ARTICLE Sample Clauses

ARTICLE. Attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement are the appendices: Appendix Grievance Form Appendix List of Professional Responsibility Assessment Committee Chairpersons Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Salary Schedule Superior Conditions If Any Appendix of Local Provisions Professional Responsibility Complaint Form Ontario, this day of Dated at EMPLOYER FOR THE ASSOCIATION I " *.. NATURE OF GRIEVANCE AND DATE OF OCCURRENCE NATURE GRIEF ET DATE DE ! SIGNATURE OF SIGNATURE DE LA SIGNATURE OF ASSOCIATION REP.: SIGNATURE DE LA REP. DE EMPLOYERS DE I EMPLOYERS DE I I i DATE: DATE: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE GREEN OF EMPLOYER'S DE RECEIVED BY LOCAL: DATE SECTION LOCALE: DE RECEPTION XX XXXX LOCALE APPENDI X LIST OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Xxxxx Xxxxxx Program Manager Developer Continuing Education Nursing College of Applied Arts Institute Technology Victoria Street Third Street Toronto, ON ON Xxxxxxxx Vice-president, Academic Georgian College One Georgian Drive Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Associate Professor School of Nursing University Xxxxxx Road Thunder Bay, ON Xxxxxx Asst. Prof Program Director Dept. of Health Admin. Faculty of Medicine University of Toronto Room Queens Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx, XX Xxxx Clinical Nurse Specialist Gerontology Department of Nursing The Toronto Hospital Western Division Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, XX Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Director of Nursing Xxxx, Health Sciences Xxxxxxxxx General Division College of Applied Arts Xxxxxxxx Civic Hospitals Technology Concession Street Northern Avenue Hamilton, ON Xxxxx, ON NURSE Monthly Hourly Year Monthly Hourly Years Monthly Hourly Years Monthly Hourly Years Monthly Hourly Years Monthly Hourly Years Monthly Hourly Years Monthly Hourly Years Monthly Hourly Years Monthly Hourly APPENDIX SALARY SCHEDULE Effective Effective Effective 1/93 Jan. 1/94 Jan. 1/95 Effective Jan. 1/96 NURSE Monthly Hourly Year Monthly Hourly Years Monthly Hourly Monthly Hourly APPENDIX SUPERIOR CONDITIONS Previously existing conditions retained as provided for the Interest Arbitration Award dated October include the following: (Previous) ARTICLE As applies to (Current) ARTICLE AMBULANCE ESCORT Note: When a nurse is called in and required to travel with a patient less than four she will be paid for four (4) hours. When a nurse is called and required to travel with a patient in excess of four (4) hours, she shall be paid the full shift. (Previous) (Current) (Previous) (Current) ARTICLE VACATION (EARNED LEAVE) Vacati...
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ARTICLE. (a) Full-time continuing employees shall be permitted to accumulate sick leave at IWO days per month. Effective I September regular part-time em who have been employee examined by lo be b following consultation with the employee and representative o the doctor IO selected. the Employer the Union as IO continuously employed for a minimum of two years sick leave, The purpose of such an by a doctor lo the of II in the on a pro-rated basis, at the of two per month worked. An employee shall not cam sick leave credits in any month in which the Employee does work and was not paid for least one-halt working days in that employee IO continue in required IO violate the of I no or employee shall be I July regular part-time employees are offered and who accept I shall made an employee’s sick credits the number of days because of illness. by of the no m e during the months of July and August shall be to accumulate SIC leave the appropriate rate the months, based on actual time worked. The Director of Education or shall a register or registers in shall be ma& lo an employee absence the number of to SickPlan. which shall entered the the accumulated credits, and deductions therefrom. An up-to-date statement of shall be provided IO each employee at least once per calendar year. The Director of Education or the Director’s designate shall have the authority to do and all things necessary for conduct of sick leave credit plan, power. appeal to Employer, lo allow or disallow any sick leave or deduction the plan. Where an employee of a municipality or local board, which established a sick leave plan under any Act. becomes a Ml-rime employee of Board taken employment, the employee shall be entitled IO have placed to This Article is intended lo define the of work for employees in the Bargaining and shall be as a guarantee of of work work week for employees shall consist of hour , to Friday, inclusive. The work day for Ml-time be Day Shin: excluding an unpaid period, between credit the leave credits em or local board or the amount which could credit in the of the VC been earned with the hours of a.m. and p.m.; for the period of whichever is less. The employee may not transfer any sick leave credits used in the calculation of a service gratuity, or similar payment on accumulated sick leave. Where an employee resigns from the Employer and is rehired by the Shin: consecutive on unpaid period, the hours of p.m. and midnight. Exceptions lo work day ⚫ work week for full-time Employer wi...
