Registered Nurse Level 2 Sample Clauses

Registered Nurse Level 2. 2.1.1 An employee appointed to this level shall perform work above and beyond the skills of a Registered Nurse Level 1 and shall obtained proficiency and qualification necessary to perform work at this level. The employee at this level shall perform work in accordance with ANCI competencies found at Schedule 4 as well as the following: 2.1.2 An employee at this level is required to:
Registered Nurse Level 2. 2.1.1 An employee appointed to this level shall perform work above and beyond the skills of a Registered Nurse Level 1 and shall obtained proficiency and qualification necessary to perform work at this level. The employee at this level shall perform work in accordance with ANCI competencies found at Schedule 5 as well as the following: 2.1.2 An employee at this level is required to: (a) hold a current Registered Nurse registration with the Queensland Nursing Council and has attained a relevant specialty qualification; (b) work under supervision and would supervise others; (c) exercise discretion and decision making/responsibility within their level of skill and training; (d) demonstrate the effective application of standards required in the age care sector. 2.1.3 Indicative tasks/duties required for this level, in addition to Register Nurse Level 1, may include but not limited to: (a) designated clinical specialty and provide advice to Registered Nurse 1 or clinical practice within specialty; (b) input into orientation and training of staff; (c) act as a resource; (d) perform competency assessments; (e) responsibility for the resource coordination; (f) participate in performance development programs ie conducting appraisals of lower-level staff; (g) assists in developing policy and procedures.
Registered Nurse Level 2. 2.1.1 An employee appointed to this level will perform work above and beyond the skills of a Registered Nurse Level 1 and will have obtained proficiency and qualification necessary to perform work at this level. The employee at this level will perform work in accordance with the competencies found at Schedule A4 as well as the following: 2.1.2 An employee at this level is required to: (a) hold a current Registered Nurse registration with NMBA and has attained a relevant specialty qualification; (b) work under supervision and would supervise others; (c) exercise discretion and decision making/responsibility within their level of skill and training; (d) demonstrate the effective application of standards required in the age care sector. 2.1.3 Indicative tasks/duties required for this level, in addition to Register Nurse Level 1, may include but are not limited to: (a) designated clinical specialty and provide advice to Registered Nurse 1 or clinical practice within specialty; (b) input into orientation and training of staff; (c) act as a resource; (d) perform competency assessments; (e) responsibility for the resource coordination.
Registered Nurse Level 2. 5.1.1 An employee appointed to this level shall perform work above and beyond the skills of a Registered Nurse Level 1 and shall obtained proficiency and qualification necessary to perform work at this level. 5.1.2 An employee at this level is required to: (a) appear on the XXXXX register of Practitioners as a Division One Registered Nurse and has attained a relevant specialty qualification. (b) work under supervision and would supervise others; (c) exercise discretion and decision making/responsibility within their level of skill and training; (d) demonstrate the effective application of standards required in the age care sector. 5.1.3 Indicative tasks/duties required for this level, in addition to Register Nurse Level 1, may include but not limited to: (a) designated clinical specialty and provide advice to Registered Nurse 1 or clinical practice within specialty; (b) input into orientation and training of employees; (c) act as a specialist clinical resource to the Care Team and to the organisation; (d) perform competency assessments; (e) responsibility for the resource coordination (f) engages in the professional development of other members of the Care Team; (g) ensures their own continuing professional development through research and maintaining currency in their area of expertise.
Registered Nurse Level 2. An employee may only be classified at this level by appointment. Employees classified as Registered Nurse 2 must be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia / Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency or their successor. In addition, RN2’s must hold any other qualification required for working in the employee’s particular practice setting. In addition to the duties of an RN1, an employee at this level and that is classed as a Clinical Nurse Educator may perform the following duties:  Coordinating, delivering, and implementing, clinical education and assessing clinical competencies of Xxxxxxxxx staff supporting a particular group of customers in the practice setting;  Implementation of health education programs for a particular group of customers (or their carers) in the practice setting;  being responsible for planning and coordinating services relating to a particular group of customers in the practice setting;  acting as a role model in the provision of holistic care to customers in the practice setting; and  assisting in the management of action research projects, and participating in quality assurance programs and policy development within the practice setting. In addition to the duties of an RN1, an employee at this level and that is classed as a Clinical Nurse Specialist may perform the following duties:  delivering an advanced level of care coordination, case management, and expert advice to support people with specific care needs/diseases or their carers  delivering direct and comprehensive nursing care and individual case management to a specific group of customers in a particular area of nursing practice within the practice setting;  being responsible for planning and coordinating services relating to a particular group of customers in the practice setting;  acting as a role model in the provision of holistic care to customers in the practice setting; and  assisting in the management of action research projects, and participating in quality assurance programs and policy development within the practice setting. Progression within this band is by performance appraisal, having regard to the acquisition and use of skill described above and knowledge gained through experience in the practice settings over such a period. Employees classified as Registered Nurse 3 must be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia / Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency or their successor. In addition, RN...
Registered Nurse Level 2. 2.1.1 An employee ap pointed to th is lev el will p erform wo rk above an d beyond th e sk ills of a Reg istered Nu rse Level 1 a nd will have obtained proficiency and qualification necessary to perform work at this level. The employee at th is level will perform work in accordance with NMBA competencies found at Schedule A4 a s well as the following: 2.1.2 An employee at this level is required to: (a) hold a current Registered Nurse registration with The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia and has attained a relevant specialty qualification; (b) work under supervision and would supervise others; (c) exercise discretion and decision making/responsibility within their level of skill and training; (d) demonstrate the effective application of standards required in the age care sector. 2.1.3 Indicative tasks/duties required for this level, in addition to Register Nurse Level 1, may include but are no t limited to: (a) designated cli nical specialty and provide advice to Re gistered Nu rse 1 or clinical practice within specialty; (b) input into orientation and training of staff; (c) act as a resource; (d) perform competency assessments; (e) responsibility for the resource coordination.
Registered Nurse Level 2. 3.2.1 An employee appointed to this level shall perform work above and beyond the skills of a Registered Nurse Level 1 and shall obtained proficiency and qualification necessary to perform work at this level. The employee at this level shall perform work in accordance with ANCI competencies found at Schedule 3 as well as the following: 3.2.2 An employee at this level is required to: Hold a current registered nurse registration with the Queensland Nursing Council and has attained a relevant specialty qualification. Work under Supervision and would supervise others. Exercise discretion and decision making/responsibility within their level of skill and training. Demonstrate the effective application of standards required in the health care sector. 3.2.3 Indicative tasks/duties required for this level, in addition to Registered Nurse Level 1, may include but not limited to: Designated clinical specialty and provide advice to Registered Nurse 1 or clinical practice within specialty. Input into orientation and training of staff. Act as a resource. Perform competency assessments. Responsibility for the resource coordination.

