Rest Periods/Breaks. Nurses in the bargaining unit shall be granted a fifteen-minute rest period within each four hour period. Nurses working a twelve-hour shift will receive three rest periods. Each unit will establish guidelines to enable nurses to take their breaks. A nurse who does not receive a break is obligated to bring it to the attention of unit management immediately, or by the end of the shift. A missed rest break not documented in Kronos or the exception log by the nurse will be considered as taken for purposes of this section. See Memorandum of Agreement re: Rest Breaks incorporated herein.
Rest Periods/Breaks. 5.11.1 Unit members assigned six (6) hours or more shall be permitted two (2) paid, fifteen (15) minute rest breaks; one (1) during the first half of the workday, and one (1) during the second half of the workday. Each unit member assigned from three (3) hours up to six (6) hours shall be entitled to a fifteen (15) minute rest break approximately midway through the work period.
5.11.2 Unit members assigned to a four (4) day, ten (10) hour work day shall be permitted two (2) paid, twenty (20) minute rest breaks; one (1) during the first half of the work day and one (1) during the second half of the work day.
5.11.3 Section 5.11.1 above shall not apply to Lead/Interpreters for the Deaf. Rest breaks provided for all interpreters shall be no less than fifteen (15) minutes. Breaks shall include the ten (10) minute "passing time" between classes, the "attendance" portion of classes, prep time for classes, or any other non-signing time at the beginning or end of the class period. The District shall make every effort to provide team or break interpreters for lecture classes of longer than fifty (50) minutes. Frequency of rest breaks for other classes shall be determined by the District based upon the complexity and intensity of the class. The District shall make every effort to notify an interpreter if a break interpreter is unavailable, so that he/she may make arrangements within the class meeting for a break. In no case shall an interpreter be required to interpret continuously for more than fifty (50) minutes without a break.
5.11.4 Breaks may not be combined or used to shorten the workday or to extend the lunch period on a routine basis.
Rest Periods/Breaks. All employees shall be allowed a rest period if their regular daily schedule calls for four (4) hours or more of continuous work. Rest periods may be flexible, but shall generally be consistent with the following recommended schedule: Daily Hours Worked Suggested Rest Periods 8 hours 15 minutes 15 minutes 7.5 hours 15 minutes 10 minutes 7 hours 15 minutes 10 minutes 6.5 hours 10 minutes 10 minutes 6 hours 10 minutes 10 minutes 5.5 hours to 4 hours 15 minutes
Rest Periods/Breaks. Each employee working four (4) consecutive hours per day or more shall receive one (1) paid fifteen (15) minute break for each complete four (4)-hour period worked. The rest period will be scheduled by the employee's supervisor. Breaks are not to be accumulated and an employee may be interrupted during a break to perform necessary duties. If breaks are interrupted, they may be resumed at a more convenient time if the interruption was at the request of the Building Administration or his/her designee or the employee's immediate supervisor. An employee is not allowed to take breaks at the beginning or end of his/her regular work day.
Rest Periods/Breaks. All Employees will be allowed a rest period if their regular daily schedule calls for four (4) hours or more of continuous work. Rest periods may be flexible, but will generally be consistent with a 15 minute break for the first four (4) hours worked and a 15 minute break for the second four (4) hours worked as specified by the Director of Safety Services or the Building Principal.
Rest Periods/Breaks. 5.10.1 Unit members assigned six (6) hours or more shall be permitted two (2) paid, fifteen (15) minute rest breaks; one (1) during the first half of the workday, and one (1) during the second half of the workday. Each unit member assigned from three (3) hours up to six (6) hours shall be entitled to a fifteen (15) minute rest break approximately midway through the work period.
5.10.2 Unit members assigned to a four (4) day, ten (10) hour work day shall be permitted two (2) paid, twenty (20) minute rest breaks; one (1) during the first half of the work day and one (1) during the second half of the work day.
5.10.3 Breaks may not be combined or used to shorten the workday or to extend the lunch period on a routine basis.
Rest Periods/Breaks. 8.10.1 All members shall be granted paid, duty-free rest periods at the rate of fifteen minutes per three and three-quarters hours worked, exclusive of the fifteen minute rest period or major fraction thereof.
8.10.2 Specific times for breaks may be scheduled by the supervisor after due consideration of the employee's preference. If the employee is required by the supervisor to interrupt his/her break, the employee shall be allowed to complete the break after the interruption or receive compensatory time off or pay at the straight time rate, at the supervisor's discretion.
Rest Periods/Breaks. 9 7.12 Flexible Staffing (Voluntary Time Off). 9 ARTICLE 8 - EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 10
Rest Periods/Breaks. All employees working an eight (8) hour shift shall be entitled to two (2) rest periods or breaks for fifteen (15) minutes each per shift, excluding a lunch period. If an employee is working overtime, he/she shall be allowed a rest period or break after each two (2) hour period, and at the end of four (4) hours, a lunch period shall be allowed. Each work area may develop its’ own schedule of rest periods/breaks if pre-approved by Human Resources Services and the Union President in writing.
Rest Periods/Breaks. In the Collective Bargaining agreement that expired on June 30, 2013, Section 7.12 Rest Periods/Breaks stated: