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, say Sample Clauses

, say. The above amount consists of the amount for travelling of PLN ..................... and the amount for the living allowance of PLN .............. and .................. (please provide any other costs of the Action). The Project Participant undertakes to complete an evaluation survey constituting Attachment 2 to this Agreement, within the time-limit and on the terms set out in the Programme. The Project Participant is obliged to provide, depending on the nature of the Action, a suitable certificate proving the proper implementation of the Actionthe model of such certificate constitutes Attachment No 3 to this Agreement. Within the period of ....... days from the completion of the Action, the Project Participant shall provide the HEI with a properly completed visit settlement form in accordance with the model constituting Attachment No 1 to the Agreement.
, say. Some potential barriers to joint use agreements include: • Increased maintenance costs because facilities are being used by more people, more often. • The successful implementation of a joint use agreement, whether formal or informal, depends upon cooperation and relationships. o If one of the local agency involved believes that the agreement is not in alignment with the goals of his or her organization, the agreement may not be renewed. • Scheduling issues that arise when two organizations want to use a facility at the same time, as well as a reluctance to share assets. • Another common barrier is liability. • According to Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, senior staff attorney at ChangeLab Solutions, many schools are concerned that some one may get injured and the resulting liability issues will have a negative impact on their budget. • But, there are a number of actions schools can take to minimize their liability: o School administrators can make sure they have adequate insurance. o The group that wants to share the facility can assume responsibility for a portion of the risk through their own insurance policy. o In many instances schools are afforded a certain amount of governmental immunity, which precludes a plaintiff from recovering even if negligence is shown. o Schools, local governments, and nonprofits can anticipate potential problems and take reasonable steps to avoid them. o Perform a risk-benefit analysis --focus on whether helping kids to grow and thrive will outweigh the risk involved in implementing the agreement. • The case studies that we’ll be reviewing shortly, will provide more strategies for addressing barriers. xxxx://xxxxx.xxx/news/schools-should-not-let-liability-concerns-keep-them-from-promoting- physica When Joint Use Agreements Can Help • Neighborhood is poorly designed • Neighborhood is under-served • Limited funding for community gardens Facilitator: Xxxxxxxx • Let’s consider how joint use agreements can be used to expand opportunities for community gardens. • Neighborhoods that are underserved or poorly designed often don’t have a lot of open space often have limited financial resources for community gardens. xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx.xxx/programs/SACB/Documents/IUAUSutterCounty.pdf xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/wikipedia/commons/e/ee/Cabrini%E2%80%93Green_Tear_D own.jpg When Joint Use Agreements Can Help • Densely populated, built-out neighborhood • No land for new gardens Facilitator: Xxxxxxxx
, say. Here is a summary of other provisions contained in the model “Unlocking the Gates” agreement: As you can see, formal joint use agreements can be detailed and complex. Review the summary of the agreement shown in the PowerPoint slide. National Policy & Legal Analysis Network Playing Smart: Maximizing the Potential of School and Community Property Through Joint Use Agreements xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/publications/playing-smart Liability for Use of School Property After Hours California Education Code xxxx://xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xxx/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?l awCode=EDC&division=3.&title=2.&part=23.&chapter=4.&articl e=2. Change Lab Solutions xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/ Model Joint Use Agreements xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/publications/ model-JUAs-CA Developing A Joint Use Agreement: A List of Issues to Consider xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/publications/ developing-joint-use-agreement Some additional resources and tools that are available to help your community develop a joint use agreement include .. Review the summary of the agreement shown in the PowerPoint slide. • Formal and Informal joint use agreements. • Resources to develop a joint use agreement. • Model joint use agreements to serve your community.
, say. Successful strategies used by the City of Corning include: • Reviewing memos of understanding crafted by neighboring communities -- Don’t re- invent the wheel. • Building upon successful informal joint-use agreements that were in place at elementary schools. • Spreading programs among several sites to avoid disproportionate wear and tear of popular facilities. Allows nonprofits to use indoor and outdoor facilities. Facilitator: Xxxxxxxx XXX: • Nonprofit joint use partnerships allow organizations such as the YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, and youth sports leagues to operate recreational programs at schools and public and nonprofit facilities. xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/sites/default/files/CA_Joint_Use_Toolkit_FINAL_%28C LS_20120530%29_2010.01.28.pdf Nonprofit Partnerships: Oakland YMCA Children of working parents need after school care. • • Youth need quality recreation programs. • Some YMCA sites need more space for activities. – After-school programs – Big kid/ little-kid mentoring programs – Sports camps and lessons Facilitator: Xxxxxxxx
, say. “Now we’re going to read a book about one important part inside our skin.” COVER  Show the book cover and read the title and author The Skeleton Inside You by Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx. “I wonder what new information the author of this book will give us to help us learn more about our skeleton?” “Let’s start a new chart just about our skeleton. What do we already know about our skeleton from reading Me and My Amazing Body?” (Elicit: There are 206 bones in our skeleton. Our skeleton holds up our skin. Our bones are hard and they protect the softer insides of our body.) You can refer back to the chart, “Body Parts We Are Learning About.” Point to the skeleton and reread what the children wrote about a skeletons.) • • • • See sample answer chart in the appendix. TITLE PAGE  Show the picture and read the title and author again. PAGES 5 AND 6  Read the text on pages 5 and 6. STOP “What is the author trying to tell us on this page?” (Elicit: Our bodies have a skeleton that is made of bones that gives us shape.) PAGES 8 AND 9  Read the text on pages 8 and 9. STOP Do not show the pictures.
