Retraining Program Sample Clauses

Retraining Program. In order to avoid layoffs, the City will provide an employee targeted for layoff (hereafter "an affected employee") the opportunity to participate in a reorientation/retraining program. The City shall bear the full costs of any retraining program. Retraining programs shall be developed through the Joint Training, Retraining and Career Development Committee set forth in Article V.G. All employees who have a minimum of twenty-four months of seniority shall be eligible to participate in the reorientation/retraining program. If the availability of funds is limited, disputes among affected employees will be resolved on the basis of City seniority.
Retraining Program. (1) Upon the initial notification of the intent to lay off any regular Faculty Member, the District shall specify no less than three (3) Faculty Service Areas in which retraining may take place. Within six (6) months of the initial notification of the intent to lay off any regular Faculty Member, the Faculty Member may submit a written application for participation, specifying the course work and the institution to provide the retraining in one of the three (3) Faculty Service Areas specified by the District. (2) The District shall reimburse the Faculty Members for all reasonable and documented costs up to a maximum of Seven Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($7,200.00) per year for tuition, fees, books, transportation, and other course materials for participation in approved programs for a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) months following the effective date of layoff. Reimbursement shall be processed based on evidence of successful completion of each term's course work. (3) A Faculty Member who completes any program that qualifies the Faculty Member for any discipline other than the one from which the Faculty Member was laid off has the responsibility to inform the Office of Human Resources in writing at the completion of such program. A Faculty Member who is deemed to have qualified for teaching in such other discipline shall be granted an interview in that discipline whenever a selection for new hire is being made in that discipline. An interview will be granted within the first thirty-nine (39) months following the effective date of layoff. The District is not required by the terms of this Agreement to rehire any Faculty Member in a new discipline for which the Faculty Member was retrained under the provisions of this program.
Retraining Program. In order to avoid layoffs, the SFMTA will provide an employee targeted for layoff (hereafter "an affected employee") the opportunity to participate in a reorientation/retraining program. The SFMTA shall bear the full costs of any retraining program. Retraining programs shall be developed through the Joint Training, Retraining and Career Development Committee set forth in Article V.G. All employees who have a minimum of twenty-four months of seniority shall be eligible to participate in the reorientation/retraining program. If the availability of funds is limited, disputes among affected employees will be resolved on the basis of City seniority.
Retraining Program. 1. All costs of training and retraining specifically required by the District shall be paid by the District. The employees shall not incur any out-of-pocket expense. Eligible employees shall include: a. Employees who are scheduled for layoff or who have been laid off shall have thirty-nine (39) months from the effective date of layoff to request retraining. b. Employees whose classification is abolished, or significantly altered by any process such as reform, reorganization, and/or decentralization. c. Employees who, as a result of Industrial Accident or Industrial Illness, shall be retrained in accordance with Article 19.I.
Retraining Program. The City will pay the City’s share of health and life insurance costs while the employee is actively participating in a qualified retraining program which is intended to prepare the employee for achieving a different work occupation.
Retraining Program. Upon mutual agreement of the unit member and District, the unit member may participate in a District-approved retraining program prior to and/or after transfer. With prior approval of the District, the unit member participating in a District-approved retraining program may elect to have the tuition cost of approved course work paid by the District or have such course work credited for salary placement. Upon completion of a retraining program leading to a new teaching competency or expanded credential authorization, a unit member may initiate a request for transfer to said area(s) or the District may initiate a transfer to said area(s).
Retraining Program. (1) Upon the initial notification of the intent to lay off any regular Faculty Member, the District shall specify no less than three (3) Faculty Service Areas in which retraining may take place. Within six (6) months of the initial notification of the intent to lay off any regular Faculty Member, the Faculty Member may submit a written application for participation, specifying the course work and the institution to provide the retraining in one of the three
Retraining Program. If an educator is at risk of being involuntarily transferred outside of a demonstrated area of competence due to: 1. Enrollment pattern changes, or 2. Changes in program course offerings Then the Employer may require such educator to participate in a retraining program with the cost of the tuition, out of District mileage, and required books for such re-training, if applicable, at the District’s expense. Retraining shall be in a mutually agreed upon area of study that will qualify the educator to teach in a subject area that fits the needs of the Employer. This study could include but is not limited to tutoring, workshops, and/or regular course work. For the purpose of this section only, "outside a demonstrated area of competence" shall refer to a situation where an educator does not qualify under any of the following: 1. A major or minor in area of proposed reassignment; 2. Ability to qualify for endorsement in area of reassignment, under current SPI regulations, even if the educator’s certificate does not require such endorsement; 3. Successful teaching experience in area of reassignment within three (3) prior years. Upon request of the educator, this determination will be reviewed by the Employer and the Association.
Retraining Program. The District will implement a retraining program when the District determines an imbalance exists or is projected to exist between the curriculum needs of the District and the qualifications of the staff to meet those needs.
Retraining Program a. At any point in the disciplinary process, involving cargo damage, at the employee's option, with Local Union agreement, the driver can be given the opportunity to enter a retraining program in lieu of the discipline. Should the driver elect to enter the retraining program, the driver shall be paid at fifty percent (50%) of the regular hourly rate existing at that time until successful completion of the retraining program, which shall not exceed three (3) days at eight (8) hours per day in duration. b. In addition, drivers off work longer than six (6) months due to layoff, disability, compensable injury or leave of absence may be required to enter, at the Employer's option, a retraining program to ensure an awareness of the current loading and unloading policies/procedures of the Employer. The driver shall be paid at fifty percent (50%) of the regular hourly rate existing at that time until completion of the retraining program, which shall not exceed three (3) days at eight (8) hours per day in duration. c. Drivers shall not perform revenue-producing work during the retraining program.