Staff Development Programs. (A) The Hospital shall provide staff development programs as required by the New Jersey Department of Health and The Joint Commission. Such programs may include training in the form of orientation programs, continuing education and/or critical care courses. Subject to operational needs, the Hospital will provide adequate coverage for patient care assignments in order to complete mandatory training during the regularly scheduled shift. If such adequate coverage is not available, the mandatory training will be rescheduled. The Hospital will make available a listing of mandatory training requirements, including the dates, times and locations of the mandatory trainings where available.
(B) The Hospital shall, subject to the availability of funds and operational requirements, offer a program of continuing education. Such programs will take place during work time, and coverage will be provided for participating employees, where in the discretion of the Hospital it is required. Time spent at these programs will be considered time worked and the employee shall be compensated accordingly. The Hospital will post a notice on each nursing unit bulletin board on each campus of its programs which have been granted Continuing Education Recognition Points by an appropriate professional association. The Hospital will use reasonable efforts to post this notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the program commencing.
(C) Critical care courses will be offered to all new employees in critical care areas who require such training as determined by the Hospital, within a reasonable time from the date of employment. Such courses will be offered to employees who transfer into critical care areas who require such training within such employee’s transfer probationary period. All time spent at these courses will be considered as time worked and the employee shall be compensated accordingly.
(D) Full-time staff nurses may utilize up to twenty-four (24) hours of conference time per calendar year. This benefit shall be pro-rated for regular part-time staff nurses. An employee may request in writing to his/her supervisor, permission to participate in work- related educational workshops, seminars, conferences and/or conventions. The Hospital will make a reasonable effort to approve such participation, subject to operational needs and the availability of funds. The Hospital, if it approves such participation, will grant time off without loss of the employee's pay, at his/her regular rate of ...
Staff Development Programs. The District shall allow teachers to participate in appropriate staff development programs that it initiates or will offer an equal number of programs to accommodate an equal number of teachers provided there is no substitute cost to the District.
Staff Development Programs. (Table H, Confidential Secretaries only)
A. In-service Credit: An employee may advance on the salary schedule by earning credits through approved in- service courses. In order to receive credit, prior approval must be obtained from the Human Resources Office, who shall determine the number of credit hours to be awarded. Normally, eight (8) contact hours will constitute one (1) credit. Evidence of satisfactory completion of the course(s) shall be required. After five (5) credits have been earned, employees shall receive an additional hourly premium of twenty-five cents (25¢), effective July 1 of the following year. Employees currently receiving the in-service credit shall continue to receive it at the current rate. All awards earned after June 30, 2000, shall be compensated at the rate of twenty-five (25¢) per hour. The total premium shall not exceed $1.50 per hour.
Staff Development Programs. The Employer shall make every possible effort to continue to offer current courses, as well as updated and other relevant courses, in special areas of practice for employees working in, or scheduled to work in, a specialty area as part of Staff Development Programs. These educational programs will be posted on the bulletin boards and any bargaining unit employee may apply. These requests will be granted as patient care permits. Every effort will be made to schedule these programs on all shifts. Programs will be videotaped for viewing at satellites.
Staff Development Programs. It is understood that courses offered by the Employer in special areas of practice will be continued for nurses working in, or scheduled to work in, a specialty area as part of Staff Development Programs. These educational programs will be posted on the bulletin boards and any nurse may apply. These requests will be granted as patient care permits.
Staff Development Programs. The staff development programs of the District shall be operated within in-service guidelines issued by the Kansas State Department of Education. In-service is defined as training, development, and evaluation activities undertaken by certified employees for the purposes of improving instruction, increasing student achievement and enhancing general job skills. In-service training and related activities may occur both within and outside of the contracted day for certified employees. Professional growth on the job is both an organizational and individual responsibility. On contract days which are set aside for in-service on the school calendar, a variety of staff development training opportunities, either mandatory or optional, will be planned by either groups or individuals at the District, building, department, team, grade, committee or personal level. In order for such variety to occur, scheduled in-service days must allow for flexibility to enable various groups and individuals within the district to attend both mandatory and optional training sessions as well as other job related activities. District and building leadership, including professional learning communities, shall have the responsibility for planning in-service training in either half day or full daytime periods, or during late-starts or early dismissals to the students’ regular instructional day. Professional learning communities are teachers working together for the improvement of student learning. While in professional learning communities, teachers engage in inquiry, action research, data analysis, planning, implementation, reflection, and evaluation of data, as well as professional learning arising from these activities. Generally such activities will be designated as mandatory for specific certified employees. During optional or non-mandatory training time, certified employees may have discretion in regard to attending District provided in-service training or working on other job related responsibilities. Such flexibility is necessary to focus in-service training for more specific or advanced needs in smaller groups rather than in large general session formats. As options are allowed and individuals have more responsibility in regard to staff development goals, certified employees will be expected to accomplish annual minimum requirements through either mandatory or optional in-service work. All certified employees will be expected to obtain a minimum of twenty (20) in-service points per...
