Section 7.2.2 Sample Clauses
Section 7.2.2. 38 In the event of an unusual school closure, the District will make every effort to notify each 39 employee through the media broadcast. Security employees who report for work will receive a 40 minimum of two (2) hours pay at the base rate, however, no security employees will receive 41 compensation if she/he has been notified prior to leaving his/her home. All employees, with the 42 exception of security are essential employees and are expected to report to work as normal, 43 unless otherwise directed by the supervisor.
Section 7.2.2. Upon completion of the tenth year of service with the District, each full-time employee shall be 3 granted twenty (20) days of paid vacation per year. Each School Year employee shall be 4 entitled to fifteen (15) days paid vacation per year.
Section 7.2.2. 2 During the first year of employment, vacation shall be pro-rated. An employee hired between 3 April 1st and the end of the fiscal year shall not receive credit toward vacation longevity for 4 that year.
Section 7.2.2. 17 Schools and transportation staff are encouraged to communicate with bus drivers regarding student 18 behavioral concerns that may impact the student’s behavior on the bus or the safety of the driver. Such 19 notification will be consistent with state and federal educational privacy laws. 20 23 A R T I C L E V I I I
Section 7.2.2. 39 Employees shall normally work a five-day schedule, Monday through Friday, with two (2) 40 consecutive days of rest, Saturday and Sunday. If the work schedule is different than Monday 41 through Friday, the supervisor shall so notify the employee, the assistant superintendent of human 42 resources, and the supervisor of payroll/accounting. Employees shall receive a two (2) week notice 43 of a change in the regular workweek schedule unless, due to an emergency situation, the District is 44 not able to provide such notice.
Section 7.2.2. 35 Except as provided in the following section, any vacation credit currently due but unused by the 36 new accrual date each year may be carried over for one (1) year following the accrual date with 37 the approval of the immediate supervisor and administration. No vacation may be carried over 38 for more than one (1) year beyond the date on which it became due; provided, however, no 39 employee shall be denied accrued vacation benefits due to District employment needs. 41 42 43 44 1 A R T I C L E V I I I 3 LEAVES
Section 7.2.2. 31 Time on layoff and time on authorized leave of absence will be counted as continuous service 32 for the purpose of establishing and retaining eligibility dates.
Section 7.2.2. 34 If an employee is called back to work, other than immediately before or after his/her assigned 35 shift, the employee shall receive not less than two (2) hours pay at the appropriate rate.
Section 7.2.2. Beginning each school year the District will provide each non-annual employee with a 22 document containing the following:
Section 7.2.2. 41 Employees shall, whenever possible, give notice to the building principal of intention to 42 exercise personal leave within seven (7) days of the anticipated leave.