Related to Registered Nurse Level 2

  • Registered Nurse Level 3 (RN3) An employee at this level may also be known as a Clinical Nurse Consultant, Nurse Manager or Nurse Educator. An employee appointed at this level: Holds any other qualification required for working in the employee’s particular practice setting; and is appointed as such by a selection process or by reclassification from a lower level when that the employee is required to perform the duties detailed in this subclause on a continuing basis. In addition to the duties of an RN2, an employee at this level will perform the following duties in accordance with practice settings and patient or client groups: Duties of a Clinical Nurse Consultant will substantially include, but are not confined to:  Providing leadership and role modelling, in collaboration with others including the Nurse Manager and the Nurse Educator, particularly in the areas of action research and quality assurance programs;  Staff and patient/client education; staff selection, management, development and appraisal; Participating in policy development and implementation;  Acting as a consultant on request in the employee’s own area of proficiency for the purpose of facilitating the provision of quality nursing care;  Delivering direct and comprehensive nursing care to a specific group of patients or clients with complex nursing care needs, in a particular area of nursing practice within a practice setting;  Coordinating, and ensuring the maintenance of standards of the nursing care of a specific group or population of patients or clients within a practice setting; and  Coordinating or managing nursing or multidisciplinary service teams providing acute nursing and community services. Duties of a Nurse Manager will substantially include, but are not confined to:  Providing leadership and role modelling, in collaboration with others Including the Clinical Nurse Consultant and the Nurse Educator, particularly in the areas of action research and quality assurance programs;  Staff selection and education; allocation and rostering of staff;  Occupational health;  Initiation and evaluation of research related to staff and resource management;  Participating in policy development and implementation;  Acting as a consultant on request in the employee’s own area of proficiency (for the purpose of facilitating the provision of quality nursing care);  Being accountable for the management of human and material resources within a specified span of control, including the development and evaluation of staffing methodologies; and  Managing financial matters, budget preparation and cost control in respect of nursing within that span of control. Duties of a Nurse Educator will substantially include, but are not confined to:  Providing leadership and role modelling, in collaboration with others including the Clinical Nurse Consultant and the Nurse Manager, particularly in the areas of action research;  Implementation and evaluation of staff education and development programs;  Staff selection;  Implementation and evaluation of patient or client education programs;

