SERVICES TO BE RENDERED BY CONTRACTOR. 1.1 Upon request from County, Contractor will provide all equipment, supplies and personnel to perform professional services for Xxxxxx County Department (the “Work”). The Work is more particularly described on Attachment A attached and incorporated by this reference. Contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws relating to Contractor’s performance of this Agreement.
1.2 Contractor shall perform the Work in a manner consistent with the level of competency and standard of care normally observed by a person practicing in Contractor’s profession. If County determines that any of the Work is not performed in accordance with such level of competency and standard of care, County, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to do any or all of the following: (a) require Contractor to meet with County to review the quality of the Work and resolve matters of concern; (b) require Contractor to repeat any substandard Work at no additional charge until it is satisfactory; (c) terminate this Agreement pursuant to section 4 below; or (d) pursue any and all other remedies at law or in equity.
1.3 Contractor is authorized to proceed immediately following full execution of this Agreement and delivery and approval of required insurance documents as required by Section 11. Performance of the Work shall be completed within the time required herein or prescribed for an individual task by County; provided, however, that if performance is delayed by earthquake, flood, high water or other act of God, or by strike, lockout, or similar labor disturbances, the time for Contractor’s performance of this Agreement shall be extended by the number of days equal to the number of days of delay.
1.4 Contractor shall complete each project assigned by County in accordance with an agreed-upon schedule.
SERVICES TO BE RENDERED BY CONTRACTOR. Upon written request by County’s Director of Health Services, Contractor will provide services to residents of Xxxxxx County referred by the Director of Health Services (the “Work”). The Work is more particularly described on Attachment A attached and incorporated by this reference. Contractor shall perform the Work in compliance with all statutes, ordinances, regulations and requirements of federal, state and local governing bodies applicable to the performance of the Work. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Contractor agrees to comply with Program Integrity Requirements (42 CFR §438.608) and Beneficiary Problem Resolution Process (42 CFR §438.10(g)(1).
SERVICES TO BE RENDERED BY CONTRACTOR. The contractor shall i) ensure that he/she deploys only adult, trained and competent persons who are physically fit and are not suffering from any chronic or contagious diseases for carrying out the maintenance works.
i) Ensure that he/she deploys only adult, trained and competent persons who are physically fit and are capable of rendering security services round the clock and Housekeeping services in the Bank’s Office Premise at Reserve Bank of India, Opp. Manipur Legislative Assembly, Lilashing Khongnangkhong, Imphal- 795001.
ii) Be responsible and liable for payment of salaries, statutory minimum wages and other legal dues to the persons who are employed by him/her for the purposes for rendering the services required by the Bank under this application. Written records for having made these payments will be submitted to the Bank at monthly intervals, for its verification.
iii) Maintain neatly, completely and legibly registers, records, reports and returns for inspection by various authorities at short notice.
iv) Provide information as required in respect of all his employees employed by him/her to enable the bank to monitor compliance of P. F., ESI etc.
v) Ensure that all persons employed by him/her, for the purposes for rendering the services required by the Bank, are insured with Government of India recognized insurance companies, for which no extra payment will be made by the Bank. The contractor shall be responsible for any injury or damages to any persons, animals or any other things.
vi) Ensure that his/her employees, while on the premises of the Bank or while carrying out their obligations, observe the standards of cleanliness, decorum, security, safety, good behavior and general discipline laid down by the Bank or its authorized agents and the Bank shall be the sole judges as to whether or not the contractor and /or his employees have observed the same.
vii) Supply identity cards to his/her employees or agents who shall be doing the subject job at the Bank’s premises. All the employees and agents should bear the identity card for all the times they are working.
viii) The contractor shall provide distinct uniforms to its employees. The uniform should have logo of the Agency and shall be kept neat, tidy and in a wearable condition.
ix) Personally and exclusively supervise or employ sufficient supervisory personnel, exclusively to supervise the work of its guards and Housekeeping staff so as to ensure that the services rendered are carried out to the satisfaction of the Bank.
x) Ensure that no employee of the Agency will enter or remain in the office premises beyond the specified time limits unless absolutely necessary for fulfilling Agency’...