, say. Some of the strategies which contributed to the success of the San Francisco pilot include: • Forming numerous work groups, comprised of staff from the mayor’s office, the parks and recreation department, and the public works department. o These work groups discussed staffing, security, liability, oversight, and evaluation. o The work groups also participated in scenario exercises, where they brain- stormed about potential problems and discussed solutions. • Going to each school site to meet with principals and administrators and to discuss solutions to concerns such as additional wear and tear on facilities and graffiti. • Developing signage to inform the community about the joint use agreement. • Using a double lock system so that the city could access school sites without the school district’s master key. Expands public access to indoor and outdoor facilities. Facilitator: Xxxxxxxx XXX: • The second type of joint use agreements is used to expand public access to both indoor and outdoor facilities. • One use of an indoor / outdoor agreement for a community or school garden is to provide volunteers with access to bathrooms, school kitchens, or storage facilities. xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/sites/default/files/CA_Joint_Use_Toolkit_FINAL_%28C LS_20120530%29_2010.01.28.pdf • Rural area • Most vacant land is privately owned and not available for development Facilitator: Xxxxxxxx • The City of Corning, in Tehama County, implemented two joint use agreements in 2008 that expanded public access to indoor and outdoor facilities. • Corning has a population of about seven-thousand people and much of the land within the city limits and surrounding area is occupied by farms and factories. • As a result, although it is a rural community, it is difficult for the public to access open space in Corning. In addition to a lack of land for school and community gardens, residents complained that there wasn’t even a place to walk: “There’s no place to walk around here, so right now people go to the cemetery to walk…” – Unlimited access to elementary schools – Limited access to high schools Facilitator: Xxxxxxxx XXX: • A city commission, composed mostly of parents, asked the recreation department to implement joint use agreements to expand access to school facilities. • The recreation department developed MOUs that covered facilities at 8 elementary schools and 2 high schools. • The elementary schools leave their outdoor facilities unlocked for public use 24 hours a day,...
, say. PLN/EURO*) together with statutory provisions from the day of executing Agreement to the day of payment. Regardless of disclosing aforementioned information transferred to Contractor by Purchaser, Contractor may be exposed to financial liability for damages against Purchaser and third parties.
, say. In densely populated, built-out communities, a lack of vacant land can be a significant barrier. xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxx/images/search?q=san+francisco+streets&view=detailv2&adlt=strict &id=ED651BA7B4F27A22060FA3EF35FBC366F5F5D5AA&selectedIndex=108&ccid=LbdT8K n%2b&simid=608024403719488293&thid=OIP.M2db753f0a9fe975f2e4d6e8de310f654o0 &ajaxhist=0 When Joint Use Agreements Can Help • Open space is conserved or protected. • Open space is privately owned. Facilitator: Xxxxxxxx
, say. In 2007, San Francisco Unified School District began negotiating with the city parks and recreation department to expand public access to school sites on weekends and holidays. • The park and recreation department had collaborated with schools in past, but it was a piece-meal approach. • The project launched in 2007, which was called “Schools as Community Hubs”, was a pilot involving eleven schools – one for each legislative district. • In late 2007, the school district and the park and recreation department signed a memo of understanding to implement the joint use agreement. • In June of 2008, an assessment was conducted and the pilot was renewed for another year. Unlocking the Gates: San Francisco • Numerous meetings are needed to develop an MOU. • Form workgroups comprised of staff from each agency. • Visit school administrators at each site. • Develop public signage to explain joint use policies. • Use a “double lock” system so everyone can access shared sites. Facilitator: Xxxx
, say. The City of Oakland is a densely populated urban community where some residents, especially people with lower-incomes, have limited access to parks and open space. • The YMCA of the East Bay partnered with school districts to implement more than 45 joint use agreements that provide after-school care soccer camps, swimming and tennis lessons, life guard training, big kid/little kid mentoring programs, and other recreational opportunities. Maybe an outdoor garden education program is next! Nonprofit Partnerships: Oakland YMCA • Support community pride and goals with site-identified programs -- • Make after-school programs an extension of the school day. • Hire existing school staff when possible. Facilitator: Xxxxxxxx SAY: Strategies used by the YMCA of the East Bay when negotiating joint use agreements with the City of Oakland include: • Supporting community pride and goals with site-identified programs -- “How can the agreement benefit the school and its students?” • Making after-school programs an extension of the school day. • Hiring existing school maintenance staff when possible. Please type your answer in the chat box. Facilitator: Xxxx