  • Staffing Levels To the extent legislative appropriations and PIN authorizations allow, safe staffing levels will be maintained in all institutions where employees have patient, client, inmate or student care responsibilities. In July of each year, the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of each agency will, upon request, meet with the Union, to hear the employees’ views regarding staffing levels. In August of each year, the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Budget and Management will, upon request, meet with the Union to hear the employees’ views regarding the Governor’s budget request.

  • Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee (a) If the ICANN accredited registrars (accounting, in the aggregate, for payment of two-­‐thirds of all registrar-­‐level fees (or such portion of ICANN accredited registrars necessary to approve variable accreditation fees under the then-­‐current registrar accreditation agreement), do not approve, pursuant to the terms of their registrar accreditation agreements with ICANN, the variable accreditation fees established by the ICANN Board of Directors for any ICANN fiscal year, upon delivery of notice from ICANN, Registry Operator shall pay to ICANN a variable registry-­‐level fee, which shall be paid on a fiscal quarter basis, and shall accrue as of the beginning of the first fiscal quarter of such ICANN fiscal year (the “Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee”). The fee will be calculated and invoiced by ICANN on a quarterly basis, and shall be paid by Registry Operator within sixty (60) calendar days with respect to the first quarter of such ICANN fiscal year and within twenty (20) calendar days with respect to each remaining quarter of such ICANN fiscal year, of receipt of the invoiced amount by ICANN. The Registry Operator may invoice and collect the Variable Registry-­‐Level Fees from the registrars that are party to a registry-­‐ registrar agreement with Registry Operator (which agreement may specifically provide for the reimbursement of Variable Registry-­‐Level Fees paid by Registry Operator pursuant to this Section 6.3); provided, that the fees shall be invoiced to all ICANN accredited registrars if invoiced to any. The Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee, if collectible by ICANN, shall be an obligation of Registry Operator and shall be due and payable as provided in this Section 6.3 irrespective of Registry Operator’s ability to seek and obtain reimbursement of such fee from registrars. In the event ICANN later collects variable accreditation fees for which Registry Operator has paid ICANN a Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee, ICANN shall reimburse the Registry Operator an appropriate amount of the Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee, as reasonably determined by ICANN. If the ICANN accredited registrars (as a group) do approve, pursuant to the terms of their registrar accreditation agreements with ICANN, the variable accreditation fees established by the ICANN Board of Directors for a fiscal year, ICANN shall not be entitled to a Variable-­‐Level Fee hereunder for such fiscal year, irrespective of whether the ICANN accredited registrars comply with their payment obligations to ICANN during such fiscal year. (b) The amount of the Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee will be specified for each registrar, and may include both a per-­‐registrar component and a transactional component. The per-­‐registrar component of the Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee shall be specified by ICANN in accordance with the budget adopted by the ICANN Board of Directors for each ICANN fiscal year. The transactional component of the Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee shall be specified by ICANN in accordance with the budget adopted by the ICANN Board of Directors for each ICANN fiscal year but shall not exceed US$0.25 per domain name registration (including renewals associated with transfers from one ICANN accredited registrar to another) per year.