ARTICLE. Unless otherwise provided, reference to any Article or an Exhibit means an Article or Exhibit of this Agreement.
ARTICLE. ARTICLE ARTICLE is the intent and purpose of this Agreement to assure sound and mutually beneficial relationships the parties hereto, to provide an orderly and peaceful means of any misunderstanding or grievance without any work stoppage and to set forth herein the basic and full agreement between the parties covering of pay, wages, hours of work and other conditions of employment for all construction labourers in the employ of the employer engaged road building, parking lot construction, paving, sewer and construction, work and heavy construction. This Agreement shall be effective in Area described by the Ontario Labour Relations Board plus that portion of west of in a line to Lake Employer recognizes the Labourers' International Union of North America, Local as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for employees coming within the jurisdiction of this Agreement, while working on all construction projects as defined by of agreement save and except non-working xxxxxxx and persons above the rank of non-working xxxxxxx, and clerical staff, shop and yard employees engineering staff and guards. The Employer agrees to employ only members of the standing during the term of Agreement, Xxxxx agrees to give preference to the Employer in supplying men It is understood that in the event that the Union cannot supply Labourers sufficient numbers, Labourers may be hired from any who shall become members of the Union within working days from the Initial date of employment. It agreed and understood that employees recalled and or hired by the employer must obtain a clearance slip from the union before commencing work. The Employer agrees to deduct from the employees last pay cheque of each month, the Initiation fee and regular monthly dues of the Union remit such monies deducted to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Labourers Local not later than the 15th day of month following the date upon which such Union ation Fees and Dues were deducted for employees covered by this Agreement. The Union shall supply the Employer with applications for Union Membership and dues deduction authorization forms, be presented to all new employees on the day the new employee is hired. All completed copies of for Union Membership form will be returned to the Union and will serve of of employment; Upon termination of of any employee, the dues deduction authorization form shall be returned to the Union within four working days. It agreed and understood that work covered by this agreement shall be s...
ARTICLE. Seniority shall be defined as length of continuous service with the Employer and will be acquired when an employee has completed worked days continuous service and shall be determined for only those purposes expressly described herein. The Employer agrees to recognize past service for part-time employees should they become full-time employees and vice versa on the following basis: An employee whose status is changed from full-time to part-time shall receive credit for his full service and seniority. An employee whose status is changed to full-time shall receive credit for service and seniority on the basis of (1) year of seniority for each hours worked. Seniority shall date from the first day of the most recent employment that an employee has actually commenced work for the Employer and will accumulate for all continuous employment with the Employer. In all cases of promotion, demotion or transfer (except in cases of disciplinary demotions) and in laying off or recalled employees, seniority shall be the governing factor, provided the senior employee already possesses in the opinion of the Employer and the Union the necessary qualifications and experience to perform the work to be assigned by the Employer, as well or better than the junior employee. The Employer agrees to supply to the Union upon the completion of this Agreement a seniority list. The list shall contain the names of all employees within the Bargaining Unit, their respective date of hiring. The said list will be revised and brought up-to-date every six (6) months thereafter, and the Union shall receive a copy of the revised list every six months. Copies of the said seniority list shall also be posted on the employee's bulletin board. After such posting, the list shall become final with respect to the employees designated therein, except to any employee who has disputed the accuracy of his seniority date within one (1) week after the list is posted. If an employee disputes the accuracy of the list within one (I)week, the matter may then be dealt with under the grievance procedure if the list is not properly corrected. When transferred to a position not subject to the provisions of this Agreement, an employee shall retain his seniority, and if transferred back to a position subject to this Agreement, seniority accumulating during the time served in the position not subject to this Agreement, shall be added. It is recognized that employees replacing employees who have been granted maternity leav...