Staff Development Programs. Input from employees shall be considered when scheduling staff development activities.
Staff Development Programs. (A) The University shall provide staff development programs as mandated by the New Jersey Department of Health and the Department of Corrections and the NCCHC. Such programs may include training in the form of orientation programs and continuing education or other required courses or programs. Subject to operational needs, the University will provide adequate coverage for patient care assignments in order to complete mandatory training during the regularly scheduled shift. If such adequate coverage is not available, the mandatory training will be rescheduled.
(B) The University shall, subject to the availability of funds and operational requirements, offer a program of continuing education. Such programs will take place during work time, and coverage will be provided for participating employees, where in the discretion of the University it is required. Time spent at these programs will be considered time worked and the employee shall be compensated accordingly. The University will provide notice through email and/or other media of its programs which have been granted Continuing Education Recognition Points by an appropriate professional association. The University will use reasonable efforts to post this notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the program commencing.
(C) Full-time staff nurses may utilize up to twenty-four (24) hours of conference time per calendar year. This benefit shall be pro-rated for regular part-time staff nurses. An employee may request in writing to his/her supervisor, permission to participate in work- related educational workshops, seminars, conferences and/or conventions. The University will make a reasonable effort to approve such participation, subject to operational needs and the availability of funds. The University, if it approves such participation, will grant time off without loss of the employee's pay, at his/her regular rate of pay, and subject to the limitations set out in the paragraph above, will grant financial assistance to attend such programs. If an approved conference falls on a day when the staff nurse is not scheduled to work, the staff nurse shall receive time off with pay equivalent to the time of the conference, to a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours. This time off shall be scheduled by management within sixty (60) days of the conference. Night shift employees who are scheduled to attend such a program shall be given as a conference day, either the night before, or the night after. Employees will receive a ...
Staff Development Programs. The Hospital Center shall provide:
A. A planned orientation program under the responsibility and direction of the Nursing Education Development and Research Department for a minimum of four (4) weeks for each new and/or inexperienced registered nurse. The Hospital Center shall maintain present practice of allotting time for Association during orientation. Orientees who are new graduates with no prior work experience or other new hires with no prior experience in their area of assignment shall not be counted as staff. Orientation to the charge responsibility shall be in addition to the regular orientation for new graduates with no prior work experience or other new hires with no prior experience in their area of assignment. Before floating any employee from a unit to which employees described in this Section are assigned, the Hospital Center agrees to be governed by the procedures set forth in Section 4.07.
B. A planned orientation program of one (1) week when an employee is permanently assigned to a new service.
C. Orientation shall be of a nature so as to enable employees to demonstrate the ability to meet the minimum performance standards of their job description.
D. An organized program of continuing education on work time, reasonable arrangements shall be made to permit each nurse to attend the educational programs. Preplanned release time shall be scheduled for those registered nurses who are in need of improving their efficiency in CODE management to observe and participate in CODES occurring in other units. The parties understand that such release time is contingent upon the operational requirements of the unit. It shall be the responsibility of Nursing Administration to ensure that nursing staff be proficient in code management, and that such proficiency shall be measured by established standards.
E. The Employer agrees to respond to requests for continuing education approval within two (2) weeks of submission of request. Time off and financial aid within reasonable limits will be granted for participation in educational institutes, workshops or meetings. An annual amount of money, equal to $190 times the number of RNs covered by this Agreement at each Site, shall be budgeted and administered by the Vice President, Nursing Patient Services, Assistant Vice President, Nursing and Patient Service or designee in a reasonable and non-discriminatory manner, with recommendations from the LBU, for expenses in attending such educational programs up to three...
Staff Development Programs. A. In the event that the library or other agency presents a staff training program, either on site or at a different location, the Director will determine the number of staff permitted to attend. During such event, any hours worked by variable hour part- time employees who are assigned to either attend the event, or assist in serving the public during the event, shall not be counted toward the forty-hour per pay period threshold required for regular part-time status.
B. Voluntary attendance at scheduled one (1) hour staff meetings will be exempt from Article 12, Section 1 (e.g. attendance shall not be considered a workday, three hour minimum does not apply, etc.). If the staff meeting does not fall within a regular full-time or regular part-time employee’s regularly scheduled workday, one (1) hour of non-cumulative compensatory time will be granted that employee. Compensatory time must be taken during the pay period that the meeting falls within, and at the Library’s convenience. For purposes of this section, Article 14, Section 3C. does not apply. Variable hour part-time employees will be paid for their attendance. Mandatory staff meetings are subject to the three hour minimum in Article 12, Section 1.