Section Twelve Sample Clauses

Section Twelve. Safety grievances regarding physical facilities must first be processed through Connecticut OSHA. If jurisdiction over the condition is declined by Connecticut OSHA, then the issue may be processed through the grievance and arbitration procedure. Grievances relating to matters other than physical facilities may be processed directly through the grievance and arbitration procedure.
Section Twelve. This Article supersedes Regulations 5- 247-1 through 5-247-4 and 5-247-7 through 5-247-11. Section Thirteen. Family Leave Provision. An employee who is seriously ill, or who has a seriously ill relative, as described by statute, may request and shall be granted;
Section Twelve. The panel chairperson may exclude any person who engages in improper conduct. No formal transcripts or stenographic records of proceedings shall be required. Technical rules of evidence shall not prevail. The panel may not grant any remedy other than the specific remedy requested in the grievance filed at Step I or as modified by mutual agreement of the parties concerned and may not add to, subtract from, alter or modify a bargaining agreement or grant either party matters which were not obtained in the bargaining process. Witnesses shall be compensated in accordance with Article 15, Section Nine. Management may be represented by either the appointing authority (or designee), the Commissioner of Administrative Services designee(s) or both. The burden of proof shall be on the employee to show that management’s denial of the reclassification was arbitrary or unreasonable.
Section Twelve. The Union may designate specific stewards, from among those designated under Article 7, Section Two, to act as `Safety Stewards' within their specified jurisdiction. The Union will furnish the
Section Twelve. The Association shall be allowed a total of six (6) days each year for the officers or representatives of the Association to conduct official business matters. The Association agrees to notify the Administration at least five (5) days in advance of these leave requests. The Board will be reimbursed for the salary of the substitute. The superintendent may allow UCEA members to donate sick time to any employee that has exhausted their accumulated sick time due to an extended personal or family illness. These donated sick time circumstances will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Section Twelve. Except where a greater benefit currently exists, all leave accrual and deduction shall be recorded on an hour-for-hour basis.
Section Twelve. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision of this Plan to be invalid or ineffective, in whole or in part, the effect of such decision shall be limited to those provisions which are expressly stated in the decision to be invalid or ineffective, and all other provisions of this Plan shall continue to be separate and fully effective.
Section Twelve. The State will send a quarterly list to AFSCME Council 4 of the names, employee numbers, classifications, addresses and starting dates of bargaining unit members hired and/or rehired during the period. Where practicable, work location for these employees shall be included. This quarterly list shall also include the names of the bargaining unit members who have resigned or been separated from State service.
Section Twelve. The State agrees to allow the Union to use space at State institutions or facilities for Union business, when such space is available, provided;
Section Twelve. Whenever the State or any Agency releases employees from work by an act from the Governor, for either a partial day (i.e. late opening or early dismissal) or full day due to inclement weather and/or for any other circumstances, employees who are required to remain at work or report to work because of their job duties shall be provided compensatory time off for all regular hours (during normal shift) worked under such conditions. An employee shall have twelve (12) months from the time of crediting in which to utilize such compensatory time. If the employee does not utilize such compensatory time within the designated time period, the compensatory time accruals shall expire. In no event shall such compensatory time be the basis for compensation upon expiration of such time or upon retirement or termination/separation from employment. (*Note: The above language shall not be construed to provide a lesser benefit regarding inclement weather and/or compensatory time than those benefits provided in the Cross Unit Handling of Durationals, Temporaries, Snow Days, & Flexible Scheduling MOA located in the rear of the Contract.)