SHELF STOCKING. A. The following items may be stocked by suppliers: Bakery goods, cookies, dairy products (defined as milk, cream, butter, cottage cheese and ice cream), cosmetics, baby foods, spices, household wares and magazines. The stocking of these items will be held to the minimum consistent with good operation. The above limitation shall not apply to the setting up of an initial display. B. It is further agreed that cookie salesmen will not be permitted to stock shelves in a particular store more than once during a calendar week. In addition, in the instance of displays which exceed ten cases of merchandise, one employee within the bargaining unit will assist the displayman.
SHELF STOCKING. The following Items may be stocked by the suppliers: bakery goods, cookies, dairy products (defined as milk, cream, butter, cottage cheese and ice cream), cosmetics, baby foods, spices, household wares, and magazines. The stocking of these items will be held to at the mini­ mum consistent with good operation. The above limita­ tion shall not .apply to the setting up of an Initial dis­ play. Any violation of this Article may result in arbitra­ tion at the option of either party. The full costs of the neutral party will be borne by the losing party.
SHELF STOCKING. Employers shall be allowed to utilize suppliers, vendors and salesman to stock products that they represent; stocking of these products will be held at the minimum consistent with a good operation. Further, the Employer shall be allowed to utilize retail merchandisers for the purpose of doing resets. The above-referenced individuals shall be utilized in addition to, not as a replacement of bargaining unit employees. All other products will be stocked by members of Local 663 only, except that the store manager (but no other supervisor) may stock products.
SHELF STOCKING. 4.3.1. Estimated Shelf Stocking Workload and Line Items. Estimated Shelf Stocking Workload and Line Items: Contractor Responsible Line Items Cases Display Stocking Cases per month stocked to Displays (From ) --- 1,539
SHELF STOCKING. 16.1 Employer shall be allowed to utilize suppliers, vendors, and salesmen to stock products that they represent, stocking of these products will be held at the minimum consistent with a good operation. Further, the Employer shall be allowed to utilize retail merchandisers for the purpose of doing resets. The above referenced individuals shall be utilized in addition to, not as a replacement of, bargaining unit employees. All other products will be stocked by members of Local 1189, only, except that the Store Manager, and Assistant Managers, (but no other supervisor) may stock products. 16.2 As a condition of this Article, the participating Employer agrees that there shall be no layoff or reduction in hours of any full-time employee on the Employer’s seniority list for the duration of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. If such an employee is laid off or suffers a reduction in hours during this period, the Employer shall lose its right to operate under the terms of this Article. It is understood and agreed that this provision regarding layoffs and reduction in hours shall have no application in the event of store closure, proven loss of business, excluding seasonal fluctuations, retirement, voluntary quit, discharge for just cause, inability to perform the essential functions of the job due to disability, termination prior to the completion of the probationary period, interruption of business due to “act of God”, or death. Moreover, it is understood that the employees intended to be protected by this provision do not include retired employees working on a part-time basis, “Sunday- only” employees, or employees working on waivers. 16.3 Outside vendors including drivers/salesmen may stock the following items: 1. All general merchandise items including but not limited to pet food and supplies, books, magazines, cards, candies, photo supplies and all household goods. 2. All health, beauty and cosmetic products. 3. All tobacco products.
SHELF STOCKING. The following items may be stocked by suppliers: bakery goods, cookies, dairy products (defined as milk, cream, butter, cottage cheese and ice cream), cosmetics, baby foods, spices, household wares and magazines. The stocking of these items will be held to the minimium consistent with good operation. The above limitation shall not apply to the setting up of an initial display.
SHELF STOCKING. 16.1 Except as hereinafter provided, outside salesmen shall not mark merchandise in the store, nor place merchandise on shelves, nor build displays. The stocking of shelves, building of displays and marking of merchandise shall be reserved exclusively for bargaining unit Employees of the store. The salesmen may examine merchandise to determine whether or not it is properly marked or is being properly rotated. 16.2 A letter of agreement from each party shall be attached stating: "A penalty of $50.00 per violation shall be paid to the local Salvation Army serving the town in which the violation occurs, when an Employer is found to have violated the shelf stocking provisions of the Agreement." A copy of the check or other proof of such payment shall be transmitted to the Union. 16.3 When salesmen are checking merchandise to determine whether or not it is being properly rotated, or is properly marked, they shall be permitted to remove the merchandise from the shelves, remark, dust and replace it. They shall not be permitted to put any additional merchandise on the shelves or bring new merchandise from the back room. 16.4 There shall be no stocking by Driver-Salesmen of drop shipments except as provided under 16.6. That shall be the bargaining unit Employees' work. 16.5 Ice cream driver-salesmen can stock merchandise in display case at any time. 16.6 Outside vendors including drivers/salesmen may stock the following items: 1. All general merchandise items including but not limited to pet food and supplies, books, magazines, cards, candies, photo supplies and all household goods. 2. All health, beauty and cosmetic products. 3. All dairy products including but not limited to milk, cream, butter, cottage cheese. 4. All soda, water and beer products. 5. All commercial bread including fresh bakery goods. 6. All cookies and crackers. 7. All spices. 8. All types of chips (potato chips, cheese chips, Doritos, etc.) in both box and bag form. 9. All tobacco products. 10. All Kool-Aid products. 11. All gourmet specialty type foods. 12. All institutional sized packages of foods. It is further understood that all displays of outside vendor products may be built and modified by outside vendor personnel. 16.7 The shelf stocking limitation as set forth above, shall not be enforced prior to a new store opening, nor during major store remodeling or major resetting, nor for a period of two weeks following such re-opening or major remodeling. (For example, remodeling of any indivi...
SHELF STOCKING. Section 16.01 Employer shall be allowed to utilize suppliers, vendors, and salesmen to stock products that they represent, stocking of these products will be held at the minimum consistent with a good operation. Further, the Employer shall be allowed to utilize retail merchandisers for the purpose of doing resets. The above referenced individuals shall be utilized in addition to, not as a replacement of, bargaining unit employees. All other products will be stocked by members of Local 1189, only, except that the Store Director, and Assistant Directors, (but no other supervisor) may stock products.
SHELF STOCKING. Replace (old language) with Letter of Agreement on #8 (current language)
SHELF STOCKING. SECTION 15.1: The following items may be stocked by suppliers: Bakery goods, cookies, cosmetics, baby foods, spices, household wares and magazines. The stocking of these items will be held to the minimum consistent with good operation. The above limi­ tation shall not apply to the setting up of an initial display. In the instance of dis­ plays which exceed ten (10) cases of merchandise, one (l) employee within the bargaining unit will assist the displayman. SECTION 15.2: It is further agreed that cookie salesmen will not be permitted to stock shelves in a particular store more than once during a calendar week.