PURPOSE OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. 1.1. Having regard to provision of the regulation N. 1288/2013 of the Parliament and of the Council of 11/12/2013 establishing an action programme in the field of education, training, youth and sport, published in the Official Journal of the EU N. L347/50 on 20/12/2013, the Coordinator and Parties commit themselves to carrying out the work programme covered by Partnership Agreement. 1.2. The purpose of this Consortium Agreement is to specify with respect to the Project the relationship among the Parties, in particular concerning the organisation of the work between the parties, the management of the Project and the rights and obligation of the Parties concerning inter alia liability, access Rights and dispute resolution. 1.3. This work programme comes under the Grant Agreement 612501-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA signed between the coordinator ENTE PARCO NAZIONALE DEL GRAN SASSO E XXXXX XXXXX LAGA and the EDUCATION, AUDIOVISUAL AND CULTURE EXECUTIVE AGENCY (EACEA) on (04/10/2019) integral parts of the present Partnership Agreement, and takes precedence over it. In more detail, all terms and conditions, articles, annexes and guidelines stated in the above-mentioned Grant Agreement for this project are part of this contract. The coordinator and the Parties shall be bound to this contract and the Grant Agreement for this project. This includes any further amendments to the Grant Agreement which are approved by the Executive Agency. 1.4. On the basis of the present Partnership Agreement, the coordinator and the partner shall contribute to the achievement of the requirements of the Grant Agreement together with the other parties (co- beneficiaries) performing project actions in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in the present contract. The parties to the present contract shall carry out the work in accordance with the timetable using their best efforts to achieve the results specified therein. They shall carry out all of their responsibilities under the present contract in accordance with recognised professional standards. 1.5. The subject matter of this Partnership Agreement and the related work programme are detailed in the Annexes, which are integral part of this Partnership Agreement and that each party declares to have read and approved. In particular, the parties of this Partnership Agreement shall carry out the work according to the Tasks and Responsibilities foreseen in the project Application Submitted (Annex 2), Timetable (Annex 3), and P...
PURPOSE OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. This Agreement is made under The Maintained Schools (Partnership Agreements) (Wales) Regulations 2007 and sets out how a local authority and each governing body are to discharge their respective responsibilities towards a school, whether as prescribed by legislation or as otherwise agreed between the local authority and the governing body under a Partnership Agreement. This document constitutes a Partnership Agreement between the local authority and the Governing Body, for the benefit of the School (hereinafter referred to as (“the Agreement”).
PURPOSE OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a new nation-to-nation relationship and to put forward a common vision of the economic and community development o f Naskapis. For the purposes of this Agreement, Naskapis and Québec agree: 1.1 To favor the development of the energy and mining potential in the Naskapi Sector defined in paragraph 15.12.2 of the NEQA; 1.2 To share the benefits of economic development in the Naskapi Sector defined in Section 1.1; 1.3 To favor economic spin-offs for Naskapis; 1.4 To favor a greater autonomy for Naskapis and to provide them more responsibilities in their economic and community development.
PURPOSE OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a new nation-to-nation relationship and to put forward a common vision of the economic and community development of Nunavik. For the purposes of this Agreement, Makivik, KRG and Québec, agree: • to accelerate the development of the hydroelectric, mining and tourism potential of Nunavik; • to share the benefits of the economic development of Nunavik; • to favor economic spin-offs for Nunavik Inuit; • to favor a greater autonomy for Makivik and KRG and to provide them more responsibilities for the economic and community development of Nunavik Inuit; • to enhance public services and infrastructures in Nunavik.
PURPOSE OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. The purpose of the partnership agreement is to bring the following benefits to consumers and to the partner: • Benefits for consumers: − XxxxXxxxxx.xx labelled products that can be found in the stores and the catalogues of the partner, are clearly identifiable as energy efficient products. − The partner’s trained employees give better information on energy efficiency of the dealt products. − Medium term benefit: a wider range of energy efficient products will be at the consumer’s disposal in the stores. • Benefits for the partner: − Stores with XxxxXxxxxx.xx products will be certainly appreciated by customers interested in saving energy - a clear benefit for the business image of the partner. − The website xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx promotes the partner for the duration of the partnership, with the publication of the address(es) of his store(s) etc. − The partner promotes his own market by supporting the regular updates with his information on the launch of new products in his assortment that respond to the criteria for gaining XxxxXxxxxx.xx. − Compared to other stores, the partner’s store(s) do have added value.