  • Sector Sub-Sector Industry Classification Level of Government Type of Obligation Description of Measure Source of Measure All sectors : : - : Central : National Treatment Senior Management and Board of Directors : National Treatment and the Senior Management and Board of Directors obligations shall not apply to any measure relating to small and medium sized domestic market enterprise2. Foreign equity is restricted to a maximum of 40% for domestic market enterprises with paid-in equity capital of less than the equivalent of USD 200,000 Note: Members of the Board of Directors or governing body of corporation or associations shall be allowed in proportion to their allowable participation or share in the capital of such enterprises. : -1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines. - Foreign Investments Act of 1991 (R.A. No. 7042, as amended by R.A. No. 8179). -Presidential and Administrative Issuances. ∞ 2 The concept of a small and medium sized domestic market enterprise is an enterprise with paid in equity capital of less than the equivalent of USD 200,000.00.

  • Registry-­‐Level Fees (a) Registry Operator shall pay ICANN a registry-­‐level fee equal to (i) the registry fixed fee of US$6,250 per calendar quarter and (ii) the registry-­‐level transaction fee (collectively, the “Registry-­‐Level Fees”). The registry-­‐level transaction fee will be equal to the number of annual increments of an initial or renewal domain name registration (at one or more levels, and including renewals associated with transfers from one ICANN-­‐accredited registrar to another, each a “Transaction”), during the applicable calendar quarter multiplied by US$0.25; provided, however that the registry-­‐level transaction fee shall not apply until and unless more than 50,000 Transactions have occurred in the TLD during any calendar quarter or any consecutive four calendar quarter period in the aggregate (the “Transaction Threshold”) and shall apply to each Transaction that occurred during each quarter in which the Transaction Threshold has been met, but shall not apply to each quarter in which the Transaction Threshold has not been met. Registry Operator’s obligation to pay the quarterly registry-­‐level fixed fee will begin on the date on which the TLD is delegated in the DNS to Registry Operator. The first quarterly payment of the registry-­‐level fixed fee will be prorated based on the number of calendar days between the delegation date and the end of the calendar quarter in which the delegation date falls. (b) Subject to Section 6.1(a), Registry Operator shall pay the Registry-­‐Level Fees on a quarterly basis to an account designated by ICANN within thirty (30) calendar days following the date of the invoice provided by ICANN.

  • Number Resources, Rate Center Areas and Routing Points 8.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit or otherwise adversely affect in any manner either Party’s right to employ or to request and be assigned any Central Office Codes (“NXX”) pursuant to the Central Office Code Assignment Guidelines and any relevant FCC or Commission orders, as may be amended from time to time, or to establish, by Tariff or otherwise, Rate Center Areas and Routing Points corresponding to such NXX codes. 8.2 It shall be the responsibility of each Party to program and update its own switches and network systems pursuant to information provided in the LERG in order to recognize and route traffic to the other Party’s assigned NXX codes. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, neither Party shall impose any fees or charges whatsoever on the other Party for such activities. 8.3 Unless otherwise required by Commission order, the Rate Center Areas will be the same for each Party. During the term of this Agreement, Onvoy shall adopt the Rate Center Area and Rate Center Points that the Commission has approved for Frontier within the LATA and Tandem serving area. Onvoy shall assign whole NPA-NXX codes to each Rate Center Area unless otherwise ordered by the FCC, the Commission or another governmental entity of appropriate jurisdiction, or the LEC industry adopts alternative methods of utilizing NXXs. 8.4 Onvoy will also designate a Routing Point for each assigned NXX code. Onvoy shall designate one location for each Rate Center Area in which the Onvoy has established NXX code(s) as the Routing Point for the NPA-NXXs associated with that Rate Center Area, and such Routing Point shall be within the same LATA as the Rate Center Area but not necessarily within the Rate Center Area itself. Unless specified otherwise, calls to subsequent NXXs of Onvoy will be routed in the same manner as calls to Xxxxx’s initial NXXs. 8.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, nothing in this Agreement is intended, and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed, to in any way constrain Onvoy’s choices regarding the size of the local calling area(s) that Onvoy may establish for its Customers, which local calling areas may be larger than, smaller than, or identical to Frontier’s local calling areas.

