Special Considerations: Vocational Teachers. 3.5.1 A vocational teacher is a person offering instruction in any subject requiring teacher qualifications under the technical and vocational training agreement and its appendices.
Special Considerations: Vocational Teachers. 3.5.1 A vocational teacher is any teacher who has an Alberta Journeyman Certificate or its equivalent and a valid Alberta teaching certificate.
3.5.2 In the case of vocational teachers, the School Division shall have the right to determine the initial incremental placement on the Salary Grid.
3.5.3 Once placed on a salary schedule, vocational teachers shall, in the same manner as other teachers, move vertically down the grid as their experience increases and horizontally across as their years of teacher training increases.
Special Considerations: Vocational Teachers. 3.5.1 A vocational teacher is any teacher who has an Alberta Journeyman Certificate or its equivalent, and a valid Alberta Teacher Certificate.
3.5.2 In the case of vocational teachers, the School Jurisdiction shall have the right to determine the initial incremental placement as they deem reasonable and necessary providing such initial placement is no less than that provided for in Article 3.5.3.
3.5.3 Initial incremental experience shall normally be considered on the basis of:
a) One (1) year of experience for each year of vocational experience up to a maximum of seven (7) years, and
b) after the seventh year, one (1) year of experience for every two (2) years of vocational experience.
Special Considerations: Vocational Teachers. 3.5.1 A career and technology studies (CTS) trade teacher is a person, who has a valid Alberta teaching certificate, and instructs at least half time of a full-time equivalent (0.5 FTE) in his or her area of trade certification as a journeyman.
Special Considerations: Vocational Teachers. 3.5.1 A vocational teacher is a person offering instruction in any subject requiring teacher qualifications under the technical and vocational training agreement and its appendices.
3.5.2 The School Jurisdiction, at its discretion, may recognize a vocational teacher's trade and teaching experience by initially placing him on a step of the basic salary schedule which will provide a salary commensurate with the income in business, trade, or industry, provided that his placement shall not exceed the maximum step in the applicable category, and provided that the School Jurisdiction will effect a minimum placement on the basis of one (1) year of teaching experience for two (2) years of related trade experience.
Special Considerations: Vocational Teachers. 3.5.1 Notwithstanding clause 3.4.9, clause 3.5 shall apply to vocational teachers. In this clause, a vocational teacher is one who is teaching vocational shop or business education courses for at least half of his/her teaching day. Vocational teacher salary entitlement, provided he/she has no previous teaching experience as a certified teacher, will be the minimum salary rate according to his/her evaluation of teacher education for salary purposes. In addition to his/her salary rate, each vocational teacher will be entitled to an industrial experience allowance (as a journeyman or equivalent), as set forth below, provided that in any case his/her total salary shall not exceed the maximum salary rate according to his/her evaluation of teacher education. Industrial Experience Increments Industrial Experience Increments
3.5.2 The initial industrial experience allowance shall remain constant throughout the period of employment. The original placement of the vocational teacher on the salary schedule shall be subject to review by the interpretation and grievance committee (established under article 16 of this Collective Agreement).
Special Considerations: Vocational Teachers. 3.5.1 Notwithstanding clause 3.4.9, clause 3.5 shall apply to vocational teachers. In this clause, a vocational teacher is one who is teaching vocational shop or business education courses for at least half of their teaching day. Vocational teacher salary entitlement, provided they have no previous teaching experience as a certified teacher, will be the minimum salary rate according to their evaluation of teacher education for salary purposes. In addition to their salary rate, each vocational teacher will be entitled to an industrial experience allowance (as a journeyman or equivalent), as set forth below, provided that in any case their total salary shall not exceed the maximum salary rate according to their evaluation of teacher education. Industrial Experience Increments Industrial Experience Increments
3.5.2 The initial industrial experience allowance shall remain constant throughout the period of employment. The original placement of the vocational teacher on the salary schedule shall be subject to review by the interpretation and grievance committee (established under article 16 of this Collective Agreement).
3.5.3 In addition to teacher education as per clause 3.3 and teacher experience as per clause 3.4, the Employer shall evaluate the education and experience of teachers who require trade or other specialized education and experience as a condition of employment by the Employer. Teachers must present valid proof of education and experience, satisfactory to the Employer, prior to this evaluation. This evaluation shall be conducted when a teacher is hired to teach a CTS or other program where trade or other specialized education or experience is required, when a teacher is assigned to teach such a program, or when a teacher upgrades their trade or other qualifications. A copy of the decision will be provided to the teacher. Effective until August 31, 2022
3.5.4 After the evaluation in 3.5.3 has concluded, the Employer may place a teacher on a step greater than their experience and/or education dictates under clauses 3.3 and 3.4, up to the maximum provided in the applicable category. Effective September 1, 2022
Special Considerations: Vocational Teachers