PURPOSE OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. This agreement is not exhaustive, and is not intended to be legally binding between the organisations except as specifically set out in this document. This document relates to the successful collaboration between KBC and KGH to deliver joint programmes at work designed to benefit patients and the communities mutually served by both organisations. It will outline how the Parties intend to work together on agreed joint programmes of work and develop and implement further initiatives. KBC and KGH wish to record the basis on which they will collaborate with each other and thereby this agreement sets out:  The key objectivesThe principles  The governance Each party shall dedicate sufficient and appropriately qualified personnel and resources to the preparation, design and implementation of the joint programmes of work. Where it is appropriate to enable delivery of the objectives set out below, we will jointly work with other partners, under the auspices of this agreement.
PURPOSE OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. 2.1 The purpose of this Partnership Agreement, for the provision of integrated health and social care services, is to improve the quality of services for people with mental health or substance misuse problems and their carers. This will be achieved by integrating health and social care expertise and service delivery within one management structure enabling the provision of seamless services. The integrated provider under this agreement is North Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (The Trust). 2.2 The Trust provides integrated health and social care services under the terms of its licence with Monitor, the external regulator, through legally binding contracts with commissioning PCTs and this Agreement with Essex County Council (the Council). 2.3 Extensive formal consultation on the proposal to establish a single mental health NHS Trust with a Partnership Agreement with the Council for an integrated provider to deliver mental health and substance misuse services in North Essex took place from March – May 2000, meeting the requirements of Regulation SI2000/617 4(2). This involved public meetings, CHC meetings and meetings with staff groups. The full consultation document was distributed to PCGs, CHCs, Local Representative Committees, Trade Unions, district/ Borough Councils, NHS Trusts, Health authorities, Essex County Council and MP’s. Reference copies were held in libraries and a summary document was distributed widely to all staff affected, voluntary organisations and user/carer groups, GP surgeries, Criminal Justice Agencies and educational bodies.
PURPOSE OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. The purpose of this Agreement is to: 3.1 establish a mutually beneficial alliance between the Organisation and Council for the period of the Agreement to ensure effective planning, development and delivery of the Partnership objectives and activities; 3.2 establish performance objectives and indicators to guide the Partnership which are in accordance with Council’s corporate goals and to assist both parties to measure the performance of the Partnership; 3.3 assist Council in collecting agreed data and information for the purpose of its own project planning; 3.4 provide opportunities for Council to clearly understand the business of the Partnership including programming, administrative issues and the communities in which the Partnership operates; and 3.5 define the financial and other support that Council will provide to the Organisation over the Term.
PURPOSE OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. 2.1 The purpose of this Partnership Agreement is for the provision of integrated health and social care services, it is to improve quality of services for people with mental health or substance misuse problems and their carers. This will be achieved by integrating health and social care expertise and service delivery within one management structure enabling the provision of seamless services. The integrated provider under this agreement is South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust. 2.2 South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) provides integrated health and social care services under the terms of its licence with Monitor, the external regulator, through legally binding contracts with commissioning PCT’s and with Essex County Council (the Council). 2.3 Extensive formal consultation on the proposal to implement a Partnership Agreement with Essex County Council, Southend on Sea Borough Council and Thurrock Council for an integrated provider to deliver mental health services in South Essex took place from 1 November 2001 to 1 January 2002, meeting the requirements of Regulation 4(2) of the Regulations 2000. The full consultation document was distributed widely throughout the partner organisations and to Primary Care Organisations, Community Health Council’s, Local Representative Committees, Trade Unions, District/Borough Councils, other local NHS Trusts, Health Authorities, and Members of Parliament. Four staff meetings were also held during the consultation period to discuss the proposals and the implications in detail with the staff involved.


  • Purpose of the Partnership The purpose of the Partnership is to acquire, construct, own and operate the Apartment Housing in order to provide, in part, Tax Credits to the Partners in accordance with the provisions of the Code and the Treasury Regulations applicable to LIHTC and to sell the Apartment Housing. The Partnership shall not engage in any business or activity which is not incident to the attainment of such purpose.

  • Partnership Agreement Units issued upon payment of the Phantom Units shall be subject to the terms of the Plan and the Partnership Agreement. Upon the issuance of Units to the Participant, the Participant shall, automatically and without further action on his or her part, (i) be admitted to the Partnership as a Limited Partner (as defined in the Partnership Agreement) with respect to the Units, and (ii) become bound, and be deemed to have agreed to be bound, by the terms of the Partnership Agreement.