATURE DATE Deductions for that portion of the Union membership dues consisting of Union initiation fees or reinstatement fees, as provided above, shall be made from the employee’s paycheck for the first per...
Dues Checkoff. The Employer will honour an Employee's written assignment of wages to the Union. The Employer will deduct any assigned amounts from the Employee's wages and pay the same to the Secretary of the Union by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following such deductions.
Dues Checkoff. The Employer shall deduct from the paychecks once each month an amount sufficient to provide the payment of regular dues established by the Union from the wages of all members of the Union authorizing such deduction, in writing, and remit such deductions to the appropriate officer designated by the Union within ten (10) days after the paychecks from which such deductions are made are distributed to the Employees.
Dues Checkoff. 6.1 The Union shall have the exclusive right to the checkoff and transmittal of Union dues on behalf of each bargaining unit member.
6.2 A bargaining unit member may consent in writing to the authorization of the deduction of Union dues from his/her wages and to the designation of the Union as the recipient thereof. Such consent shall be in a form acceptable to the Administration and shall bear the signature of the bargaining unit member which may be submitted electronically. The deduction of union dues may be terminated by giving at least sixty (60) days’ notice in writing to the Union and the campus personnel office. The Administration will attempt, within fourteen days of receipt by the Human Resources Office, to notify the Union of any suchwithdrawal of check-off authorization. If the Administration does not notify the Union of any such withdrawal within thirty days of receipt, the matter will be subject to Article 25,
Dues Checkoff. The employer agrees, upon receipt of written authority from the employee, to deduct from the pay of the employee the monthly amount of dues, or service fee in lieu of dues, as certified by the appropriate officer of the bargaining agent. The aggregate deductions of all employees shall be remitted, together with an itemized statement, to the appropriate officer of the bargaining agent by the 15th of the succeeding month. (§ 00-00-000, Mont. Code Xxx.)