Salary Tables Sample Clauses

Salary Tables. A. The salary ranges listed in Appendix C are hereby established as a basic salary plan. An employee shall be eligible for promotion to the next salary step by the General Manager upon recommendation of the Division Manager following six months satisfactory service in the first step and twelve months satisfactory service in each subsequent step. B. For the purposes of promotion eligibility, the determination of satisfactory services shall be a District right as defined within Article 4 of this Memorandum of Understanding. The General Manager may, in his discretion, approve an employee’s promotion to any higher salary step at any time in order to make equitable salary adjustments or to compensate capable employees properly. C. A Y-rated employee is an employee whose rate of pay has been set above the highest step in the salary range by the Board of Directors.
Salary Tables. 19.1.1 Members will be paid in accordance with the attached salary tables which are inclusive of all vacation pay.
Salary Tables. The following grade rates of employees aged over 18 years and of full working capacity will apply as of 1 April 2020. Job recuire- ment category Points TAM15– TAM27 cents/hour TAM35 cents/hour TAM37 cents/hour TAM15– TAM27 EUR/month TAM35– TAM37 EUR/month starting wage 1,026 1,041 1,093 1,658 1,724 1 56-72 1,080 1,096 1,150 1,750 1,820 2 73-92 1,163 1,180 1,239 1,882 1,957 3 93-112 1,252 1,271 1,333 2,024 2,105 4 113-132 1,347 1,367 1,435 2,179 2,266 5 133-157 1,453 1,475 1,547 2,344 2,438 6 158- 1,562 1,585 1,664 2,523 2,624 The following grade rates of employees aged over 18 years and of full working capacity will apply as of 1 March 2021. Job recuire- ment category Points TAM15– TAM27 cents/hour TAM35 cents/hour TAM37 cents/hour TAM15– TAM27 EUR/month TAM35– TAM37 EUR/month starting wage 1,047 1,063 1,115 1,691 1,759 1 56-72 1,102 1,119 1,174 1,785 1,856 2 73-92 1,186 1,204 1,263 1,920 1,997 3 93-112 1,277 1,296 1,360 2,064 2,147 4 113-132 1,374 1,395 1,463 2,223 2,312 5 133-157 1,482 1,504 1,578 2,391 2,487 6 158- 1,593 1,617 1,697 2,573 2,676 The tariff hourly wages for young employees as of 1 April 2020 will be: 15 years cents/hour 863 EUR/month 1,459 16 years 877 1,482 17 years 885 1,499 The tariff hourly wages for young employees as of 1 March 2021 will be: 15 years cents/hour 880 EUR/month 1,488 16 years 895 1,512 17 years 903 1,529 The federations have agreed on the recommendation for the work practice programme for primary school students, high school students and XXXXX students “Get to know work prac- xxxx and make money” (Tutustu työelämään ja tienaa) for 2020-2021. The agreement is en- closed to the collective agreement. Salary grades (TVL) in company-specific pay systems will be increased by 1.3 per cent as of 1 April 2020 and by 2 per cent as of 1 March 2021.
Salary Tables. 19.1.1 Full-time Members will be paid in accordance with the attached salary tables. 19.1.2 Members holding other than full-time appointments will be paid, pro rata, in accordance with the rates established therein. Instructional Members paid on an Instructional Hour basis will be paid according to the appropriate sessional instructional faculty rate. Non-instructional Members paid on an hourly basis will be paid according to the appropriate sessional faculty hourly rate.
Salary Tables. A. The salary ranges listed in Attachment A are hereby established as a basic salary plan. An employee shall be eligible for promotion to the next salary step by the General Manager upon recommendation of the Division Manager following six months satisfactory service in the first step and twelve months satisfactory service in each subsequent step. B. For the purposes of promotion eligibility, the determination of satisfactory services shall be a District right as defined within Article 4 of this Memorandum of Understanding. The General Manager may, in his discretion, approve an employee’s promotion to any higher salary step at any time in order to make equitable salary adjustments or to compensate capable employees properly. The General Manager may update the salary and range for positions contained in Appendix A, hereto, commensurate with any such promotion. C. A Y-rated employee is an employee whose rate of pay has been set above the highest step in the salary range by the Board of Directors.
Salary Tables. Effective March 16, 2015 the following salaries will be in effect:
Salary Tables. Appendix A (To access the salary tables, go to page 41 for the link provided) 41 Classification Charts – Appendix B (To access the classification charts, go to page 41 for the link provided) 41 Grievance RecordAppendix C 42 Between the Beaverton School District No. 48 CHAPTER 48, OREGON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION SCHOOL DISTRICT 48, BEAVERTON, OREGON
Salary Tables. The Salary ranges and steps in 2018 are: A. When a member is promoted within the bargaining unit to a higher paying rank/position, the member shall be placed at the closest step in the higher rank/position that results in at least a five percent (5%) increase above the base salary received prior to promotion, but notwithstanding the foregoing, no member shall be paid more than the highest step. In no event shall the member be paid more than the highest step in the salary range of the new rank/position. B. Each Sergeant, Police Officer, Community Service Officer, and Crime Analyst, if their performance has been competent, will move to the next higher step, if any, as provided for in this Agreement on the member’s anniversary date. C. Upward movement in all steps in all employee categories covered by this Agreement is conditioned on competent performance. D. On April 1, 2018 and April 1, 2019 , the City will survey the cities of Arvada, Aurora, Boulder, Brighton, Broomfield, Northglenn, Xxxxxxxx and Westminster for their minimum and maximum pay rates in the job classifications of Police Officer (the highest Police Officer grade for which the department does not require a testing process), Police Sergeant, Community Service Officer, and Crime Analyst. From the survey data, the City will calculate the average minimum and maximum pay rates in the equivalent job classifications in the surveyed cities. The resulting averages plus one percent (1%) will become the new Step A (minimum) and Step E (maximum) pay rates under the Agreement. Pay rates for intermediate steps will be increased by an equal percentage to any increase in the Step E (maximum) pay rate. If the new pay rates are higher than the pay rates that became effective the first pay period of January of the current year, then
Salary Tables. Appendix A - Certified Staff Salaries Appendix A-1: Appendix A-2 Appendix A-3 Appendix B-1 Appendix B-2 Appendix B-3 Appendix B-4 Appendix X-0 Appendix B-6 Appendix C- 1 Appendix D-1
Salary Tables. Salaries based on job requirement classification and groups shall be increased by 2.2% on 1 November 2023 or at the beginning of the salary period starting after that date.