SERVICES TO BE RENDERED BY CONTRACTOR. Contractor agrees she is transitioning as of the first day of the term hereof from “Employee” to “Contractor” and agrees to provide the Corporation its typical Employee offboarding documentation in connection therewith. Contractor agrees to provide consulting services to the Corporation as needed and as directed by the CEO (the “Services”). It is understood and agreed the Services are administrative and strategic and shall not include binding of the Corporation in any matter.
SERVICES TO BE RENDERED BY CONTRACTOR. Upon written request by County’s Director of Social Services, Contractor will work closely with Xxxxxx County Child Protective Services Social Workers to develop and implement the Promotion of Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) (the “Work”). The Work is more particularly described on Attachment A attached and incorporated by this reference. Contractor shall perform the Work in compliance with all statutes, ordinances, regulations and requirements of federal, state and local governing bodies applicable to the performance of the Work. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Contractor agrees to comply with Program Integrity Requirements (42 CFR §438.608) and Beneficiary Problem Resolution Process (42 CFR §438.10(g)(1).
1) Attract, Expand and Retain Retail and Economic Based Businesses (Non-Retail) to Rio Communities.
2) Conduct a commercial vacant building survey and inventory.
3) Promote the City of Rio Communities as an Opportunity Zone area to attract investment.
4) Conduct a community retail survey of the type of retail businesses residents would want in Rio Communities.
5) Formulate an Economic Development marketing brochure, business cards and rack cards.
6) Through marketing, attract Albuquerque Area land developers, retailers, and housing developers to the community.
7) With the assistance of the governing body formulate a local economic development incentive guide in conjunction with the current incentives offered by the state.
8) Formulate a stand-alone economic development website with the assistance of the economic development committee and Rio Communities IT staff.
9) Attend statewide and nation-wide Retail and Manufacturing/Industrial conferences and workshops to attract businesses to Rio Communities
10) Assist the governing body and admin staff to annex the industrial/manufacturing park.
11) Assist the governing body, admin staff and prospective housing developers to market the community as a retirement community.
12) Assistant the governing body, ad min staff and community to formulate a logo and a community tag line.
13) Coordinate with the governing body and admin staff to contract with a vendor to conduct a retail shrinkage study and examine the current retail gaps.
14) Utilize social media along with the economic development website to promote the community.
15) Assistant with future groundbreaking and dedication ceremonies.
16) Become an active member of NM IDEA (NM Rural Economic Development Organization), IEDC (International Economic Development Council), ICSC (International Center for Shopping Center).
17) Attend regular board meeting of NM Workforce Connections of Central New Mexico.
18) Attend regular meetings of MRGEDA, Middle Rio Grande Economic Development Organization. MRGEDA is regional economic development organization that promotes economic development initiatives in Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx and Sierra Counties.
19) Promote the City of Rio Communities through regular meetings with Albuquerque Economic Development (AED), NM Partnership, MRCOG (Middle Rio Grande Council of Government) and NM Economic Development.
20) Submit a LEADS grant through the NM Economic Development to attract funding to promote local economic ...
SERVICES TO BE RENDERED BY CONTRACTOR. 1.1 Contractor shall perform all consulting tasks described in Exhibit A, Scope of Services and Budget, attached and incorporated by this reference (the “Work”). All services shall be rendered with the care and skill ordinarily used by members of Contractor’s profession practicing in this geographical region, and shall be in accordance with regulatory requirements of any state or federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter of this Agreement. Contractor shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its services and documents resulting therefrom and Authority shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies therein. Contractor shall correct such deficiencies without additional compensation unless such deficiency is directly attributable to defects in information furnished by Authority.
1.2 Contractor is authorized to proceed with Work upon receipt of a Notice to Proceed and as directed by Authority. Upon receipt of the Notice to Xxxxxxx Contractor agrees to commence performance forthwith and to timely complete the Work as mutually agreed and directed by Authority.
SERVICES TO BE RENDERED BY CONTRACTOR. Contractor shall perform all consulting tasks described in Exhibit A, Scope of Work and Budget, attached and incorporated by this reference (the “Work”). All services shall be rendered with the care and skill ordinarily used by members of Contractor’s profession practicing in this geographical region, and shall be in accordance with regulatory requirements of any state or federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter of this Agreement. Contractor shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its services and documents resulting therefrom and Authority shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies therein. Contractor shall correct such deficiencies without additional compensation unless such deficiency is directly attributable to defects in information furnished by Authority.