Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor. 13.7.1 No time limits are associated with recommendations for promotion to the rank of Professor.
Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor a) The following criteria for promotion to the rank of Professor, while laying down the broad qualifications for the rank, are at the same time intended to provide sufficient flexibility to enable each academic unit to apply the standards it considers relevant to its field. While the career paths of individuals will vary, it is expected that the majority of tenured faculty members will meet the qualifications for this rank, albeit at different points in their careers.
b) The rank of Professor may be attained by fulfilling any one (1) of the following sets of criteria as outlined in c), d) and e):
c) Research/scholarly achievement/creative professional work that is demonstrably superior over a sustained period of time, together with university teaching that has been demonstrated over the years to be of good quality.
i) The candidate shall submit a research dossier to demonstrate that she or he has made a substantial contribution to her or his field through research, scholarly achievement or creative professional work. While the greatest weight will be given to research/scholarly achievement or creative/professional work, the candidate shall also submit a teaching dossier to demonstrate that her or his teaching has been of good quality.
ii) In this category, a faculty member may be considered following completion of six (6) years of service at the rank of Associate Professor.
iii) In exceptional cases, a member may be considered for promotion before the completion of six (6) years of service, with the proviso that promotion shall be granted only on the basis of a record of achievement consistent with that normally required for promotion.
d) Teaching that is demonstrably superior over a sustained period of time together with scholarship/creative professional work which has been demonstrated over the years to be of good quality.
i) The candidate shall submit a teaching dossier to demonstrate that she or he has made a substantial contribution to higher education through teaching and other pedagogical activities. While the greatest weight will be given to the quality of teaching, the candidate shall also submit a research dossier to demonstrate that her or his scholarly activity or creative professional work has been of good quality.
ii) In this category, a faculty member may be considered for promotion following completion of six (6) years of service at the rank of Associate Professor.
e) Service that is demonstrably superior over a sustained period of time tog...
Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor. Except for those bargaining unit members employed by CEOAS who are considered for tenure during promotion to Professor, an unsuccessful review for promotion to Professor will not impact the candidate’s continued employment, and they may choose to reapply for promotion at a later date. Bargaining unit members who wish to be considered for promotion from Associate Professor to Professor will initiate the promotion review by notifying their academic unit head in the Fall term of the year preceding the promotion review year. Bargaining unit members are not required to request promotion to Professor when they are eligible; they may request promotion in a later year or forego it altogether. Bargaining unit members employed by CEOAS who are reviewed for tenure during promotion from Associate Professor to Professor will, upon completion of their review, be granted tenure and promotion to Professor or be given a year’s timely notice that their appointment will not be continued.
Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor. The process and timelines for 20 review and evaluation for promotion from associate professor to professor are the same as those 21 for promotion to associate professor and tenure, except: 23 (a) there is no requirement to initiate the promotion process to professor, and 24 (b) bargaining unit faculty members with tenure who are denied promotion from associate 25 professor to professor xxxx remain employed at the associate professor rank, and
Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor. (Full) requires that a minimum of five years full-time experience at the Associate Professor level, and that teaching evaluations be included in the application package. Promotion to the rank of Professor shall be awarded only if the candidate has performed at a level of distinction with respect to teaching and scholarship, with satisfactory performance in service. Promotion to the rank of Professor (Full) is not an assured step in the progression through the ranks.
Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor a) The following criteria for promotion to the rank of Professor, while laying down the broad qualifications for the rank, are at the same time intended to provide sufficient flexibility to enable each academic unit to apply the standards it considers relevant to its field. While the career paths of individuals will vary, it is expected that the majority of tenured faculty members will meet the qualifications for this rank, albeit at different points, in their careers.
b) The rank of Professor may be attained by fulfilling any one of the following sets of criteria:
c) Research/scholarly achievement/creative professional work that is demonstrably superior over a sustained period of time, together with university teaching that has been demonstrated over the years to be of good quality.
i) The candidate shall submit a research dossier to demonstrate that she or he has made a substantial contribution to her or his field through research, scholarly achievement or creative professional work. While the greatest weight will be given to research/scholarly achievement or creative/professional work, the candidate shall also submit a teaching dossier to demonstrate that her or his teaching has been of good quality.
ii) In this category, a faculty member may be considered following completion of six
Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor. The process and 11 timelines for review and evaluation for promotion from associate professor to professor 12
Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor. In the case of Promotion to Professor, a total of FIVE (5) names for External Assessors, normally themselves at the rank of Professor, will be proposed by the Candidate of which at least TW0 (2) should be affiliated with an institution external to Manitoba. The Candidate and External Assessors shall not have directly collaborated on any scholarly or professional work within the last 5 years from the date of application for Promotion (please refer to Appendix E for the External Assessor declaration of ability to provide an independent assessment). A minimum of three (3) of the suggested External Assessors will be contacted by the Chair of the Promotion Committee. [At its discretion, the Promotion Committee may choose two (2) External Assessors other than those suggested by the Candidate, but it shall only do so in consultation with the Candidate]. The total number of External Assessors contacted shall not exceed five (5). Please see Appendix E for a sample letter sent by the Xxxx to external assessors. The External Assessors will be provided with the Promotion material (Promotion: Guidelines, Article 20 UMFA, Part A) including a selection of scholarly works submitted to the Committee by the Candidate and will be asked to comment on the Candidate's record of scholarship, and whether such record is sufficiently meritorious to justify promotion. Candidates shall have no contact with any of the External Assessors during the promotion process.
Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor. The basis for the promotion of an Associate Professor to Professor is effectiveness of teaching, the quality and scope of scholarship, and service including the leadership in or contributions to professional activities on and off campus. Following promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, candidates shall be judged in terms of whether they have an established record that indicates continued growth, development and accomplishment in teaching; research, scholarship or creative work; and service including leadership. Appointment to the rank of Professor is a distinct honor that goes well beyond recognition of length of service.
Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor. The process and timelines for review and evaluation for promotion from associate professor to professor are the same as those for promotion to associate professor and tenure, except that bargaining unit faculty members with tenure who are denied promotion from associate professor to professor will remain employed at the associate professor rank. The criteria for promotion from associate professor to professor will be developed as described in Sections 3-5 of this Article. Department or unit criteria for promotion to professor must be consistent with the general principles stated in those sections and must require that the candidate have engaged in significant service demonstrating leadership and commitment both within and outside the candidate’s department or unit. General Provisions Related to the Tenure Review Process