  • Formal Level A. Level I: 1. Within five (5) work days of the oral response, if the grievance is not resolved, it shall be stated in writing on the "Academic Grievance" form as provided by the District (and shown as Exhibit "A" of this Agreement), signed by the grievant (or Federation Representative), and presented to his/her supervisor (or designee) at the xxxx level or above. 2. The supervisor or designee shall communicate his/her decision to the unit member in writing within five (5) days after receiving the grievance. 3. Within the above time limits, either the grievant (or Federation Representative) or the immediate supervisor (or designee) may request a personal conference with the other party. B. Level II: 1. In the event the grievant is not satisfied with the decision at Level I, he/she may appeal the decision on the appropriate form to the college/campus president, or his/her designee, within five (5) days. 2. This statement shall include a copy of the original grievance and a written copy of the decision rendered by the unit member's supervisor or designee. 3. The college/campus president, or his/her designee, shall communicate the decision to the grievant in writing within seven (7) days of receiving the appeal. Either the grievant (or Federation Representative) or the college/campus president (or his/her designee) may request a personal conference within the above time limits. C. Level III 1. If the grievant is not satisfied with the decision at Level II, he/she may within five (5) days appeal the decision on the appropriate form to the Chancellor, or his/her designee. 2. This statement shall include copies of the original grievance and appeal and written copies of the decisions rendered. 3. The Chancellor, or his/her designee, shall communicate his/her decision in writing to the grievant within fifteen (15) days. D. Level IV--Advisory Arbitration 1. Within fifteen (15) work days after receipt of the decision of the Chancellor, the Federation may, upon written notice to the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources, submit the grievance to arbitration under and in accordance with the prevailing rules of the California State Mediation and Conciliation Services. Only the Federation (exclusive representative) may demand arbitration.

  • Performance Levels (a) The Performance Levels which apply to the performance by the respective Parties of their obligations under this Agreement are set out in Part 1 of Schedule 5. A failure by either Party to achieve the relevant Performance Level will not constitute a breach of this Agreement and the only consequences of such failure as between the Parties shall be the consequences set out in this Clause 6.6. (b) If the Operator does not comply with the Operator Performance Level then the Operator must pay to Aurizon Network the amount determined in accordance with Schedule 5 as part of the invoice issued by Aurizon Network for charges for the Billing Period immediately following Aurizon Network becoming entitled to that amount. Where there is no next Billing Period, the Operator must pay such amount to Aurizon Network within fourteen (14) days after receipt of a Tax Invoice from Aurizon Network. (c) If Aurizon Network does not comply with the Aurizon Network Performance Level then Aurizon Network will credit to the Operator the amount determined in accordance with Schedule 5 by way of a deduction from the invoice issued by Aurizon Network for Access Charges and other charges for the Billing Period immediately following the Operator becoming entitled to that amount. Where there is no next Billing Period, Aurizon Network must pay such amount to the Operator within fourteen (14) days after receipt of a Tax Invoice from the Operator. (d) The Parties must, if requested by either Party, meet to review the Performance Levels subject to such review not occurring within six (6) Months after the Commitment Date or any previous review of the Performance Levels. If either Party notifies the other that it considers that the Performance Levels are no longer appropriate, the Parties may, but only with the written consent of the relevant End User, agree on varied Performance Levels and any associated variations to the Agreement including [the Base Access Charges and]

  • Maximum Leverage Permit, as of any fiscal quarter end, the ratio of (a) Adjusted Portfolio Equity as of such fiscal quarter end to (b) Funded Debt as of such fiscal quarter end, to be less than 5.00 to 1.00.

  • Transfers and Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit No employee shall be transferred to a position outside the bargaining unit without the employee's consent. If an employee is transferred to a position outside of the bargaining unit, the employee shall retain seniority acquired at the date of leaving the unit, but will not accumulate any further seniority. If such an employee later returns to the bargaining unit, the employee shall be placed in a job consistent with the employee's seniority. Such return shall not result in the layoff or bumping of an employee holding greater seniority.