Step D Sample Clauses

Step D. 11 If Step C fails to produce a settlement of the dispute, either the Club or the 12 City may take the dispute to arbitration upon service of written notice to 13 the other party of its intention to do so. This notice shall be served within 14 ten (10) calendar days from the conclusion of Step C. Otherwise, the right 15 of arbitration of such dispute shall be deemed waived and the grievance 16 shall be considered closed with no further appeal. 18 Section 4: Arbitration
Step D. The fourth step D consists of the quantitative content analysis including the creation of the category model via synonyms. The results of step D, i.e., CAM corpus category frequency table B (in Figure 3 and 4) together with the results of step C provide the starting point for the last step E.
Step D a) If the grievance is not resolved within the said time then either party may, by written notice served on the other party together with appointment of its representative to the Arbitration Board, require the establishment of an Arbitration Board as hereinafter provided. Such notice must be given within ten (10) operational days after the date the aforesaid twenty-one (21) operational day limit expires or the date the grievance committee renders other than a unanimous decision, whichever is shorter. The Association and the School Division may, by mutual agreement, agree to proceed with an Arbitration Board composed of a single Arbitrator rather than a three person Board. b) The receiving party shall appoint one (1) member as its representative on the Arbitration Board within seven (7) operational days of such notice and shall so inform the other party of its appointee. The two (2) members so appointed shall, within five (5) operational days of the appointment of the second of them, appoint a third person who shall be the chairman. In the event of any failure to appoint, any party may request the Director of Mediation Services pursuant to the Labour Relations Code to make the necessary appointment. c) The Arbitration Board shall determine its own procedure but shall give full opportunity to all parties to present evidence and to be heard. d) The Arbitration Board shall not change, amend, or alter any of the terms of this agreement. All grievances or differences submitted under this agreement shall not depend on or involve an issue or contention by either party that is contrary to any provision of this agreement or that involves the determination of a subject matter not covered by, or arising during the term of this agreement. e) The findings and decisions of a majority of the Arbitration Board is the award of the Arbitration Board and is final and binding upon the parties and upon any employee affected by it. If there is not a majority, the decision of the Chairperson governs and it shall be deemed to be the award of the Board. f) The Arbitration Board shall give its decision no later than fourteen
Step D. In the event the two (2) parties cannot arrive at a satisfactory resolution to the grievance at Step 48 C, the parties may mutually agree to submit the grievance to mediation. Either party must notify the 1 other, in writing, within five (5) working days following the receipt of the Superintendent’s disposition of 2 their desire for mediation. The respondent shall respond, whether or not, they agree to mediation no later 3 than five (5) working days prior to the Union’s deadline for submission to arbitration or within five (5) 4 working days of receipt of the written notification, whichever is greater. 6 If the parties agree to mediation, then within five (5) working days of the agreement the parties shall 7 jointly submit a request for mediation. Both parties must agree as to where to submit the mediation 9 share any cost of mediation. Timelines contained in Section E (below) for submission of the grievance to 10 arbitration shall be held in abeyance until termination of the mediation process. If no resolution is 11 reached through mediation, the Association may proceed with the request for binding arbitration.
Step D. If the employee is not satisfied with the solution by the Department Director, the grievance, in writing, may be presented to the City Administrator within seven (7) calendar days. The City Administrator shall attempt to resolve the matter and notify the employee in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days. If the grievance is not pursued to the next level within ten (10) workdays, it shall be presumed resolved.

Related to Step D

  • Step III 12.5.1 If the employee desires to appeal the grievance to Step III, the employee shall complete the appropriate appeal section of the grievance form, sign the appeal, and present the grievance to the Municipal Employee Relations Officer or designee within five (5) working days following receipt of the written decision at Step II. 12.5.2 Within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the appeal to Step III, the Municipal Employee Relations Officer or designee shall hold a meeting with the employee, the appropriate Union representative, the Department Director or designee to discuss the matter. A written decision shall be given the employee or the appropriate Union representative within five (5) working days following the meeting. 12.5.3 If the decision of the Municipal Employee Relations Officer or designee is unsatisfactory, the appropriate employee organization representative may appeal the grievance to Step IV - Arbitration.

  • STEP IV If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step III, the Association may submit the grievance to final and binding arbitration through the American Arbitration Association, which shall act as the administrator of the proceedings. If a demand for arbitration is not filed within thirty (30) days of the day for Step IV answer, then the grievance shall be deemed withdrawn. a. The arbitrator shall have no power to alter the terms of the agreement.

  • STEP II If the grievance is not resolved at Step I, the Association may refer the grievance to the superintendent or the superintendent's official designee within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the Step I answer. The superintendent shall arrange with the Association representative for a meeting to take place within fifteen (15) days of the superintendent's receipt of the appeal. Within ten (10) days of the meeting, the Association shall be provided with the superintendent's written response, including the reasons for the decision.

  • Step I An employee may present the grievance orally either directly or through the Union representative to the immediate supervisor. The grievance must be presented within ten (10) working days following the event or events on which the grievance is based. The immediate supervisor shall make whatever investigation is necessary to obtain the facts pertaining to the grievance. Within ten (10) working days after receiving the oral grievance, the immediate supervisor shall give the employee an oral reply. If the employee is not satisfied with the reply of his/her immediate supervisor, he/she may appeal the grievance to Step II.

  • Step 4 In the event the dispute is not resolved at Step 3 above, either party may serve upon the other and the COORDINATOR written notice by certified mail, within five (5) working days, requesting that the dispute be resolved by arbitration. If such a written notice is served, the parties shall jointly request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to submit the names of five (5) qualified arbitrators, from which list the UNION and the EMPLOYER shall alternately strike names until only one name is left, which person shall hear and resolve the dispute. A hearing shall be conducted by the arbitrator, at which time the parties to the dispute shall be given the opportunity to appear and offer evidence in support of their positions. A decision by the arbitrator shall be rendered in writing within a reasonable time, not to exceed ten (10) days after the conclusion of the hearing. The decision by the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties; provided, however, that the arbitrator shall not have the authority to alter or amend the provisions of this AGREEMENT in any way. The reasonable expenses and fees of the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the parties.

  • Step 3 i. The employer shall investigate the complaint. The investigation shall be conducted by a person who shall have training and/or experience in investigating complaints of harassment. The complainant may request that the investigator shall be of the same gender as the complainant and where practicable the request will not be denied. ii. The investigation shall be conducted as soon as is reasonably possible and shall be completed in ten (10) working days unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld.

  • Step One a. The local or an employee alleging a grievance ("the grievor") shall request a meeting with the employer official directly responsible, and at such meeting they shall attempt to resolve the grievance summarily. Where the grievor is not the local, the grievor shall be accompanied at this meeting by a representative appointed by the local. b. The grievance must be raised within thirty (30) working days of the alleged violation, or within thirty (30) working days of the party becoming reasonably aware of the alleged violation.

  • Step 1 Within fifteen workdays of the occurrence of the grieved action (or from the day the employee should have known about the action) the employee shall present a formal written grievance (on the grievance form) to Agency Head and/or his/her Designee.

  • Step 2 If the grievance is not settled under Step 1, a Union representative may, within five (5) workdays of the decision under Step 1 or within five (5) workdays of the day this decision should have been made, submit a written grievance to the Employer. The parties shall meet to discuss the grievance within one (1) week after the grievance has been filed. The Employer shall notify the grievor and the Union representative of his decision in writing within three (3) workdays following the said meeting.

  • Step No 1 Step No. 2