Risks and Assumptions. 5.1. Pre-conditions 5.2. Assumptions and risk assessment profile 5.3. Security 5.3.1. Situation in the field
Risks and Assumptions. The M&E Plan will also outline key assumptions and risks that underlie the accomplishment of the theory of change summarized in the program logic. However, such assumptions and risks will not excuse any Party’s performance unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by the other Party.
Risks and Assumptions. The M&E Plan will also outline key assumptions and risks that underlie the accomplishment of the theory of change summarized in the program logic. However, such assumptions and risks will not excuse any Party’s performance unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by the other Party. The key assumptions to achieve the objectives of the Irrigation and Market Access Project are: • IWUAs have been established, at an early stage, and have power and sufficient authority to operate; • Sufficient support is provided to the new IWUAs enabling them to sustainably operate and maintain the irrigation infrastructure; • Farmers apply improved natural resource techniques; • Fertilizer reform will allow more farmers to access quality, affordable fertilizer; • Farmers will use improved seeds and fertilizer to increase their productivity; • More secure land tenure will reduce land conflicts and increase agricultural investment; • Vulnerable populations will benefit from the Irrigation and Market Access Project; • The project-improved roads will be properly maintained including through the adoption of performance-based maintenance contracts and community maintenance plans; • Farmers and other key actors are provided with nutrition, health and hygiene messaging and support to address literacy and numeracy skills, which are a major driver of productivity of savings groups, farmers and producer organizations; • Farmers are able and willing to pay the cost of sustainable irrigation water supply; • Farmers are organized and will obtain better prices for inputs and commodities produced; and • The Project’s Ramsar Convention protection and management component will ensure the protection of the ecosystem services that underpin the productivity of the intervention areas, and enhance climate resiliency. The key assumptions for the Climate-Resilient Communities Project are: CRA Activity: • Communities whose residents receive funding from the Facility will invest in public goods to create an enabling environment to support producers and enterprises to invest in improved practices and techniques; • Application of climate-resilient techniques will help farmers better manage climate shocks; • ICRIP will represent the priorities of communities regarding investments in access to water for small-scale irrigation, rangeland improvement, erosion control measures, afforestation, construction of marketing platforms and dry storage facilities, and access to market information; • The CRA Act...
Risks and Assumptions. 5.1. Pre-conditions
Risks and Assumptions. 5.1. Pre-conditions Identify factors external to the operation, which need to be in place if the operation is to start. Detail the pre- conditions identified in the logical framework matrix.
5.2. Assumptions and Risk assessment profile The partner shall identify factors external to their operation that could actively either prevent them from achieving the objective, results and activities identified in sections 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 or have a negative impact on the implementation of the operation. If some of them materialise, the partner should explain how they would react to mitigate their effects on the implementation of the operation and what other options would be envisaged to achieve results.
Risks and Assumptions. The partner shall provide complementary detailed information if: - security situation has changed - assumptions and/or risks have materialised.
Risks and Assumptions. The project is designed to ensure maximum country-level ownership of the diagnosis, policy recommendations and implementation of the programme. Existing coordination mechanisms and the reporting role given to the lead coordinating agency at country level will ensure smooth implementation of national plans and provide a means of agreeing mitigating measures when required. The endorsement procedure ensures that the country has a consensus on the national priorities and the commitment of all stakeholders to the activities to be implemented to achieve the commonly agreed national results. The GPE seeks to increase coordination among donors and minimise transaction costs while maintaining safeguards to ensure that funds made available to eligible countries are used effectively and achieve results.
Risks and Assumptions. The M&E Plan shall also outline key assumptions and risks that underlie the accomplishment of the theory of change summarized in the program logic. However, such assumptions and risks shall not excuse any Party’s performance unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by the other Party. The known assumptions and risks include: Access to required land is granted. Technical staff are trained to operate the new infrastructure. There is constant, positive pressure in pipes, so pathogens do not cause recontamination of piped water. A key major cause of illness was from contaminated water and not from other causes, such as undernourishment. Project retains support of GoTL2, even when government changes. Disinfectant is delivered to all essential sites with indicated regularity. There is sufficient water supply in the dry season to keep sewage moving and provide water to connected households. Cost-Recovery Plan developed and implemented Utility monitors water quality to deliver appropriate levels of disinfectant. Construction quality is high and includes considerations for climate change-especially during the rainy season. Enough households connect to the sewage system to sufficiently reduce human waste burden in the environment. Electricity disruptions do not harm the system. Other sources of contamination (animals, etc.) are not major drivers of contamination. People benefit at places where they spend major amounts of time, including at home and at work. Open drainage canals are free of debris and trash, so drains do not overflow. Households use only stored water or water from pipes for consumption. Households can identify when their water is contaminated. Customers can afford and do pay their water bills The flush-toilet market for supplies and expertise (plumbers) will be available and affordable. Government takes ownership of the new system and performs routine operation and maintenance for long-term sustainability.
Risks and Assumptions. The main risk is that the Member States of CARIFORUM and the various Regional institutions concerned do not have the capacity to absorb the resources made available through the programme and to achieve the results expected. Given the advanced status of preparation for the CSME and overall progress made in regional integration, this risk should be manageable. The main assumption is that political commitment to the implementation of the Single Market and Economy and Regional integration in general continue and that Caribbean counterpart financial contributions also continue, including the regularisation of arrears. The current policy environment and the traditional political stability of CARICOM will mitigate these risks and CARICOM is looking at systems of financing its activities, including the EU models. Other risks which can affect the rate of implementation of the project relate to natural disasters, particularly hurricanes, in the Caribbean.
Risks and Assumptions. The M&E Plan also shall outline key assumptions and risks that underlie the accomplishment of the theory of change summarized in the program logic. However, such assumptions and risks shall not excuse any Party’s performance unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by the other Party. Outcome Objective Output For the Energy Storage Project, the known assumptions and risks include:
1. The increased deployment of renewables will result in an increased need for frequency restoration reserves that cannot be reliably or cost-effectively procured from other sources.
2. The MFES Activity XXXX is either: (a) able to purchase and sell energy in markets that exhibit sufficiently large differences between daily high and daily low prices to produce adequate returns from Energy Arbitrage, or (b) able to access other types of markets for energy storage services to offset any potential gaps in income from arbitrage.
3. The bridging strategies that Kosovo adopts over the next decade as several coal units go offline do not change the need for the services provided by MCC-funded XXXX.
4. Kosovo is able to put in place the appropriate policy environment surrounding XXXX operating space and tariff structures (for both cost-recovery and addressing needs of vulnerable customers) on the timescale required by the Compact. For the JETA Project, the known assumptions and risks include:
1. Due to the early stage of design of this Project, many aspects of the Project remain unknown such as the potential education and training partners, existing and near future labor market demand, related policy and institutional reforms, and ongoing and planned donor investments within this space.
2. Data and studies demonstrate that Kosovo has a low rate of labor force participation, high unemployment, heavy migration to neighboring countries (with significant remittances that increase the reservation wage), and a general perception of low labor market demand for workers. Introducing or supporting a nascent sub-sector in such an environment introduces the risk that the results of the Energy Skills for the Future Activity may not be achieved. Mitigation of this risk shall require close coordination with current employers to identify the needs to launch the Energy Storage Project and support the growth and job creation of the energy sector.