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ARTICLE. Unless existing benefits, rights, privileges, practices, terms or conditions of employment which may be considered to be superior to those contained herein are specifically retained by this Agreement, they shall be deemed not to continue in effect. It is, however, hereby confirmed that where such references are made to existing Superior Conditions that they refer to conditions existing prior to October ARTICLE DURATION This Agreement shall continue in effect until March e o and shall remain in effect from to ARTICLE unless either party gives t ther written notice of termination or desire to amend the Agreement. Notice that amendments are required or that either party desires to terminate this Agreement may only be given within a period of ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of this Agreement or to any anniversary of such expiration date. If notice of amendment or termination is given by either the other party agrees to meet for the purpose of ..negotiation within thirty (30)-days after the giving of notice, if requested to do so. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, in the event the parties to this Agreement agree to negotiate for its renewal through the process of central bargaining, the parties meet to determine the procedures to be owed. Attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement are the following appendices: Appendix Grievance' Form Appendix List of Professional Responsibility Assessment Committee Chairpersons Appendix Salary Schedule Appendix Superior Conditions If Any Appendix Appendix of Local Provisions at io this FOR THE HOSPITAL ONTARIO NURSES' SIGNATURE STEP ONE EMPLOYER'S ANSWER t SIGNATURE OF DATE: REPRESENTATIVE STEP DATE: Two DATE RECEIVED LOCAL DATE RECEIVED BY LOCAL DATE RECEIVED BY LOCAL EMPLOYER'S ANSWER LIST OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY ASSESSMENT The following nurses have allowed their names to stand as Chairpersons Nursing Assessment Committees i n the above named sector. Xxxxx Xxxxxx School of Nursing Doctoral Candidate Queen's University Administration Kingston, Ontario London, Ontar io Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Assistant Administrator Program Developer Nursing and Patient Care College of Applied Xxxxxxxx General Hospital Arts Technology Hamilton, Ontario Ontar io Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Executive Canadian Centre for Stress Xxxxx Peninsula Health and Well Being Ontario Toronto, Ontario Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx Principal Nursing Officer Care Consultant Health and Welfare Canada Administrative Services Ottawa, Ontar...
ARTICLE. The Employer w i l l continue part practice in giving al I reasonable consideration to continued employment in the Senate of would otherwise redundant because work is contracted out. The seniority credited to an employee by the Employer et the time this agreement is signed, shell be retained the employee. The seniority of an shall be the factor the selection of vacation, overtime and designated holiday leave selection. two or more start work on the calendar date, the who scored highest on the selection process w i l l be shown as such on the seniority list established pursuant to A seniority List consisting of name, date from which seniority shall seniority and classification of each and shall and semi- annually by the boards. posted bulletin Employees retain and seniority in the cases: they are on continuous employment; while they are on leave as provided in this collective while they are away from work as the result of a or f Employees retain their seniority without they are on leave without pay. For the purpose of this a formal assessment of an performance means any written appraisal by his of how the has performed his assigned tasks during a specified period in the past; formal appraisals of performance shall be on a form prescribed by the for this purpose. formal assessment of an performance is made, the employee concerned be given an opportunity to sign the assessment form in question upon its to indicate that its contents have been read. An signature on his assessment form shall be considered to bo an that its contents have been read shall not indicate his concurrence the contained on the form. A copy of the form shall provided to him at the time the assessment is signed by the an performance have observed or been aware of the employee's performance for at least of the period for which the is evaluated. an disagrees with the appraisal of his work he shall have the right to present written written request of an the personnel files of that employee shall be made available once per year for his in the presence of an authorized representative of the Employer. When a report pertaining to an performance or conduct is placed on that personnel file, the employee concerned shall be given opportunity to sign the report in question to indicate its contents have been read. Senate w i l l provide its with clothing and accoutrements free of charge to the employees. The employees shall wear issued items of clothing during hours unless otherwise and shall responsib...
ARTICLE. The Parties agree that the of are to ensure that workload duties are being performed satisfactorilyand to improve the quality of teaching or research by assisting the Employee to develop her There shall be three types of evaluation conducted by the Employer, informal evaluations, formal evaluations,and student evaluations. Reasonable methods shall be used in conducting evaluations in the context of this Article. For every appointment there shall be an informal evaluation based on criteria relevant to the Unit in the appointment is held and relevant to the nature of the duties required by the appointment. Provisions of thisArticle shall not be used as a source of information in reaching decisions on hiring except as provided for in Informal Evaluation The informal evaluation cannot take place earlier the mid- point of the appointment and shall be conducted by the Employee’s immediate Supervisor. An Employee in a supervisory position shall pass on the responsibility of conducting the to her immediate Supervisor. The results of the informal evaluation shall be set out in writing and shall conclude in one of the following a) the performance is excellent, that is, all the are met and the quality of the performance exceedsexpectations; the performance is satisfactory, that is, all the requirements are met and the quality of the performance meets expectations; the performance is satisfactory, but one or more minor deficienciesexist and should be corrected; or the performance is seriously deficient and a formal evaluation is therefore requested. The Employee shall be given a copy of the informal evaluation and have an opportunity to discuss the results with the person conducting the evaluation before the evaluation is placed in the Employee’s Personal File. Any Written comments the Employee may wish to make about the evaluation shall be attached to the copy of the evaluation that is placed in the Employee’s Personal File, provided the Employee delivers a copy of the comments to the appropriate Unit authority and requests that her Written comments be attached to the copy of the evaluation. Formal Evaluation A formal evaluation can take place only if it is requested pursuant to The formal evaluation will take place before the end of the Employee’s contract, it understood that where possible enough time should elapse between the informal and the formal evaluation to the Employee to address the concerns expressed in the informal evaluation. Such an evaluation shall be...
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