Section 18.1.1 Sample Clauses

Section 18.1.1. 16 Employees may volunteer their time and talents on behalf of pre-identified, non-District 17 organizations whose activities may take place on District property or that may utilize District 18 equipment, provided that such volunteer activity does not replace a work assignment for which 19 pay has historically been made by the District and that there has been no request or coercion by 20 District supervisory personnel. In the event the District received any compensation for labor costs 21 for use of District property, any work performed by a member of this bargaining unit shall be 22 assigned and compensated in accordance with Article XI and Schedule A. Any volunteer 23 activities performed by members of this bargaining unit in accordance with this Section will be 24 based entirely on the decision of the individual employee.
Section 18.1.1. 7 Any cost of living percentage increase funded will be passed through to all employees. 10 Salaries for employees subject to this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement, are contained in 11 Schedule A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein.
Section 18.1.1. 12 Employees shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for all 13 hours worked. Should the date of execution of this Agreement be subsequent to the effective 14 date, salaries, including overtime, shall be retroactive to the effective date.
Section 18.1.1. 26 District-owned rain gear shall be available, as required, for all personnel working outside during inclement 27 weather.
Section 18.1.1. Employees assigned to work a full shift in place of a person in a higher pay category shall 5 receive compensation at the rate they would receive were they assigned to the job on a permanent basis. 6
Section 18.1.1. Employees may submit a request for reimbursement to the District by July 31 and must provide 9 supportive documentation. On July 31 of each year, any unused portion of the budgeted 10 training funds referenced in Section 18.1. shall be pooled and made available to employees 11 whose total training costs exceeded the $250.00 individual allotment. Requests for 12 reimbursement received after the July 31 deadline will be eligible for pool dollars only. 13 Unused funds will be distributed equally between those employees who have applied for 14 reimbursement.
Section 18.1.1. 13 The District will provide adequate and sufficient training for new hires and annually (prior to 14 the start of the school year) thereafter on how to safely and appropriately intervene to preserve 15 the safety of students and/or staff as defined in Policy 3313. Training will be available as 16 appropriate to an employee’s job classification and/or work assignment.
Section 18.1.1. 30 All employees shall work the day before school starts.
Section 18.1.1. 16 Employees shall receive any I-732 state passthrough cost of living salary increase(s) generated 17 during the term of this Agreement. Any cost of living percentage increase funded in any 18 Washington State Biennial Budget currently or retroactively for the 2013-2016 2016 – 2019 19 school years will be passed through to all employees.
Section 18.1.1. 11 Grievances related to the interpretation and/or application of this Agreement when filed in the 12 name of the Association, or when filed by an individual when resolution can only be obtained 13 through the Superintendent or his/her designee, may be initiated at the Superintendents level as 14 provided hereinafter. 16 Section 18.2.1. Step I – Informal Meeting with Site Supervisor. 17 Employees shall first discuss the grievance with their site supervisor. If employees so wish, an 18 Association representative may accompany them at such discussion. All grievances not 19 brought to the attention of the site supervisor, in accordance with the preceding sentence, 20 within thirty (30) workdays of the occurrence of the grievance shall be invalid and subject to no 21 further processing. 23 Section 18.2.2. Step II – Reduce to Writing – Site Supervisor. 24 If the grievance is not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction, in accordance with the preceding 25 subsection, the employee shall reduce to writing a statement of the grievance containing the 26 following: 28 1. The facts on which the grievance is based; 29 2. A reference to the provisions of this Agreement, which has allegedly been 30 violated/misinterpreted/misapplied; and 31 3. The remedy sought. 33 The employee or the Association shall submit the written statement of grievance to the Site 34 Supervisor for reconsideration within five (5) workdays of the Step I meeting. The Site 35 Supervisor will have five (5) workdays from submission of the written statement of the 36 grievance to resolve it by indicating on the statement of grievance the disposition. If an 37 agreeable disposition is made, all parties to the grievance shall sign it. 38 39 Section 18.2.3. Step III – Superintendent or His/Her Designee. 40 If no settlement has been reached within the five (5) workdays referred to in the preceding 41 subsection, and the Association believes the grievance to be valid, it shall be submitted within 42 fifteen (15) workdays to the District Superintendent or his/her designee. After such 43 submission, the parties will have ten (10) workdays from submission of the written statement of 44 grievance to resolve it by indicating on the statement of grievance the disposition. If an 45 agreeable disposition is made, all parties to the grievance shall sign it. 1 Section 18.2.4. Step IVSchool Board Level. 2 If no settlement has been reached or the Superintendent or his/her designee has been non- 3 responsive, within ...