Separate. Separate insurance policies issued for each individual entity, with each entity included as a named insured or as an additional insured; or
Separate. Bargaining Unit seniority lists for part time and full time employees will be prepared by the Company and will be posted in February and August of each year. Copies will be supplied to the Union office and Union committee.
Separate. Insurance If more than one person or entity is named as ‘Insured’ in the schedule, then all the parties are insured separately (as though a separate policy had been issued to each person/entity). However, the sum insured and any sublimit in this policy will apply to the aggregate of all amounts payable to all insureds for any event.
Separate. If one or more of the provisions of the agreement are invalid, void, invalid or unenforceable in any way under any applicable law or award, the validity, and enforceability of the other provisions contained herein will not be affected or impaired in any way.
Separate. H O L ID A Y S (N o work on five holidays).. V IO L A T IO N S ..... .............................. W O R K — A M O U N T O F PAY.............. H O L ID A Y S F A L L IN G O N SUNDAY.. ELIG IBILIT Y FO R H O L ID A Y PAY...._ N E W EM P LO XXX..... .............. ...... H O L ID A Y W E EK ............................ O THER H O L ID A Y O B SE R V A N C E ..... O VERTIM E RATES FO R D AYS IN C A L E N D A R W EEK S U N D A Y RATE O F PAY A N D O VERTIM E RATE FO R M O R E T H A N FIVE (5) O VERT IM E RATE FO R M O R E T H A N S IX (6) SC H ED U LE D D A Y O FF G U A R A N T XX X X X X VERTIM E RATE... O VERT IM E S U N D A Y P R EM IU M RATE FO R TH E SIXT D A Y A N D W EEK L IM IT A T IO N (of work)..
Separate sealed and initialled envelopes given to the returning officer
Separate seniority lists for full and part-time employees shall be maintained and updated quarterly by the Employer and shall include the classification and yard location of each employee and shall be posted on the Employer's appropriate bulletin boards with a copy of same being sent to the Union.
14.06 Existing language applies to part-time employees and add:
Separate seniority schedules shall be established for regular full-time and part- time employees as defined. Seniority schedules posted in accordance with 11.04 above shall include the name of the employee, his classification and his last date of hire. Part-time seniority shall at all times be subordinate to regular full-time seniority for the purposes of lay-off and recall.
Separate seniority lists of full-time and part-time employees, covered by this Agreement, shall be posted by the Employer on a designated bulletin board, yearly by January 31st and prior to any layoff. The initial seniority lists shall be open for correction by the individual employees and the Union for a period of thirty (30) calendar days following posting after ratification or release of the Arbitration Award. The lists shall also include the seniority standing, job classification for each employee employed within the bargaining unit described in Article 2.01 of this agreement. Two copies of such lists will be forwarded to the appropriate designated Local Representative on such dates or soon thereafter. An electronic copy of the said seniority lists shall be sent to the Labour Relations Officer.