Disciplinary Hearings Sample Clauses
Disciplinary Hearings. It is agreed by the parties to this Agreement that nothing herein shall affect the disciplinary powers held or exercised by the City or the Chief Administrative Officer, or any statutory delegated Committee of Council of the City, and it is agreed by the City, the Chief Administrative Officer and any Committee as aforesaid that, in all proceedings relating to such disciplinary powers, and/or relating to any matter in which the name, good character, efficiency or conduct of any member of the Police Service in the performance of his duty is being discussed or is subject to review, such proceedings shall be carried out in camera.
Disciplinary Hearings a. At any meeting which is convened by the Employer for purposes of discussing a discharge or discipline matter with an employee, such employee shall have the right to the presence of a Union representative. The employee may discuss the matter privately with a Union representative, at a place on the premises, before the meeting.
b. It is recognized that it may be necessary to suspend or discharge an employee without a Union representative’s presence. If such action is taken, a meeting will be convened within three (3) working days of the discharge or suspension in accordance with Article 11.02(a).
Disciplinary Hearings. All disciplinary hearings shall be held before the City's Labor Relations Manager or designee. Prior to any disciplinary hearing before the Labor Relations Manager or designee, the charged member shall receive from the Chief of Police a written statement of all charges and specifications. At the disciplinary hearing, the charged member shall be allowed to be represented by an O.L.C. Representative as defined in Article 1 and will be allowed to call witnesses material to member’s defense.
(A) A member who is charged, or his/her representative, may make a written request for a continuance. Such request shall be granted where practicable at the discretion of the Labor Relations Manager or designee. The length of such continuance shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties.
(B) The City shall make all good faith efforts to notify the affected member of any charges or of any decisions reached as a result of the Labor Relations Manager’s or designee's hearing prior to any public statement. The Labor Relations Manager or designee shall withhold any public statement for seventy-two (72) hours from the time of a decision or from the conclusion of any authorized leave which may have been granted to the affected member unless earlier notification directly to the member is confirmed. Hearings shall be held in the Labor Relations hearing room unless an alternative site is mutually agreed upon by the parties.
Disciplinary Hearings. If a matter is not dealt with under the summary procedure described in paragraph 18.9, we will hold a Disciplinary Panel. We will write to you about the arrangements. The Disciplinary Panel is held as soon as practicable and normally within 20 working days after the initial meeting. We will normally give you ten working days’ notice. The person who reported the matter will normally attend. If you wish to provide evidence for the Panel to consider, you must provide it before the hearing. We will give copies of the evidence to all the parties. The Disciplinary Panel may make enquiries and ask witnesses to attend. Normally, we will tell you the decision of the Disciplinary Panel within one hour of the end of the hearing. We will write to you about the outcome, normally within five working days.
Disciplinary Hearings a. If the anticipated step is step 1 or 2, the employee’s immediate supervisor or designee or building principal shall hold the disciplinary hearing.
b. If the anticipated step is step 3 or 4, either the Director of Human Resources or the Superintendent shall conduct disciplinary hearings.
c. If the anticipated step is step 5, the Superintendent shall conduct the disciplinary hearing.
d. The employee has the right to have up to two (2) representatives at this hearing and, if a representative(s) is requested, no hearing shall occur unless the representative is present. The parties shall work in good faith to schedule the meeting as soon as possible. These representatives shall be either Organization officials or O.E.A. representatives. Likewise, the administrator may request another administrator be present. If the employee does not choose to have an Organization or OEA representatives at the disciplinary hearing, one (1) Organization or OEA observer may attend the meeting.
e. At this hearing the employee shall have the right to face his/her accuser(s) and rebut the allegations. If the accuser(s) is a student(s), the student’s parents will be permitted to attend the hearing. The failure to present rebuttal testimony or other evidence at a disciplinary hearing shall not be used against the employee.
f. At the conclusion of the disciplinary hearing, if the administrator issues a verbal reprimand, that administrator shall notify the Organization President and the Superintendent/Designee on the appropriate form (Attachment 14) that a verbal reprimand has been issued. This form shall not be placed in the employee’s personnel file; instead it will be placed in the administrative working file subject to the restrictions outlined in Section 11 A. 7. and Section 12 I.
g. At the conclusion of the hearing, if the hearing officer or Superintendent/Designee determines that discipline is warranted, the employee shall be provided with specific written reasons for the discipline, and the step imposed shall be stated. A copy of the written reasons (excluding Step 1) will be placed in the employee’s personnel file and copies given to the Organization President and Superintendent/Designee.
h. Following the conclusion of the disciplinary hearing, the Superintendent/Designee has the authority to suspend an employee without pay without Board action.
Disciplinary Hearings. A member of the bargaining unit may, on request, be accompanied by an Association representative at a conference where disciplinary action is being administered.
Disciplinary Hearings. A disciplinary committee consisting of the principal, vice principal, educator of the learner and an additional nominated educator will be convened to hear cases which may result in suspension or expulsion, as a result of violations of the school rules, poor behaviour and character. The decision of the committee will be final and binding. The learner's parent/s or guardian/s may be present at the hearing to witness the process but may not provide evidence or commentary
Disciplinary Hearings. In the event an Employee disciplinary hearing is held by the Board, a committee of the Board Members, or the Administration upon instruction by the Board, the Employee shall be given reasonable prior written notice of the nature of the charges. The Employee shall have the right at such hearing to be represented by the Association or independent counsel.
Disciplinary Hearings. Medical Advisory Committee
Disciplinary Hearings. It is understood that the Board of Education may relieve an employee from duty prior to holding a disciplinary hearing. No employee shall be disciplined without first having had a hearing with a designated representative of the board of Education, with a union representative present if the employee so requests. The employee shall be given a written statement containing the specific nature of the charges and the time and place of the hearing at least three (3) days in advance of the hearing except in emergency situations. The employee must sign the statement acknowledging receipt of the statement and date of receipt. The form used by the Board shall include a statement informing employees of their right to be represented by the Union. RATIONALE "As agreed to by both parties, the Board has the right to send someone home and relieve them of duty with or without pay before a disciplinary hearing if the employee engages in behavior that endangers health, safety or well being of the district." The employee and his/her representative will be given an opportunity to personally respond fully to the charges and to present any documents for consideration.